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This story is a sequel to Ponemurdered

Sixteen authors, one story. I foresee precisely zero problems.

This story is the result of a round-robin event, wherein each author only got to read the chapter immediately previous to write their own. Updating every day until completion, it is pretty much the same as the previous Ponemurdered, but this time, there was an epic twist for the writers, and quite possibly the readers too. No one knew who had written what.

It went about as well as you would expect with a project like this.

Within are many authors you may or may not have read the horse words of in the past and present, including a few original authors from the first Ponemurdered! This is the story that they wrote, and these are the people who wrote it:

Doctor Disco
All Art Is Quite Useless
Whatever Seven's Name Is
The 24th Pegasus
Majin Syeekoh
Celesti Lateo
Pen Stroke
Cold in Gardez
Lise Eclaire

There are still no elephants

Updates everyday for ten days.

Chapters (16)

Sunset Shimmer is coming back to Equestria. Unbeknownst to her, Twilight Sparkle has a new pupil, one that she hopes she'll become fast friends with.

Unfortunately, Starlight and Sunset have a better idea.

A collab with the amazing Flutterpriest. You should definitely go check out his other work, he's amazing!

Take this story seriously at your own risk.

Chapters (1)

Armed with multiple legal and illegal substances, Super Trampoline enlists the help of various authors at Horizon's author party to write a crappy story about Spike's eighteenth birthday party held at Twilight's castle that has a lot of chaos.

Written by Super Trampoline with some help from xjuggernaughtx, MyNibIsIntact, Prockett2, DarkLink22, DJFireFrost, Filler, AbritiveHaze, Blackwell, Phoenix Quill, KiyaDentrun, ButterflyCrossing, JinxyChan, Chibi Chabot, Terabyte West, Flutterpriest, biasedeyes, Regidar, Pwnyville, ClopandCircumstance, Nick Ha who tried to sign in as shortskirtsandexplosions, Jordan/Ventariel, Marx, Cypher (Jake), Ponyamorous, Jordan179.

Special thanks to Xepher and Horizon for organizing the hangout and tolerating me.

I'd like to point out that the BABSCon story was less a collection of smashed authors collaborating and more of Super Trampoline yelling out, "horizon, give me a car that was popular in the late 70s" or "xjuggernaughtx, I need a villain from the show." What you have subjected yourself to was a double shotgun blast of pure Trampoline, unfiltered and unedited. It's like radioactive creativity."

Chapters (1)

You're just an ordinary guy, living an ordinary life. But your life changes one miserable Monday, when you arrive home to find an unexpected visitor in your house: specifically, you discover Twilight Sparkle in your bed.

Things go downhill fast.

And she's just your first visitor.

Tags and contributing authors will be added as needed. A couple new chapters will be added daily until the well runs dry. Continuity is overrated, so don't complain about it. It's a thematic collab, not a big budget Hollywood movie where there are never any continuity errors.
Do you want to join? Click here!

Chapters (78)