This week, we close out 2Snacks’s animated saga of silly alicorns playing silly games. As before, expect considerably higher levels of profanity in the source material than the average for pony content.
This week, we ring in the new year with the last bit of (almost) fully animated G5 media, coming to us courtesy of Doc Anubis. Let’s see what came painfully close to making the deadline.
We close out the year by returning to the pony novels proper, and an interesting mini-series whose provenance I’m unsure of. After all, how far beyond Equestria can we get when it’s Pinkie and Songbird Serenade—Pony Sia, from the movie, with the ridiculous bangs—on the cover? Let’s find out.
Alright, folks, let's put this one to bed. After a goodly amount of deliberation, the other judges and I are happy to announce our winners. Let's see who put the best words in these mouths.
The sigil of the Dimir, a guild of mind wiping psychic vampires who tried to overthrow and rule the plane-city of Ravnica in a coup spliced with what I believe is a fannon cutie mark for Ms. Wallflower.
4801859 The majority is the best candidate we have for Wallflower Blush's cutie mark, based on the symbol on her backpack. I isolated this particular image from here. ETA: Too slow on my part.
As for the other elements...
4801860 Don't worry. This will have a happy ending. Mostly.
4801862 Not this time. Her inevitable monster transformation will have to wait for another day.
4801882 Dimir, like a large part of FoME's non-pony references, is from Magic: The Gathering. Specifically, it's a guild of spies and other shady folk that act in Ravincia. The bug/eye parts of the image is most of their symbol. (The actual symbol is symmetric.)
4801882 The symbol on the front of the Memory Stone more closely resembles the Sheikah Eye from the Legend of Zelda games. Interestingly, the Sheikah played some role in the bloody war of unification that preceded the events of Ocarina of Time, as revealed in the Shadow Temple, but much of the history of their tribe and the war itself was ... forgotten.
A stone that removes memories, marked with the symbol of a mysterious tribe of ninjas. Coincidence? I think NOT!
Good thing Wallflower Blush doesn't go to Ravnica High. Vice Principal Beleren would have shut down those mind-wiping shenanigans in an instant! (Or an interrupt, if you're really old.)
I don't know what a dimir is, but I for one welcome our earth aspect overlords.
Incidentally, I was thinking about writing an OS blurb about the Memory Stone, but now I'm gonna hold off on it. Oh well, I need to devote my creative energy toward finishing So You Escaped From Limbo, so it's probably for the best.
...what is that
should I know
The sigil of the Dimir, a guild of mind wiping psychic vampires who tried to overthrow and rule the plane-city of Ravnica in a coup spliced with what I believe is a fannon cutie mark for Ms. Wallflower.
: (
Nightmare Wallflower?
Oh, that's the symbol on Wall's backpack. It's as close to a canon cutie mark as we're gonna get.
I was just trying to keep the "who are you again" joke going. :D
The majority is the best candidate we have for Wallflower Blush's cutie mark, based onthe symbol on her backpack. I isolated this particular image fromhere.ETA: Too slow on my part.
As for the other elements...
Don't worry. This will have a happy ending. Mostly.
Not this time. Her inevitable monster transformation will have to wait for another day.
omg i ninja'd you so hard
that'll learn you to actually pay attention to your entire audience
(but yeah i googled half your blog title and you have my curiosity)
If this is Oversaturated, I kind of figured Wallflower could be snapped up by Mysterious Dark Force Guy.
Dimir? They don't exist
Yeah, I don't see why everyone's getting so hype about a blog that's just Wallflower's cutie mark.
Dimir, like a large part of FoME's non-pony references, is from Magic: The Gathering. Specifically, it's a guild of spies and other shady folk that act in Ravincia. The bug/eye parts of the image is most of their symbol. (The actual symbol is symmetric.)
The symbol on the front of the Memory Stone more closely resembles the Sheikah Eye from the Legend of Zelda games.
Interestingly, the Sheikah played some role in the bloody war of unification that preceded the events of Ocarina of Time, as revealed in the Shadow Temple, but much of the history of their tribe and the war itself was ... forgotten.
A stone that removes memories, marked with the symbol of a mysterious tribe of ninjas. Coincidence? I think NOT!
... i don't remember these "Dimir" at all...
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Also eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
Is it poisonous? Dimir doesn't really do floral. That's more Simic and Golgari domain.
Though if this is for the recent EQG movie, I haven't watched it yet.
This is a pretty good link to the overall lore.
Competition between shadowy conspiracies is incredibly fierce.
Good thing Wallflower Blush doesn't go to Ravnica High. Vice Principal Beleren would have shut down those mind-wiping shenanigans in an instant! (Or an interrupt, if you're really old.)
I don't know what a dimir is, but I for one welcome our earth aspect overlords.
Incidentally, I was thinking about writing an OS blurb about the Memory Stone, but now I'm gonna hold off on it. Oh well, I need to devote my creative energy toward finishing So You Escaped From Limbo, so it's probably for the best.
The Nightmare has returned!
This time, she's taken over... a flower!
We're all doomed!!!
Heh. About that...