• Member Since 17th Aug, 2013
  • offline last seen June 27th


I am the most adorable dragon slayer in existance.

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  • 249 weeks
    Reason why updates have been slow lately

    Hello, I just want to address something some of you are wondering. Why I haven't updated my stories that much lately.

    The two main reasons why I haven't is 1: I have been focusing more on doing art commission lately to pay off some bills, and 2: because my allergies have been kicking back in lately, draining me mentally and emotionally state.

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  • 256 weeks
    Was there ever a Human turned spike fic

    As the title prescribes. Was there every a story where a human wakes up as spike. Either as a replacement or a clone of spike?

    Wonder how a fic about two Spikes would go. Probably the same as all the other stories that exist so far about two twilight, two rainbows and so on.

    I just never came across one that is about Spike.

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  • 278 weeks
    I am back

    Hello, just want to announce that I am back. I will be continuing on my stories post haste.

    I feel well enough to get back to work.

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  • 280 weeks
    Important message

    Hello to all of my readers. I am just writing this blog to say that I am suffering from an allergy since the past couples of weeks and still am. So I decided to take a bit of a break from all of this now to just rest and help me get better.

    Sorry for this inconvenience. Pray for my well being. It will help.

    See you all next time.

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  • 326 weeks
    Story ideas and Plot for "Rise of the Crystal Emperor"

    I am a bit in a dilemma here. I am in a bit of the rot when it comes to the plot and story for the next chapter. So I was hoping if any of you readers might have an idea on what the next chapter could focus on and perhaps more. To help and give me Idea's in how to structure this story further.

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Story ideas and Plot for "Rise of the Crystal Emperor" · 2:43am Jun 19th, 2018

I am a bit in a dilemma here. I am in a bit of the rot when it comes to the plot and story for the next chapter. So I was hoping if any of you readers might have an idea on what the next chapter could focus on and perhaps more. To help and give me Idea's in how to structure this story further.

So if you have read the latest chapter of "Rise of the crustal emperor" then maybe you could tell me what might happen next in the story.

But please be a bit more description then just saying "The emperor is going to burn half of the iceling to crisp and enslave the rest". Something a of a longer descriptive idea would be better. Like what us Thera going to do, what are the prisoners going to do while escaping and so on.

I know that this is strange but if you have any plot ideas, please feel free to share them to help with this fic. Any ideas would be appreciated.

Thanks for helping.

Report Navanastra · 1,058 views · Story: Rise of the Crystal Emperor ·
Comments ( 16 )

Was hoping it would focus more on the emperor seeing as how this is supposed to be his second chance at life after the first one.
Also if possible I wouldn't mind seeing how Thera knows about changelings in the first place, a little glimpse into her background and how she came to be how she is.
If necessary have one of the Crystal guards with the emperor have a point of view about what they find when they arrive at the changeling hive or one of the escapees pov on the breakout going on at the moment.
Also would like to see an epic smack down to the changeling leader for daring abduct the emperors newly gained subjects.

The emperor finds his way to the open door to the hive just as private Chipper comes beak to her post, The emperor than asks her to guide him to her leader, they have a nice chat along the way their,

as Thera and the prisoners are rising hall.

sorry that's all I got :ajsleepy:

Based on what you've done with Mateus so far, I'm thinking that when he finds the Iclings he kills the largest cluster he can find in one shot in order to make a point as soon as he can that he isn't messing around. Then, depending on how they respond; whether with idiotic aggression, or by surrendering, he would either conquer, or offer to negotiate.

The way you've portrayed Mateus thus far, especially after he became the Crystal Emperor, he's changed too much from the iron-fisted tyrant from the game to believably bounce back to tyrant mode without something far more drastic than some of his subjects being held prisoner. After all, what kind of message would that send to those who believe in him. I think he cares too much about how his subjects see him now to just throw it all away on a freak rage trip.

Either before, or while this is happening, since Thera is drunk and dealing with a lot of soldiers who don't seem to know how to survive behind enemy lines (being quiet sure helps), I don't know how Thera is as a person when she's drunk, whether there are quirks to it that we haven't seen already or what, but I think being prone to migraines is pretty constant for intoxication. Now since Iclings are changelings with icy properties, I'd imagine their gel is cool to the touch, or at least feels cool. So I'm thinking it contains some amount of something similar to menthol to create that effect.

So Thera starts suffering a migraine and her ability to fend off the iclings is thus compromised. One of them takes the opportunity to try to gel her, but Thera mostly evades, since she is still a trained fighter hurting or not. Her attempt to evade isn't perfect and she does get some stuck in her mane and sticking to her head. I know menthol does have pain relieving properties but I don't think it'd work on a migraine, but there's artistic license, and in this way she starts to have trouble fending off the lings due to her intoxication progressing to a migraine, and a flopped attempt by a ling to restrain her actually gives her relief and she's able to get back to putting up a good fight.

