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Concerning the latest chapter of Just Girls Talking Dirty and my reaction to the comments · 4:28pm Aug 25th, 2018

TL;DR: I woke up this morning, saw what was going on in the comments, had a bit of a tantrum. I've deleted the comments I made which I most regret and will not engage further in the comments for that chapter. For the record, my opinion stands, for whatever that's worth. About the topic, not about the people involved.

TTL;DRR: Internet drama.

EDIT: Against my better judgment, I'm going ahead with the sequel chapter to this. I decided it's not fair to me or my readers to scrap an entire chapter just because of some comment drama. I am, however, going to ask that those responsible for the comment drama on this chapter kindly not engage in the same drama when the new chapter is posted. I will post a reminder in the author's notes at the time the chapter goes up.

I've made no secret in the past that one of my pet peeves is when the comments section of a comedy, slice of life, or otherwise you-should-really-just-relax story gets bogged down by people discussing real-world legal nonsense as "applicable" to the events of the story.

Y'know, the story set in a fictional world full of candy-colored horsepeople. That isn't our real world. That may not have the same laws. But whatever.

Point is, I write comedy and slice of life primarily, and that kind of stuff belongs on stories tagged Drama. From my perspecive, if a story isn't tagged Drama and it's blatant from the context of the story that all that legal bullshit isn't a factor, concern, or consideration, then readers gumming up the comments section with all that crap is obnoxious, pointless, annoying, and toxic.

That's my opinion. It's a personal pet peeve.

So this chapter I posted, it was mostly taking a potshot at bad futa, and I threw in a bit at the end where Fluttershy finds out Watermelody has been drawing porn of her and her friends.

Everyone who knows me, who knows my writing, who understands what I'm all about knows this was meant to be funny, a bit of dark comedy. "Hey look, a girl we all know is drawing porn of us. What the fuck. Also my brother is fapping to it."

I can see where, in another story, by another author, with a more serious tone, that would trigger long, drawn-out debates about legality, laws, ethics, and all that other stuff.

But that's not what I write, and when I see that kind of shit in the comments section of a story that very clearly, explicitly, IS NOT that kind of drama? It annoys me. Severely.

I can't help that. I'm human.

I'm not trying to control what my readers can or can't post in the comments of my stories. That would be hypocritical and stupid. But I do think readers should have more of a sense of context and better discretion in what types of comments to engage in. I personally think exploring legal tangents related to one girl drawing porn of other girls she knows has no business showing up in the comments of a slice-of-life/comedy story about risque subject matter.

And if it had just been one or two people doing it, I'd have rolled my eyes, asked them to move it to PMs, and that would've been that.

But it was the entire comment section for the chapter. It had BECOME the comments section of the chapter. There was no room for ANYTHING ELSE BUT THAT in the comments section of the chapter.

So yeah, waking up, going on FiMF for the first time today, and seeing one of the things I hate the most about comment behavior on FiMF completely overtake the comments of the chapter I posted last night?

It pissed me off, and I lost my temper. I said some things I regret, which I've deleted. I very nearly deleted the chapter itself to scrub the comments, but I calmed down before I did anything I'd regret. Mostly.

I'm not going to apologize for being pissed at the turn the comments took. Because I still am. I have the right to be pissed by it, just as much as the people who did it have the right to post the comments they posted. I do regret some of my responses (the ones I've deleted), and apologize for basically spreading my own bad mood like the common cold.

Report MythrilMoth · 699 views · Story: Just Girls Talking Dirty ·
Comments ( 10 )

And that is why I am a habitual lurker. I very rarely even look at the comments section. When I do it's almost always to shoot off a one-liner, or to check on how popular my one-liners are.

To be honest, the entire time I was reading the chapter, I was thinking "Goodness, how could Zephyr and Flutters agree on something, and still be wrong? I was sure that fluttershy, at least, wouldn't be so judgemental of such things. I mean, the bit about the subjects being her and her friends, sure, but, dang if I'd peg her as being above kinkshaming!"

It's a quality issue. The juxtaposition of deliberately ugly man parts frankensteined onto a beautiful lady, and also of the objectively substandard execution of the artwork in question.

Some people take this stuff way too seriously. I admit that wasn’t my favorite chapter from the story but I’m not going to make a scene over it. You’ve got too much trouble in your regular life from what you tell us in your blogs to have to deal with people complaining online.

I personally liked the chapter. I found it pretty funny.

I read moth's fics for the plot.

Don't feel bad, I flipped shit on someone because they wanted to bitch about someone being OOC, and they didn't ship a human and twilight relationship.

Kind glad I didn't stick around the comment section last night I guess.

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