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Background Pony 17: The One Where I Forget a Blog Title · 8:58am Oct 15th, 2012

Well, this chapter was hella tough to write. And it's not for the reasons you're gonna think.

In truth, there was really only one scene that I looked forward to writing. The rest of it was stuff I had to slap together at the last second, and figuring all of that shiznet out was part of the reason for the delay, that and certain spastic fubars I may or may not have been responsible for.

I'm beyond the point of apologizing for delays. There's really no use in it. I'm lame. So be it.

That said, the next two chapters are pretty much going to be two halves of the same conceptual installment. Think Kill Bill volumes 1 and 2, only with more poni poni and less foot fetish. But that doesn't mean I'm gonna post them both at once. As a matter of fact, since things are going down to the wire, you're gonna see a great deal of suspense and cliffhanger crap. I've long planned just how I was going to go about uploading things, and it hasn't changed in the last few months.

BP18 will be uploaded next, hopefully in the next two weeks. It's going to be a cliffhanger; I'm letting that out right now.

BP19 and BP20 are the end of Background Pony, a climax and epilogue, and I've felt that it's best that I post them simultaneously. One or two lemurs in SATGF has suggested I post them a day from one another. I'm sincerely tempted to do just that, but I think it'd be uber cruel to the marsupials. Whatever. I'm gonna lose a ton of subs once this story's done regardless.

It's very wyrd coming to the end of an epic. I like to imagine that I'll be weathering the storm a year, two years, or three years from now--however dayum long it takes to finish End of Ponies. Jeez, my head is gonna explode, and not in the sexy way.

Speaking of which, ever watch your computer monitor for so long at an awkward angle that it gives your neck an excruciating sore for two days straight? F'naaaaa.

Not sure what else there is to ramble on about. I need to pick up some slack in my contributions to the SATGF story, and I've got something else baking in my cerebrum. Also, pay no attention to the severe levels of intestinal fortitude around here. Ric Flair would know what I'm talking about. Right, Ric?

Yeahhhhh... That's right.


Comments ( 17 )

Man, it's been so long since BP started, and now it's finally ending. Feels strange.

So no hope of End of Ponies updating within the year basically.

I was late on BP16. I finished it a mere 3 hours ago.
And now BP17 is out ? HELL YEAH !

On a related note, you won't ever lose my sub :trixieshiftright:

> Think Kill Bill volumes 1 and 2, only with more poni poni and less foot fetish. But that doesn't mean I'm gonna post them both at once.

Well great, now all I can think about is Lyra crouched over in a Canterlot night club, a katana floating above her as she takes long, labored breaths, slowly circling around to look at the 88 identical Bon Bons in masks standing around her.

Until that image can be found, please enjoy this substitute.

I'm gonna lose a ton of subs once this story's done regardless.

Not me. No sir. I put off reading this for like 6 months because I was so mad that the EoP spigot ran dry.

I thirsty

You'll have to tell me what that "one scene" was that you looked forward to writing. I'm pretty sure I know, but... who could anticipate you?

423603 I ain't goin' anywhere. I didn't realize until JUST TODAY that this was the same person who writes EoP. EoP and BP are same author? HOLY CARP, I ain't goin' nowhere. I've decided shortskirtsandexplosions is probably my favorite author at this point.

I didn't even think this chapter was a delay. Still, with Backgroux d pony nearing its end I can't help but feel very anxious.

My internet provider decides to cut me off for a few days, and it comes back shortly after a BP chapter 17 is released?

Also, I see what you did there :trixieshiftright:

When BP started and i maded that first stupid commenti had no idea it would turn into one of my favirute fics..... funy hu

Although I don't doubt you, knowing your track record thus far I suspect that BP's ending might be better than you think. Albeit, with two real chapters to go, and the ninth elegy still not played along with the supposed tenth, I think it's safe for me to fear the worst.

Lose subs? Not from me. I like you your blogposts your writing to much.

Whatever. I'm gonna lose a ton of subs once this story's done regardless.

Not me, brah. I came here from End of Ponies back in December, and I'm glad to be here even past the end of this wonderful fanfiction.:twilightsmile:

Lose subs? Ha, what a ridiculous sentiment.

Most people are too lazy to unsub anything anyways, even if they don't like the author, because it's easier to just... not do anything.

Then there are the loyalists.

But at most you might get a few butthurt comments and dislikes to a story, maybe a few unfavorites. But unfollow? Please. That's just unthinkable.

Your talent for writing is bloody amazing so when Background Pony is finished, for the love of all that is holy, remind me to read your other stories!

Truth be told, I'm a little envious of your skill (who wouldn't?) but also honored that I get to read your stuff. You give me a drive to write better so for that I thank you.

Now, we march onwards towards the end of Background Pony!

Lyra on a shark because WHY FREAKING NOT?!!

423585 What

425441 >Lyra on a shark
Dats hot :rainbowkiss:

Losing subs? Preposterous! You have too much faith in humanity to believe that a lot of people will go through the effort of clicking "Stop Watching" once the story is over. That, sir, is far too much effort.

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