• Member Since 29th Mar, 2012
  • offline last seen February 2nd


A groovy mystery, gang.

More Blog Posts13

  • 259 weeks
    Bronycon 2019

    The last Bronycon...

    It was fun. Certainly fun, though also a bit of a LineCon 2019, too. Had a bit more than 10k attendees. That's a good numerical sendoff.

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    9 comments · 1,009 views
  • 266 weeks
    Best Night Ever - in book form!

    It has been an eternity since I last posted, I know (well, like 2 years), but I have an interesting announcement!

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    27 comments · 1,483 views
  • 344 weeks
    Wanderer D

    As most here who have read my stuff know, I'm good friends with another author here named Wanderer D. Many may have read the crossover chapters we wrote for the Sweetie Belle Chronicles.

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  • 468 weeks
    Here we go again!

    After a long hiatus, far too long, I'm back.

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  • 542 weeks
    My Little Vacation

    Finally out here after a long day of flying and driving at old Lake Tahoe for a couple days of skiing and maybe a gamble or two at the casinos nearby...
    As a few know, this means no weekend updates of Platinum Crown, so just FYI
    But I should be back on track the next week, I think.

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Bronycon 2019 · 10:03pm Aug 4th, 2019

The last Bronycon...

It was fun. Certainly fun, though also a bit of a LineCon 2019, too. Had a bit more than 10k attendees. That's a good numerical sendoff.
A lot was the same, some things different, some old faces still around, others gone. I got to meet fellow authors and a bunch of readers from FIM, which was great, and the Bookstore? The printed hard and softcovers for TBNE sold out and I got to sign a bunch of them. Helped to manage the surprisingly long line that first day, and it gave me a chance to talk to a lot of folks from all around who were here to get books. Fanfiction books. Haha. Never thought I'd see the day.

I'll be sticking around Sunday night, hopefully to see some of those familiar faces one last time before we all go our separate ways and become text on screens once more. I'd really have liked one last game of Shipfic Folder, too.

Farewell, Bronycon!
There will be other cons, in other regions, I know, even with the end of the show, but for me, this is kind of the end of an era of an improbable and amazing fandom. In 2000, who would have ever believed there would be a decade of MLP-centric conventions with tens of thousands of attendees? Thus huge and brilliant creative community? It almost seemed to emerge fully-formed ex novo, from out of nothing. At least to me. Decades from now, I do believe I will still look back on it fondly, as this wild ride that no one expected but that we all, often secretly, enjoyed.

I also got 13k words written while sitting in Quills and Sofas, too.
That's a little bonus.


As an additional edit.
The books were being made by ponyfeatherpublishing.com and you can order a copy of TBNE, or any of the other fics on print there. That's what I'll be doing as well, since I don't have a copy either right now!

Report Capn_Chryssalid · 1,009 views · #Bronycon #2019
Comments ( 9 )

It was absolutely an honor to meet you, and I didn't get enough time to gush about TBNE and TPC during our dinner together on Friday, but I still really enjoyed our conversation and I'm really glad to have had that opportunity.

Wish I had gotten a copy. If you have more I would like to buy one.

I've never gotten to go to a con for FiM. But i do feel the amazing community that sprang forth and created so much amazing writing / art and animations. Thanks for being so great st the root of that.
Sadly TBNE won't be next to my hard cover of FoE. One more thing to live a life of regret over. : ) enjoy, all those who got one.


Technically, I don't have a copy either - they sold out and I gave away my backup as a gift - but more will be published by ponyfeather publishing. It just won't be signed by me at the final Bronycon.

This is what I'll have to do, too, to get my own hardcover copy for my own little library.

I missed you at Bronycon, which is a shame, because it means you didn't get in on Bronycon Fight Night Round 2: The Rise of IcyShake

I'll keep an eye out, thanks.

Lawnmower Alondro is in your head now. There is no escape.


On a side note, the CGI in "Lawnmower Man" is LESS disturbing than the CGI in the "Cats" movie trailer. I find this hilarious.

I'll keep saying this as I catch up on blogs (Hi! I was the vice-chair of BronyCon, if you didn't know, thanks for coming to our event! <3)

We've lowered our curtain, yes, but the spirit of BC is in the people, not the place. Go to other cons. Convince your friends to go. Our fandom lives as long as the light of friendship keeps burning in our hearts, regardless of whether or not Hasbro is still making the show, or BC is still running. Keep that in mind, treasure it, and go out and make magic together!

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