• Member Since 25th Jul, 2012
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A brony of few words who writes many.

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Update on Things (as of 10/2022) · 3:08am Oct 25th, 2022

Just wanted to pop in and comment on what projects I am currently working on and what their present state is.

First up, I mentioned in my June update that I was trying to brainstorm a good premise for a third Smollus fic so to somehow follow up on previous Smollus fics "Somnambulism" and "Dare to Date," but wasn't having much luck at doing so. Unfortunately, that trend has only continued since then--it seems no matter what premise I devise and attempt to pursue, I only get so far with planning it out before I hit a critical stumbling block that results in the whole thing unraveling and forcing me to start over again and again. It's getting to the point that I'm starting to think I just might have to concede defeat and stop trying to devise that third Smollus fic.

...In which case, I'd just have to use what I had planned for the fourth Smollus fic in it's place instead. :raritywink:

However, by doing so, that Smollus fic (however we'd want to ultimately number it) would probably have to wait until after my other current fanfic projects because...well, it just seems logical to do so. You'll...see what I mean when we get there.

One of those current projects is, of course, the novel-length fic I mentioned I was working on in a previous blog post, which I've made good progress on since I last spoke of it. I estimate I'm roughly about halfway through writing it, far enough along that I could start posting it now while continuing to write the rest...but I tried that arrangement before with "Grief is the Price We Pay," which proved stressful enough for me that I'm not exactly eager to repeat it...so I'm likely going to wait until the fic's fully done and written first before I start posting anything of it, which is probably going to take a couple more months still at this rate.

In the meantime, I have come up with a working idea for a G5 fic finally, one that I'm feeling pretty happy about and is along the lines of the sort of fic I'd like to write for it. Still working out a couple of the finer details on it, so not sure when exactly I'll commit to writing it, though it wouldn't surprise me if it wasn't until sometime in November at the earliest so to get a couple other things out of the way first.

For example, the "Choices: A Species Change" contest has caught my eye enough that I'd like to explore writing some kind of entry for it. I won't guarantee just yet an entry WILL definitely come about from this, but it's something I'm absolutely looking into.

BUT BEFORE ALL OF THAT...I do have plans for a Halloween-themed fic again this year that you should be seeing soon. Previously, I'd mentioned that G5's Tell Your Tale had stepped on my toes beating me to the punch on a haunted house sort of story, but while I could've kept pursuing that idea anyway...it instead spurred me to pursue a different idea that I like better...and one I think some of you will recognize the cast members for. In fact, those of you familiar with said characters could very well be the only ones who can fully appreciate this fic...

But that'll just have to be...well...the price we pay. :raritywink:

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a new smollus fic announced

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