• Member Since 6th Feb, 2014
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Autum Breeze

a home-grown australian who embraced being a member of the fandom 2 days before joining. Willingly delved into the fandom whole-heartedly and has never looked back

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    Apologies for lack of Updates

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family issues. so much fun · 2:09am Apr 7th, 2017

so, i still have to ask someone to log me into our computer (i know i could always work around it and make my own account on the computer, but i'm trying to show i will adhere to the rules my family has placed on me, as, ignoring that, will make it clear i don't respect them at all, which is the opposite of what i want them to think) and the sibling i asked, who is the one who originally decided to start the password entry to keep me from going overboard on the computer, told me they didn't see a reason to log me in.

When i asked why, they asked how i'd feel if someone stole my stuff without asking. As you can imagine, i was rather confused by the change in topic. Turns out said sibling had had a box of krispy cream donuts in our freezer they had labeled for themself, but had been taken by someone.

The rest of my siblings told them they hadn't done it, leaving me the only culprit. thing is, this was the first i'd heard about it, at all. How did my sibling counter this? By saying our mother told them that i'd told her personally that i'd done it!

Um... WHAT?!

I understandably got angry for being accused of doing and admitting to doing something i NEVER DID. But, my sibling didn't believe me and said they couldn't trust that i wasn't lying. they then followed that up being saying they actually don't like me. Really feeling the familial love.

They did end up logging me into the computer, but it's clear that, unless my mum is home or i convince my sister who is going through depression right now to log me in, i will NOT be able to use the computer... which, as i just finished writing that now worries me. How will i be able to download the season 7 episodes off youtube on sundays if, on any one of those sundays, my mum isn't home? My only option will be to go down to library, which doesn't open til around 1pm on sundays, if my memory serves me right, which puts a lot at risk in the timing of whether i'll be able to get the episode or not.

Anyway, whilst i can use my phone to do some stuff, actually putting up a chapter isn't something i'd do, because i can only do certain parts of editing one the computer, ya know, with a keyboard.

just thought i'd get that out there in case anyone wonders why updates take longer than planned

Edit 11:49am. Also, i'd like to know when this theft apparently occured. if it happened yesterday, then i'm totally in the clear because i wasn't even home most of the day. left for the local library in the morning, didn't get home til after 1pm and stayed in my room the whole time after that.

edit 12:51pm. My mum just text me the password, so as long as the sibling i mentioned doesn't change the password, they have no power over me anymore:rainbowdetermined2:

Report Autum Breeze · 494 views · Story: An Apple Far From the Tree ·
Comments ( 23 )

Really feeling the familial love.

Don't worry. You still got your Fimfiction family! And we still love and care for you! Hang in there "Cousin"

This is when you go and get your own computer

4487036 i would, but i only get paid just over $92 a fortnight, which i also have to budget into my fortnightly expenses. kinda hard to save for my own computer right now... which is annoying as fuck, since all the rest of my siblings have their own laptops.:trixieshiftleft:

If evolution is correct, I am 99.99% likely to be a ludicrously distant cousin of yours. Love ya cuz.:eeyup:

F*** em and move out! :twilightangry2: Seems like you have a big family. Is it a family that raises kids and gets money from the government? I read a book of an offspring from one of the knights of the round table so that's where that comes from.

Heres what you can do:
1.) Find the package and carefully remove it with gloves and get a fingerprint scan on it.
2.) Buy a new case of donuts for a few days with every member of your family witnessing it, probably hide a few cameras for this too.
3.) Get a lawyer to prove your innocence and whatever else is necessary.
4.) Go to a friends house and use there computer. Probably go to the next block or somewhere that doesn't know your family just you. Judging by your family they would get your nearby neighbors in their "evilness."
5.) Move to a distant family member that you like and knows you personally. That will have your recommendations.
6.) Don't have money to move out start a fund raiser.

Pretty sure you mentioned you lived in the Southern Hemisphere and I personally don't know much about that area so I wouldn't know I good place to move to. Other then a town that salvages trash and recycles it and DON'T STEP A FOOT IN MEXICO IT'S OVERRULED WITH GANGS AND DRUG DEALERS!!!
I'm praying for you though. :scootangel:

My keyboard was glitching when I was just starting to type this so I typed this in pages. :derpyderp2:
Glitching is a word auto correct!!! :flutterrage::flutterrage:

Hang in there "Cousin"


if I had a better idea where you were I would attempt to point out places you could probably look into

What's your country's currency? I remember you saying that you live in the Southern Hemisphere.

