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David Silver

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Temptations · 4:41am Nov 15th, 2016

I keep considering making a somewhat sekret account for utter depravities and a total lack of shame.

Am I a bad pony?

Report David Silver · 272 views ·
Comments ( 50 )

Nah, just a crazy one.:pinkiehappy:

And typo!


Unless you intentionally did that, fix please. With a side of cookies from the dark side. :pinkiehappy:

Yes! You should totally post them under your main account. :pinkiecrazy:


Now share.

4302965 That was entirely intentional.

Nah, we all have our demons, it's how we deal with them that matters.
Although this one might be a bit TOO dark.

My demon is the devil himself...

4302974 Refer my user page for mine...and his message! MUHAHAHA:pinkiecrazy:

I killed the monster under my bed. The rest of them avoid it like the plague. Probably has something to do with the bones under there...

No more than the rest of our vocal (albeit loud) minority...

I aim to please. Hopefully there will be more of this in my story, go check it out.

4302995 Ooh new sci-fi,:yay: added to tracking. I'll probably be commenting as I read this.

Unfortunately, the sci-if is not very present. But hopefully you can point out typos. And places where wording could be improved.

4303006 That's OK, new genuine characters make the difference anyway, even if based on Arthurian legend.

It's not what you expect. So have fun, keep your head and limbs inside the ride at all times, and don't jump off before we stop. Jumping from a roller coaster while it's moving is dangerous.

"I want to conceal my false identity on the internet under another false identity. Am I a bad pony?"

Well, I don't see what would be bad with that, but I hardly see the point of doing it in the first place anyway.

4303018 Already do that with Fakebook (pun most certainly intended) not for opinionated crap, but some sites won't accept access without an account there for whatever kickback reasons they have.:trixieshiftright:

What concerns me is that you already write pretty pony porn. Now you want to productively produce pony porn under a potential pseudonym?

I can't imagine what you would have to do before I considered you a bad pony.



That is not an invitation to try. :derpytongue2:

If you want to write more for a more, shall we say, niche market, then that's cool. My first taste of your writing were your Flexible Infection stories over on SF, so I know you have it in you.

Eh, it's fine if you don't want them attached to your primary name.

Give in to the dark side

Anyhow... if you want to keep it of your main account thats fine. Some of my best writers i follow write great nsfw fics...

Comment posted by PickleSurprise deleted Nov 15th, 2016

Yes you are, and you're all the more perfect for it!

I really should revive that Bumblebee Tuner account... but, I don't behave any differently regardless of name and I usually keep to the same favorites, authors, and groups. So, I really only change screen names unless I have a difficult login issue. Apparently there was a login issue when the 5-ever episode came out and the password retrieval mechanism didn't send the change password to my email even though I could still get bell alerts through there and-

It was just easier to create a new account than wait 48hours for the issue to clear itself up (if ever it would seeing as the issue wasn't resolved after a few days). EIther that or I ticked someone off and they were just to lazy to tell me, that happens a lot too. I cannot make obvious jokes more obvious, but good lord saying a gay couple looks hetero and using someone's chat robot to cook bacon isn't that creepy and weird.

Not to mention, I should be able to complain if I think the obvious trap was so obvious Leroy Jenkins would avoid it with the promise of chicken nuggets. Nor should I be chastised for requesting that an author finish up a running gag that has been going on for well over a year and a half if it devolved into little more than pointless cameos and fewer than five words a page.

You have me curious how depraved do you think you can go to not be associated with your main account, consider what stuff you have attached to it so far, not to mention stuff you've been a part of before ponies, too.


Whatever, the same strategy has done wonders for advertisements cartoons... now they're indistinguishable from commercials.

Well...who hasn't? Though your mention of sekrit accounts has me curious. How different could the 'depravity' be from what happens on the regular accounts with your name? Tabletop and text games aside

The main reason for having seperate accounts is so you Can seperate different styles of thinking. Like writing one in English, ne in French, one in German, instead of one in english, american, australian, Canadian etc.

