Stuff That References My Work 9 stories
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FemAnon never expected to get a second chance at life, dreams, and love. Now she is in Equestria, ready to go on a date. There's just one catch: she has agreed to share her free will with Discord, who only sees it fitting that he should guide her actions, as well as select her potential love interest.

Warning! Contains body control and suggestive topics of sexual nature.

Written because of a bet with Flutterpriest.

Special thanks to Trithtale, mikesnipe and Enigmatic Otaku, for editing and advice.

Chapters (1)

The last day of school has all but come and gone. Rainbow and the others have left to prepare the holidays with their families, leaving Sunset all by herself. Ready to spend another Christmas alone, Sunset exits CHS only to be greeted by a familiar face. Someone that comes bearing a gift Sunset never thought she'd receive.

In fact, it might just be the most important gift of Sunset's life.

This story was featured on the front page of FiMFiction on the 25th of December, rising to 1st on the feature box on the 26th of December.

Cover art is done by baekgup

Cover edit (adding the words and editing so it look like a story cover) gifted to me on Christmas by Novel Idea

Edit (26/12/2016): In my haste to get this ready by Christmas, I neglected to mention that Warming A Hearth in Another World by Flutterpriest was one of the inspirations behind this tale. I always try to give credits where they're due but this one slipped through the cracks, sorry!

Chapters (1)

As stated in the title, this is a fan continuation of Flutterpriest's cut off, Ivy's Bullies. Please enjoy this horrible continuation from an angry fan of Flutterpriest's!

Ivy has always been a bit different. And because of that, she has never been quite welcome anywhere. But little did she know that she had somepony that cared for her that wasn't family. Loved her really, but how do you tell somepony you love her when she never notices you?

Chapters (2)

It seems that every time I leave out one of my shirts, Fluttershy just has to put it on. She knows that ponies don't wear clothes, right?

So what else could this mean?

An idea created due to Flutterpriest's magnum opus, "Fluttershy Wants In Your Pants".

Chapters (1)

Rated T for Teletubbies

My First Second Person (Anon) Fic

Just a typical day for you, the three familiar knocks at your door proves it.

Fluttershy's back for today's unique fetish guess, and that by itself is a problem. Honestly, you just want a normal day by yourself; no pony to bother you, too bad life really hates your existence for some reason.

If Flutterpriest would ever like me to take this down, I will without complaint. This is just a fanfic to his, well, fanfic saga :twilightsmile:

Even though its status is 'Completed', I may update from time to time with other random ideas such as this. Head's up.

Please note, Comedy is not in my blood!

Chapters (1)