A bit about the Flipverse · 6:29pm May 28th, 2018
Though I'd wager it won't be a surprise to many of you.
I do like the Flipverse and I'm proud of the stories I've written for it, but unfortunately it also feels kind of distant. When I started it I wasn't too far behind and I finished the first story so fast I thought I'd catch up in no time.
Regrettably that hasn't been the case as, for some reason, I seem to have trouble with writing something and actually being happy with it. As a result the show got way, way far ahead of me to the point where I haven't actually watched any of the past two seasons. Not that that's stopped the ideas from coming of course, but even if I dedicated my every waking moment to trying to put them all to paper I don't think I'd ever get them all out as proper stories.
So I thought of a compromise for myself and my muse, one that I hope can satisfy you Flipverse fans (yes, all half-dozen of you that are left!) as well.
First off, there's no restrictions on who can write or what can be written for the Flipverse. You don't have to consult with me over canon/non-canon or anything like that or double-check what my plans were, if you still like the story enough to expand its world then go nuts. Just please credit where you got the original idea for.
Secondly, I'm gonna start making some blog posts regarding how the more important elements and plot details of the show would happen in the Flipverse. I don't have a planned schedule (though I'm hoping for one a week at time of writing). Same rule applies, if you want to use the idea I wrote here feel free too, if you want to do something different then don't feel beholden to me.
Hopefully with this I can at least feel like I'm creating something for the Flipverse for folks who enjoy my writing and hearing about my ideas, and catch me up to the show to boot (at least as far as I've actually watched).
So, without further ado, I figured I'd make a poll to kick this off with. There's quite a few plot elements that'd be important to cover, so a vote will help me decide which to focus on first as well as so how interested folks might still be in hearing about this so I'm not just shouting into the void. So what would folks like me to go on about first:
Please Select One:
A. The Return of Harmony (Discord's first appearance and defeat)
B. Trixie's return (Sort of like Magic Duel I guess, Trixie tries to get even with Spike again)
C. Equestria Girls (or rather, how a flipped version of it could've gone)
D. The Canterlot Wedding (First appearances of Chrysalis and Thorax)
E. Other (Please list something specific)
Keep in mind quite a bit of this would still be conceptual ideas so it won't all necessarily mesh continuity wise.
So... thoughts?
The Gauntlet Of Fire? Lesson Zero?
Definitely interest. A sounds intriguing.
I think I'd like to know more about A.
Hearing how the Canterlot Wedding situation would have played out for Spike would be interesting. :)
I would be interested to see how Equstria Girls turns out...
A. Definitely
For me with the SHimmerverse, I routinely create blogs fleshing out the world. Whether it be units, countries, timelines, and etc. It's something to keep me focused and enjoy myself in my world even when I'm writing. Such as being stuck on one story for two years.... Thankfully I am finishing it up so I can move on. As for keeping up with the show, I would advise it myself due to a number of really good episodes as well as ideas to pop up. Although, again, this is your verse so you can take a few liberties when it comes to the world. As well as taking cues from just the season your working on at the moment. I think whatever you decide will be good.
A. For sure
Imma actually gonna say D...but that's probably because I'm bias towards anything changeling.
I'd say C
I personally choose A if only because the possibilities with Discord around makes it intriguing. Second choice would be B because it would provide more growth and closure for both Trixie and Spike.
A please
Actually this poll is closed, check my latest blog posts for the new one!
thanks for the notice