Season 5 Episode 13: "Do Princesses Dream of Magic Sheep?" (SPOILERS) · 4:00pm Jul 11th, 2015
Okay that was a weird way to start the ep.
...Owlowiscious! Out of nowhere!
Looks like the Mane Six aren't sleeping well. Must be related to Luna's nightmares!
...Spike, give it a rest.
Tantabus, huh? I wonder if it hangs out with Nekobus...
...Pinkie snores WEIRD.
Rarity's nightmare is about dress monsters. Figures.
I expected Pinkie's dream to be stranger.
...Fluttershy's dream scares me.
Applejack has boring dreams.
@ Rainbow's Changeling dream. And XO @ her nightmare.
Twilight's nightmare is EXACTLY what I expected.
Luna should've thought about doing the shared dream thing BEFORE this mess got out of hand. Her first nightmare gave her EXACTLY what she needed to solve this problem!
Ponyville's dreams are awesome.
You know, the Tantabus' way of turning dreams into nightmares is actually kind of repetitive and boring...
Oh hi Flutterbat!
...dimensional scissors? Seriously?
...poor Woona.
That was a pretty good Luna episode. I'll have to watch it at least a few more times to catch every bizarre thing that happened during the collective dream.
Hope everybody enjoyed this episode, because it's the last new episode for a REALLY long time! For those who didn't already hear about it, season 5 is going on mid-season hiatus until after Friendship Games.
Yeah, I'm pissed too.
Could be worse, it could be like the new season of Power Rangers on Nick, where they drop a hiatus onto us without any warning. It's been months and there's still no word on when the hiatus will end.
Luna has obtained the facade to overcome life's hardships!
Princess Big Mac is now canon.
3228308 Or how about other shows?
I loved how Lyra and Bon Bon were made
3228341 Zef and I were JUST talking about Lyrabon and the impending fanfic barrage.
3228350 Ya don't say.
Or like Gravity Falls where there's often months between each episode, and an entire year between seasons.
Another hiatus?
What the hell!? This is like the most hiatus having season ever! They should've lined it up where the season ran until the movie came out then a week hiatus for the movie.
This is just ridiculous.
3228358 Or how about sequels to movies or Games? We all get so hyped for them.
3228308 August. That will end August.
3228394 Finally! That hiatus was absurd!
3228362 I think Discovery Family is to blame. They keep shunting the show around and refuse to advertise it, and then they wonder why they get such low ratings.
3228421 August 29 2015 to be precise, also known as my birthday.
So closer to September if we're being honest with ourselves here.
3228478 Technically it is still August, but yeah.
If you look closely in the beginning of the episode, when Fluttershy yawns, her fangs are actually visible. It's only for a split second, and hard to catch, but I saw it and I was like "HOLY SHIT!!!"
And then she transformed into Flutterbat?! That's going to lead to a lot of fanfics itself simply with the question of how she was even able to think to do it. She did that almost like she does it regularly to me.
Oh, and the hiatus doesn't bother me too much. This season has been great all around. I take it as them taking their time with the season. Call me weird, but as long as I keep getting high quality episodes and more chapters of Persona EG, I'm fine.
Oh, lemme guess, because she's a "background pony", right? Right?!
I'm pretty sure the entire season is already finished and they're just sitting on the eps.
3228706 No, just because she's dull as dirt.
I... hate to say this, but this is so far my least favorite episode of season 5 by now.
Luna was a weakling through the whole episode and did nothing but whine over what she had done, which got boring and tedious after the first few seconds.
The ponies all talked very weird and it sounded like they had the dialog taken straight out of an bad comic book.
The whole thing was quite rushed and felt forced through the whole thing.
If anything, it's letting them take their time to get the next season under scripting. This way there's not so much pressure on them to script, storyboard and animate in only a few months. I have a feeling this was done at the studio's request and I honestly don't mind a staggered season since it give me something to look forward to in the coming months
If it were me, I would have made Twilight's nightmare a burning library, or an empty void of crippling lonelyness.
3228308 Could be even worse than that. Sherlock is on hiatus until 2016, and the last episode was at least way back in 2014.
Dash's dream was the best, and her nightmare? Oh gosh XD
Return of flutterbat, Zapp and applejack's power pony (forgot the name ;P)
All hail Princess Big Mac
You know this episode easily is one of the most fan cannon based ones
3229560 Applejack's power pony was Mistress Marvelous.
3229698 Oh, thanks ^_^
Take a shot each time somepony tells the audience that the Tantabus is gonna escape to the real world.
Seriously though, was I the only one who found that annoying? I mean, the episode was, not the worst, not the best, but kind of in the middle. The Imagery was okay, and the few jokes where funny, and it was great to have a new Luna episode. But I feel that the pacing was rushed, the aforementioned exposition got old really quick and the animators got really lazy with the climax scene; I mean, other than a few things, all the animation assets are recycled from older episodes.
In all, I'd give this episode a 8/10. For missed oportunity and lack of originality.