• Member Since 29th Mar, 2012
  • offline last seen February 2nd


A groovy mystery, gang.

More Blog Posts13

  • 259 weeks
    Bronycon 2019

    The last Bronycon...

    It was fun. Certainly fun, though also a bit of a LineCon 2019, too. Had a bit more than 10k attendees. That's a good numerical sendoff.

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  • 266 weeks
    Best Night Ever - in book form!

    It has been an eternity since I last posted, I know (well, like 2 years), but I have an interesting announcement!

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  • 344 weeks
    Wanderer D

    As most here who have read my stuff know, I'm good friends with another author here named Wanderer D. Many may have read the crossover chapters we wrote for the Sweetie Belle Chronicles.

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  • 468 weeks
    Here we go again!

    After a long hiatus, far too long, I'm back.

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  • 542 weeks
    My Little Vacation

    Finally out here after a long day of flying and driving at old Lake Tahoe for a couple days of skiing and maybe a gamble or two at the casinos nearby...
    As a few know, this means no weekend updates of Platinum Crown, so just FYI
    But I should be back on track the next week, I think.

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Wanderer D · 12:13am Dec 18th, 2017

As most here who have read my stuff know, I'm good friends with another author here named Wanderer D. Many may have read the crossover chapters we wrote for the Sweetie Belle Chronicles.

Actually, I may have only briefly dipped into this fandom and then left if not for him, as we'd sort of known each other from another fandom as well. Him also being into MLP:FIM at the time made me feel more comfortable writing for it and even attending a convention, which became a series of conventions, during which I met ever more authors.

Well, Wanderer D's found himself in a bit of a pinch. His car died on him, sending his plans into a bit of a spiral. You can read about it here:

And I thought it would be nice to get the word out and maybe help with the exposure for his GoFundMe, maybe see if it can help a little bit in getting him out of this messy situation. WD has been a good friend and a valuable part of the FIMfic community (very much so), so if you're interested in helping out, please give it a look see.

- CapnC

Report Capn_Chryssalid · 1,693 views · #Wanderer D
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