Or is this because you want to use the fact that dragons and humans can breed with everything and just how do you stop a Chaotic Evil Red Dragon Mage etc using OOze/Slime Nymph/succubus cross to make absorb and multiply Goo Girls as his army of vermin carried Chaos? :pinkiecrazy:

My Little Teenaged Pixie? Polly wanna cracker? I'll give you crackers. Crackers in the nackers. :eeyup:

Sorry, I blame the L1 Bards spell Unnatural Lust and I cant remember the feat that allows me to take it as a Cantrip. :twilightoops:

4303018 This is not a false identity. I am David Silver.

Nope. Probably missing a screw or two where it counts, but not bad.

Comment posted by Shadow Lance deleted Nov 15th, 2016

I don't think it makes you a bad pony, you have writen worse, and its normal for a male to do that (friken weird with horses's though!)

Ok then, that makes kind of sense. But now I wonder what you have in mind when you talk about "utter depravities" since the weird porn you did in some of your previous works seems to be fine. (?)

Never heard of sites like that. Do you have examples?

No. You're not.

Write what you want to write, and don't let anyone tell you that you're bad for it. Despite what the popular sentiment suggests, there's absolutely no inherent moral dimension to a work of fiction. It doesn't matter if someone doesn't like it (let alone the degree to which they don't like it) - as a creator you're under no impetus to make things that please anyone but yourself.

Write what you like, and damn anyone who objects to that.

4303260 Unless I want to work with anyone, of course.

4303273 Personally, I think that anyone who won't work with you because they have some sort of personal objection to what you write isn't worth your time to begin with. The author is separate from the works that they create, and expressing moral indignation or outrage towards a person because you don't like their art is the mark of a small mind.

4303223 Off the top of my head there are a couple of the free to air TV channel sites that have watch again libraries for anyone who has missed the shows as they air. I think channel 10 Australia is one of them? A couple of shopping sites on line have demanded it as well, no idea what they were anymore. I have account with flightaware.com as I have an interest in aircraft news, especially helicopter as always wanted to pilot one but that never got off the ground.:facehoof:. The forum page refers to either news articles or videos from different aviation news sites and some require identity before allowing you in to read the articles.
I don't feel bad for doing it as it isn't much different from the non-De-plumes we use here. Although I like to vary the postal address and job description now and a gain, last job on FB was a mortician at a mosquito morgue.:twilightsmile:


The forum page refers to either news articles or videos from different aviation news sites and some require identity before allowing you in to read the articles.

I think you could just register on the news sites rather than giving a fb account (although both work)

That said, if I had to do stuff like that, I would just always use the same empty account to those sites. Making accounts each time must get pretty boring in the long run.

4303304 EXACTLY! Not to mention all the user names and varied passwords to keep track of, it's bad enough now.:twilightsmile: If I need to buy something I'll set my address as correct first then do the purchase, after a week change it back to the ghost address. If they send me junk mail it goes to a back road and will be delivered to sheep in a paddock on the roadside! :rainbowlaugh:

Utter depravity? Where's the line for that? :pinkiecrazy:

Bad pony? No.
Potentially silly? Maybe.
It's your account and work, ultimately. If you feel that something you intend to put out there might need to remain separate, then do it. If, however, it's for fear of what we would think... It's probably unnecessary... Just tag it appropriately and don't break the sight rules.

And my name is almost as common as John Smith's, I've met three people with the same name in one year alone. Plus, the percentage of people with my name that are criminal is higher than average so it's like using Star Trek to profile sexual predators. My dad has the same name as Santa Anna, I'll give you a few clues General Santa Anna wasn't his real name, and I share a name with a griffon.

Technically I share a name with an angel, but the devil horns are silent.

4303379 I know of no other David Silver involved in Ponyfinder.

No, you aren't a bad pony.

I have no objections.

And maybe might be excited, possibly. Perhaps.

I understand the reluctance, though.

Steve seems a common name among game system designers. Maybe you should call yourself Steve something or other. You would be less exposed.

I use Ponyfinder for my email becasue one of the former presidents responded to a question about a problem by saying he needed a ponyfinder to solve it. Coincidence is not as flattering or kind as you might observe.

Whether or not it would be a good idea, it's far too late for that. You have already associated this account with that stuff, so it won't matter if you make another account now.

If you make an alt please PM me the new one. I want to watch all your work no matter what.

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