I'm thinking that Mateus' display of power as noted above would likely cause some degree of structural damage to the caves, whether extensive or localized whose to say. Well I imagine it wouldn't be that unbelievable that the aftershock of the attack might assist in some of the still captured crystal guards freeing themselves if their struggling hard enough. Also, since I'd imagine an ability to grow crystal formations at will would be a great asset to the crystal guard, I'm imagining one of the guards that was captured having that ability, and he's in a more secure restraint so the rest of the guard band together after escaping and attempt to push through to group up with that one guard. Such an ability could prove vital to surviving and escaping, or at least surviving long enough for news of whatever conclusion was reached with Mateus to make it down the communication chain.

If you're looking for future arc ideas too, I have a couple in mind. First off, a Yakyakistan arc. Both the yaks and the crystal ponies live in the tundra, so I doubt the yaks wouldn't notice the sudden appearance of a shiny city, especially once the crystal heart started really lighting things up. The delay in them investigating could very easily be explained by the canonical mention of Yakyakistan being an isolationist nation. Of course deliberation on whether or not to send an envoy would have to happen before action, because while they may be rude and obnoxious in canon, I see no reason to treat them like complete idiots. Some yak had to have the sense to close its borders rather than declare war on whatever made them mad after all. Plus, with how well known the yak temper must be to the royal sisters, perhaps forging an alliance with the yaks will start to turn some heads in the direction of the crystal empire in a good way?

Another idea for an arc would start with Cid building something that starts to resonate with the crystal heart. He'd pass it off as a random anomaly as it would be a brief resonance, but it would happen a second time, and that second time it would also start showing signs of resonating with something beyond the empire's walls. This would lead to the hypothesis that the crystal heart was in fact created from a crystal found somewhere in the tundra, rather than being a product of magic like was always believed. Again, the resonance wouldn't last long, but this time he would tell Mateus since it wasn't a freak occurrence.

The device would go quiet for a while, resulting in an uproar from the rest of the noble council who try to use the opportunity to slander Cid's name, suggesting that he's let the business relationship he has with the emperor go to his head and make him think he can go to him for the most inconsequential thing. Then, at a point when Cid and Mateus are near the crystal heart, Cid with his device, the resonance would happen again. This time the second resonance would happen again, still outside the empire but closer, and Mateus would notice that a flicker of a shadow has formed in the crystal heart's boundless light.

This would eventually lead to the discovery of a fake crystal heart that is blacker than pitch in color; saturated with dark magic and heinous intent. This in turn would start to unravel a scheme meant to usurp Mateus by slowly corrupting the crystal heart with the dark heart's presence, making it seem like some new part of the empire is poisoning the atmosphere or love. The attempt fails, but the culprit, who never showed his face, kills himself after chillingly saying 'a black pawn has made its move. Your move, white'. That one, if you use it, would naturally be the start of a bigger, overarching plot spanning multiple arcs. I'd need to think some more to see if I could come up with another arc to link that to, but I'd rather wait until I know if you're using it or not.

I've never played the game so I'm not very familiar with the emperor's previous personality, however he gives of an indifferent attitude, although he has expressed interest in the new world he is living in, thus I think he would be quite interested in meeting (collecting?) Other species native to this world.

As for our drunken friend, honestly I'd find it rather entertaining if she were to have a almost flawless victory against the swarm of changelings while blind folded (perhaps changelings goo) as in she can fight crowds better drunk. Although that's up to personal choice if you'd like be realistic honestly I'd think she would be comatose from the overdose of alcohol she has consumed.

I am however more interested in the relationship between the crystal empire and equestria.
As I find myself interested in the politics between the two and how our mc deals with them, that and seeing others reaction to his magic power, tis good.


I am however more interested in the relationship between the crystal empire and equestria.
As I find myself interested in the politics between the two and how our mc deals with them, that and seeing others reaction to his magic power, tis good.

That would only be enhanced by bringing icelings into the fold in the Empire. Equestria can only have mixed feelings on that, though it should be clear they aren't part of Chrysalis' hive. And even if they were, what business is it of theirs what the Crystal Empire does?

