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Author, former Royal Canterlot Library curator, and the (retired) reviewer at One Man's Pony Ramblings.

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Bronycon, and Your Chance To Own Physical Chriswords! · 4:42pm Jul 29th, 2019

Everything is bought, signed, and in place. Going to the last Bronycon? Then take a look at this:

Oooh, yeah. Those are some fine-lookin' horsewords right there.

As you may remember, RBDash47 has recently set up Ponyfeather Publishing: a source for high-quality e-books of The Purloined Pony (and probably some other authors' stuff, I guess). Those e-books are amazing, yes, but maybe you prefer your books in dead-tree format? Well, here comes your chance!

If you're going to Bronycon, you can buy a physical copy of The Purloined Pony for $5. Yes, you read that right: five dollars gets you 160 pages full of Carrot Top goodness, including 18 unique endings, almost two dozen illustrations, and the kind of loving attention to detail that will make you cry, "I can't believe it's not copywrite infringement!" For less than the price of a large coffee, you could take home this hyper-potent nostalgia bomb. Impress your friends! Keep your children occupied on the flight home from the con! Own a piece of ponyfiction that fits comfortably in your pocket, suitable for all ages!

Not going to Bronycon? Don't fret; physical copies will be available at-cost via Ponyfeather Publishing in the near future. But if you are going to the con, there's a bonus in it for you: all the copies available through Aquaman's bookstore will be signed by the author! Sadly, I won't be there in person, but if you get a signed copy, you can pretend you met me in person. Don't worry, I won't tell on ya.

Either way, enjoy the coming weekend, and save... well, actually, the book is small enough that you don't really need to save room in your luggage for it. One more advantage! And while you're there, make sure you thank RBDash47 for all his hard work making my story a beautiful physical reality, and Aquaman for making the bookstore a reality in the first place.

Happy Bronycon!

Comments ( 8 )

Looks good! I know I want a copy, and I do have space in my minivan for it!

Wanderer D

Nostalgia... kicking me.... in the gut!

Sadly, I won't be going to BronyCon, because I have obligations elsewhere. But I do want a copy of this wonderful book as soon as it is available!

Ooh! Did you also put in the Easter Egg page?

Holy cow, those have the look down pat.

AAAH It looks like the thing from middle school!


Sure did! Slightly edited to make sure the whole book is firmly all-ages, but it's still there!

lol, I remember picking this up while manning the stall and thinking "No, this can't possibly be that Chris, can it?" Didn't have a big interest in the story itself, but I always perk up when I see your name. Pretty cool just to handle the book.

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