I've Read These 7 stories
  • I've Read These 7 stories Stories I've started reading or completed reading, that don't quite stand out enough for a favorite.
    Created by Flutterpriest
    - July, 2016
Found 2 stories in 26ms
Total Words: 3,097
Estimated Reading: 12 minutes



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Yeah Discord sends Dashie to mobius hint hint he's not evil just helping Dash find love so lets see what happens in this ported edition of a story from this my wattpad account also includes Amy being a big b***t

Chapters (1)

Deep in the Everfree Forest, in a tucked away secret lake, there lives a creature who is not quite fish but not quite pony. Legend has it that if you spot the creature and do not run away in fright, then it will grant you three wishes but at a devastating cost.

Scootaloo has discovered this creature but is she willing to pay the price? And if she refuses to pay the price then who will?

This story was edited by a good friend of mine who does not have an account on this site but is a good friend and editor nonetheless. The picture is from google images.

Flutterpriest was kind enough to do a reading/review of this story for me. You can go watch it here. Enjoy!

Chapters (1)