If you do get your own laptop I bet your gonna need a wifi hotspot too judging by your family's history. :unsuresweetie:

my younger brother would pull that blame game crap on me all the time so i know how you feel.

Assuming you are truly innocent in this matter...

Why is this even an ongoing issue? Unless your mum is Mum-Ra, she can simply tell this sibling of yours that your other siblings aren't telling them the truth. And with them being outed as liars, at the very least they would look more suspect than you.

Also, if the sibling who now has trust issues with you actually believes that you'd be silly enough to regale your mother about your misdeed, or that she would fail to mention it to everyone but the one victimized, I fear that they may have another issue, one which would require treatment.

I mean, seriously. This kind of lying and blame-casting is primary school level. Were I in your position, and this sort of behavior wasn't unexpected, I'd rather disown myself from the family and cast my fate into the wind than deal with such nonsense.

4487151 it is one of the few reasons i look forward to when my parents are offically divorsed and i can move in with my dad.

Yeah, ain't that depressing? They're making me look as much forward to our parents official no longer being husband and wife as they are.

Who puts donuts in a freezer?

When you do leave you should change the password to something else and make them bribe you to get it back. Then tell them you'll snail mail it to them using the worst postal service on earth. Make sure to send it through several asian countries first. They MAY get it in 3 or 4 months, if their lucky.

4487201 thing is, my mum uses this computer too, so she'd be the only one suffering, which would just make me look more like the bad guy my siblings seem to have me painted as in their minds.

Thankfully, as i stated, after texting my mum about the who password thing and how my sibling almost didn't log me on as punishment, she texted me the password, so any more said sibling had over me is gone. HA!

Id make an account with its own password. Just in case they decide you dont deserve access. That way you can tell them to pound sand.

How will i be able to download the season 7 episodes off youtube on sundays if, on any one of those sundays, my mum isn't home?

I can download them for you and let you download it from me.

4487045 Okay, thats just messed up. I mean, no offense, but....Bah, I shouldn't say.

I had my share of fights with my siblings, but it never went to this level.

Krispy cream eh? My culprit must be Rita Repulsa. :rainbowlaugh:

Though even if you're conundrum with the computer are solve for now, here's a piece of advice to make the time that's left with them maybe more bearable.

Buy a box of those Krispy cream donuts, confront your sibling in front of many as possible (your mother at most) and say to him that whatever he thinks about you, you didn't steal his donuts, then give him the box.

Like this the next time he acts like an ass towards you, he's gonna look bad since you extend the proverbial olive branch and he just swat it.

Hey there sis. I can understand being accused of something you didn't do. Most of the time it was because I did it only once and learned not to do it again, but automtically I am assumed to be the culprit.

Also I feel that this said sibling of yours is lying through their own teeth. Sure I might beleive the part where they said the other siblings claimed not to do it, but then they state your mom said she saw you do it. Right there they are lying to you. Your mom probably didn't even know about this. And the fact they admitted they don't like you, well that's a sibling who wants to do anything to make you feel bad.

I know people like that. They tried pulling the same thing on me, but they didn't realise they messed with the wrong person, cause I fought back in ways they didn't expect. I used their story against them to teachers and our parents, when they were expecting a fist fight. You might think tattle tale, but here's the thing, tattling is telling just to be mean. I told because someone was trying to paint me in the wrong when I was in the right.

And you know what, your siblings aren't gonna realize how much they really love you til your gone and living with your dad.

Sure you may behave in a way that's not considered the norm, but as Charles Exavior once said in X-Men Evolution, "Normal is just being yourself, don't ever let anyone tell you otherwise." And I feel those are words to live by. I don't care what other people think of me, I am just my normal self, and if they can't deal with it, then they can take a hike.

Basically its like telling someone to fuck off. Theres more to it, something about filling holes with sand. But thats the short and dirty of it.

You're sibling is clearly a dinosaur. . . So clever, and able use abductive reasoning with a brain the size of a walnut. Clearly it isn't just your genius we're deprived of as you suffer, it is the keen wit of Arlo (the good dinosaur) as well.

And thus, we begin the battle of making the most complicated, nuclear launch codes for a computer login password. Or you could just take the keyboard for yourself, that way no one can use the computer! :pinkiecrazy:

Or you could, you know, make your own account and try infecting your siblings accounts with viruses and stuff...

Just sayin'...

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