• Member Since 17th Aug, 2013
  • offline last seen June 27th


I am the most adorable dragon slayer in existance.

More Blog Posts24

  • 252 weeks
    Reason why updates have been slow lately

    Hello, I just want to address something some of you are wondering. Why I haven't updated my stories that much lately.

    The two main reasons why I haven't is 1: I have been focusing more on doing art commission lately to pay off some bills, and 2: because my allergies have been kicking back in lately, draining me mentally and emotionally state.

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    11 comments · 1,869 views
  • 259 weeks
    Was there ever a Human turned spike fic

    As the title prescribes. Was there every a story where a human wakes up as spike. Either as a replacement or a clone of spike?

    Wonder how a fic about two Spikes would go. Probably the same as all the other stories that exist so far about two twilight, two rainbows and so on.

    I just never came across one that is about Spike.

    3 comments · 657 views
  • 281 weeks
    I am back

    Hello, just want to announce that I am back. I will be continuing on my stories post haste.

    I feel well enough to get back to work.

    4 comments · 576 views
  • 283 weeks
    Important message

    Hello to all of my readers. I am just writing this blog to say that I am suffering from an allergy since the past couples of weeks and still am. So I decided to take a bit of a break from all of this now to just rest and help me get better.

    Sorry for this inconvenience. Pray for my well being. It will help.

    See you all next time.

    5 comments · 467 views
  • 329 weeks
    Story ideas and Plot for "Rise of the Crystal Emperor"

    I am a bit in a dilemma here. I am in a bit of the rot when it comes to the plot and story for the next chapter. So I was hoping if any of you readers might have an idea on what the next chapter could focus on and perhaps more. To help and give me Idea's in how to structure this story further.

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    16 comments · 1,061 views

Some magical talking Zebra Incest NSFW · 1:03pm Jan 11th, 2017

You all wanted to see some Zebra NSFW pic? Well you all get it then.

The Number of call outs, wishes and thumbs up this suggestion of showing you these two "doing it" was huge, even more so when looking at the down-votes that poor guy got for speaking up. But I guess most of my readers are all horny grown up or late teens who's only girlfriend they have is there right hand. (Left hand for left handed)

Here is the link to the pic. Ignore the background btw, originally it was supposed to be something different. Again NSFW Warning here, do not click link if you don't like this stuff or if your to young for it.


This is what both Nami and Najero where doing when Alexander accidentally stumbled at them. :ajsmug:

Report Navanastra · 3,935 views · Story: A Zebrica for a Human ·
Comments ( 30 )

You drew this?


why the damn piercings?

fucking ouch

I expected him to be with the trimmed tail

I expected him to be with the trimmed tail

Ya'll some sick people demanding to see 2 zebras having sex.

>Fapping Horny Teenagers intensifies

Ya'll need to get laid

4378655 :rainbowderp:

I shouldn't be surprised

This shall provide plenty of... Research data, but I must say, the piercings look celestia damned painful.:applecry:

Besides that, they happy so they have that going for them. Hope we get to see more of them in the future.:yay:


Nobody asked for your opinion.


Here's the care cup


It's fucking empty

4378568 Of course I did, what a silly question.

4379491 Should be up "for [dick's] grabs" on depibooru IMHO.
(Maybe it is and I just can't find you?)

You do well with a pencil. Nice... um... strokes. :duck:

Dang bro. didn't expect the piercings, that shit would hurt

4379646 The dick jokes are strong with this one.

I felt like correcting the grammar

You all wanted to see some Zebra NSFW pic? Well you all get it then.
The Number of call outs, wishes and thumbs up this suggestion of showing you these two "doing it" was huge, even more so when looking at the down-votes that poor guy got for speaking up. But I guess most of my readers are all horny grown up or late teens who's girlfriend is their right hand. (Left hand for left handed) so here's the link to the pic. Ignore the background btw, it was originally supposed to be something different. Again NSFW Warning here, do not click link if you don't like this stuff or if you're too young for it.
no link for you perverts
This is what both Nami and Najero where doing when Alexander accidentally stumbled across them. :trollestia:

I went and corrected the grammar for ya, I was bored

4379677 My dream is that, one day, someone crafts the following phrase:

"Baby, I'm gonna cum!", he ejaculated.

Not bad at all... those piercings though.

I think I know what the zebra punishment for thievery is now.:fluttershyouch:

Would you be opposed to the idea of me uploding this up to derpybooru?

4379836 Its not even done yet.

Surprised you've not been banned for this yet, you're not supposed to link to NSFW stuff.

4381681 People asked for this though, so I think it will be okay.

While that might be true, it doesn't mean it should be in plain sight. Just because your kid ask you what adults do for fun, you won't give him a beer in one hand, cigarette in other, while telling him where your 'secret stash' is. It could be at least behind simple '18yo? yes/no' question or in the story itself, because those are filtered with settings of mature content.

You are really good at art. Actually makes me wonder why this pic isn't on your derpibooru account yet (unless I'm mistaken and it isn't your account there). Love that pic btw! :pinkiesmile:

I was also wondering if I could use the characters in clop stories. Sure, I haven't an idea yet where to implement them, but it is always nice to have some characters at hand in any case! And I think that incest is a nice touch! :rainbowkiss:

i see Najero has met prince albert

Ah, a Jacobs ladder. Very nice. Good drawing skills, and excellent story as well!

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