• Member Since 29th Mar, 2012
  • offline last seen February 2nd


A groovy mystery, gang.

More Blog Posts13

  • 259 weeks
    Bronycon 2019

    The last Bronycon...

    It was fun. Certainly fun, though also a bit of a LineCon 2019, too. Had a bit more than 10k attendees. That's a good numerical sendoff.

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    9 comments · 1,008 views
  • 266 weeks
    Best Night Ever - in book form!

    It has been an eternity since I last posted, I know (well, like 2 years), but I have an interesting announcement!

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    27 comments · 1,483 views
  • 344 weeks
    Wanderer D

    As most here who have read my stuff know, I'm good friends with another author here named Wanderer D. Many may have read the crossover chapters we wrote for the Sweetie Belle Chronicles.

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  • 468 weeks
    Here we go again!

    After a long hiatus, far too long, I'm back.

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  • 542 weeks
    My Little Vacation

    Finally out here after a long day of flying and driving at old Lake Tahoe for a couple days of skiing and maybe a gamble or two at the casinos nearby...
    As a few know, this means no weekend updates of Platinum Crown, so just FYI
    But I should be back on track the next week, I think.

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    4 comments · 1,206 views

Here we go again! · 4:55pm Aug 3rd, 2015

After a long hiatus, far too long, I'm back.

The last week or two had been a flurry of activity, as I try to finish This Platinum Crown and prepare for the upcoming Bronycon (where I will again be a panelist). I've attended the previous two years, and each time had the joy of meeting readers who remembered me and who came up to meet me - a true pleasure to meet them in the flesh, always - and I even got to meet some people I'd only known on forums. Some from spacebattles even!

But the upcoming convention only drove home how I had neglected TPC, and all things pony really, with my diversion into scifi crossover with Psi Effect. PE is a fun project, and I'm glad people are enjoying it so much, but I never did intended for it to get so big and with so many people writing side stories to it and all that. I started it just as a little bit of fun. A one-shot. It soon consumed my creative output for the entire year!

Then I had to begin to refocus, to help Wanderer D with the new Bitaly Arc of TSC. I remembered to write 'hooves' instead of 'hands' again. lol. When we took a break from that, I made the commitment or diving back into pony and, if not finishing, at least being well on the road to finishing Platinum Crown by the time of Bronycon. So I am.

I'm sorry I've been gone for so long. I never was the best when it came to being active and social online. I've always been a face-to-face kind of guy. But I promise I'll try my best to get back into the ring and back into the swing of things, even if it knocks me out later.

Comments ( 19 )

Hooray! We're underway again!

I still need to write that shark x Fluttershy romance based on your profile picture.

So much yay!

Been wondering for a while if the story was dead, but every time I checked your user page the Last Active date was never particularly long ago, so I kept the faith.

Edit: See you at Bronycon.

Well, if any of your ponies have 'cranial tentacles' instead of manes, we'll know what's to blame. I hope that story keeps updating too, when you're done with TPC anyway.

You have no idea how happy it makes me to see an update to TPC. It was one of the first MLP fanfics I read (after TBNE), the story that got me to make a FiMFiction account, and it remains my all-time favorite. Your writing of Alpha Brass remains my Platonic Ideal for how to do dramatic irony (which I normally hate) correctly. Thanks again for continuing TPC!

But the upcoming convention only drove home how I had neglected TPC, and all things pony really, with my diversion into scifi crossover with Psi Effect. PE is a fun project, and I'm glad people are enjoying it so much, but I never did intended for it to get so big and with so many people writing side stories to it and all that. I started it just as a little bit of fun. A one-shot. It soon consumed my creative output for the entire year!

Hey, at least you're still creating something. Sometimes you get so deep into a project and just need to step away to do something else. Now that you're back, you should be fresh!

Gem #7 · Aug 3rd, 2015 · · ·

First the Powers of Harmony and now this! It's amazing!

Better get rereading!

Welcome back, old chap.:ajsmug:

What's this Psi Effect? Sounds interesting.


Welcome back, man.

Glad to have you back!

I am so happy to see this story updating again, it is by far my favorite regarding comprehensive world building and engaging characters.
But it is also good that you took the break that you needed to do other stuff.

Capn_Chryssalid is back? Wha-what year is it?!

But seriously, it's so good to see you, and the story updated again. This story is amongst my all-time favorite amongst all literature, with plot complexity and totally engrossing action combined with things I love the most - magic and ponies, with the magic part explained and expanded upon much more in-depth than many other authors.
When the story stopped updating right in the middle of the final arc, it was the ultimate teaser. 700k+ words, hundreds of events in the story, all coming together - and then halting, without even a hint of what happened. But now it's back, so yay :yay:

Maybe part of the reason you got so involved in that other project is because you needed a break. I've yet to get all the way through TPC, but what I have read is quite good and long. But it's always nice to see a fic that was hibernating come back.

Yay! A great story with a great Rarity and the best Blueblood I know is back!

This is the most glorious news. Whenever I would see that TPC had updated, I would literally bounce up and down and squee from sheer joy. And now we have more of it!

Now we just need Municipal Engines to update Night's Favored Child past that dastardly cliffhanger, and it'll be frikkin' Fanfic Christmas over here!

So, I quite literally know what it's like to stop a story midway through and never announce the reasons why, and then go on to not answer all the questions that doing so provokes... But, regardless of my hypocrisy, I really want to see the end of TPH! This blog post made it sound like it was right around the corner, but that was practically a year ago! Please do come back around to it when you get the chance, because I remember it being a very good read.

I've got an 8-hour road trip in a couple days and I'm downloading this, hopefully to read a bit enroute. Here's hoping there's a new chapter by the time I catch up to it.

I'm still holding out. I loved this story when I read it.

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