Personally, I think the Emperor would probably be rather indifferent to the changelings and not kill large groups of them. If he did battle, I imagine he'd just incapacitate them with incredible magic as if it meant nothing to him and just continue along, looking for answers. I think it's plausible that he might stumble into Thera already in the process of crippling the hive in her drunken state and claim credit for that action as being intentional afterwards as part of his negociations. Either way, he won't suffer such a group not under his control so close to the Empire, especially if they are foalnapping his citizens, and work to bring them into the fold, or drive them out if they refuse.

This part wouldn't exactly happen within the next few chapters or anything, but perhaps later on in the story, something similar to the invasion of the Sea People could happen, with the invaders defeating many of the established empires on whatever continent that the stoey takes place on. Then, after the threat that the Sea People in this story becomes widely-known to many of the nations, they team up and form a coalition to fight off the invaders. Because of the Crystal Empire's advanced technology and military, they quickly become the de facto head of the coalition, and the coalition is finally able to fight off the Sea People. After leading the coalition to victory, the Crystal Empire is seen as a true "world" power. I think this would be nice, because in most stories I've read, all of the threats to the main character either come from some evil organization or some super-villian, both of which are usually foreshadowed in the story and are located on Equestria. The threats never come from "outside" the established story (usually giving the feel that what the story focuses on is the only thing that goes on in the world and makes it feel like a fake world that isn't complete and specifically crafted for the story, rather than the story being made to view the world). By using outside forces not mentioned earlier in the story, it makes the story feel as if it takes place in a world able to interact with itself, rather than the world being completely contained and revolving around the main character.

Genocide everything

I like your suggestions, I will think about them.

Well we want to Slowly usurper Equestrai from the top, and replaces it with the new technologically and military superior crystal empire.
What I said above.

We have already established that Mateus is incredibly powerfull by equestrian standards. He obliterated Sombra with a single spell ( good luck explaining that to Celestia and Luna, Cadence). Yes he could "fix" the icecling problem with a spell or two but that ultimately accomplishes nothing. However the changelings need the ponies to survive.
No ponies = little too no food and Mateus just so happens to be the ruler of their main foodsource in the area. Mateus should be able to easily convince the changeling to become loyall to him in exchange for citenzenship in his empire. Controling them through love(food) instead of fear seems also more in character with the new emperor.

As a result of the breakout the changelings would have a hard time deciding against taking Mateus up on his offer. They would be exposed and lose their element of surprise as a result of the battle. Capturing would become more difficult and in the frozen north food isnt exactly around everycorner.
Mateus telling them that they could live in the empire( which can equate to an all you can eat dinnerbuffe for them) and all they would have to do is work for him in exchange seems like a good deal does it not? An empire has uses for a spy network and information gathering should never be underestimated.

As for Thera and the gang i feel given the fact that Thera is drunk and the others are'nt exactly sporting any weapons i don't see them escaping the changelings easily. They could put up a fight until Mateus gets there but them winning against magic users and shapeshifters... Doubtfull.

As for future arcs i think these seem interesting
A. The crystall heart: finding the crystall heart. Mateus could maybe use it as a powersource or shield for the kingdom. Not to mention its the holy grail for changelings since it creates a wave of love and loyallty...which they could potentialy feed off.
I can also imagine Mateus putting all of Sombras security and traps to shame.
Dark magic : Mateus has that
Door trap : Mateus defeated Satan...enough said
Stairs : .....Levitation?
B: Equestria: the princesses would'nt just sit idly by upon hearing that a unicorn(?) defeated Sombra and took over the Empire.
Luna could try to spy on Mateus in the dreamscape...if he even is in there. Trying to repend for past sins/deeds could be a common theme between them.

Thats all i can think of at the moment.

Not sure about that, I was planning for the Crystal Empire to eventually defeat equestria and take it over. Or maybe just utterly overshadow it with its technologically prowess, military, magic and economics thanks to its industrialization and eventual relationship with nations that originally didn't want nothing to do with equestria. Like the yuks and so on.

Well, after becoming the foremost power, the Crystal Empire could easily use "expanding our empire to better protect against another huge invasion" as a Casus Belli for invading Equestria, with the Equestrian leadership knowing just how pointless fighting against the Empire is, but still feeling like they have to fight against the Crystal Empire.

I am hoping on a possible chapter on how the two sisters react to this change.

Hey Navanastra I was wondering on how you decide which stories your updating and when since I haven't seen much update on 'The Misadventures of Nava' or 'Tales of Fate: A new Future' in a while I was wondering if you were going to get to those soon, especially Tale of Fate.

That is because I haven't done a lot of sketches for it lately. You know that i made if my mission to at least link a sketch for each chapter, and i am still keeping that rule. A couple of chapters are already done, but I haven't done a sketch for it for a long time. Mostly because I am drawing so many different things instead lately.

Ok thank u for clearing that up

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