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GAHHHHHHHHHH · 5:47am Jun 24th, 2015

I have no clue what to do in the next chapter! I know where I want to GO but not how to get there. >_<

Anything you guys want to see happen in this fic? Maybe it'll give me some inspiration.

Comments ( 17 )

Preening, and the Crystal Empire archives. If the character is looking to expedite their return to the human world, then maybe they'd figure that a 1000+ year old library might have a few options?

And preening, well, gotta have something to freak out the poor sod again.

Don't suppose that helps, does it?


Well they have their way home. The orbs, they just have to wait till tomorrow for them to re-charge.

As for preening... well it's something I can see about adding, but honestly I don't get the appeal myself.

Despite of obvious purpose of this fic, you could be better than that. This protagonist went into another world, she lives in alien society. Any person with healthy sense of curiosity would go into learning frenzy. Why not let her to learn about local scoiety and world? Write about her descoverys.

3176680 3176713
And thereby we again come to the library idea.

Its not about library. Its about research, socialization and adaptation.

I want the guy stuck in Skyla to do something he always did out of habit that's totally out of character for Skyla (singing in the shower, tip the maid, etc). I'd love to see him try to talk his way out of that.


I think I see what you two are saying, but it doesn't fit with the story. Remember that Fake Skyla doesn't even want to be here, fan of the show or not, they just want to go home right now. Wouldn't make much sense for them to suddenly go: "I'm going to learn all I can about this world!" Especially when they'll only be here for a few days.

It's not very likely that anything they learn would be of much use either. Magic is basically the main force between a lot of what's going on in this world, which can't be replicated on earth, so extensive knowledge of that would be useless when they got home.

Honestly the ideas I'm bouncing around right now are maybe some of Skyla's friends come over for a slumber party? (Problem is I have no idea who Skyla would have for friends)

Also playing around with having her other two brothers make a surprise trip home, and have her interact with them.

basically I need something for her to mess with for the next day, and I can't pull what the original did and have her get rutted, as at this time she wouldn't go for it.

3177860 Ah, I see. You're trying to hold to conservation of detail, so you don't have to introduce more characters (Skyla's friends or her brothers), but still want something to occupy her for another day that is non-sexual in nature. You don't think the character would go for research because they're already convinced of their way out, and don't have a huge conviction to go out into a library.

Isn't the character curious enough to at least ask questions about the world at large that she's in?

If you're truly set against that. I suppose interacting more with the maid you've introduced would work: it's a character that's already been introduced, and could yield some unique interactions, particularly the tipping.


She has been asking questions. She just spent an entire day going about the Crystal Empire looking at how the world is set, how the ponies interact with each other, and how different shops/items can be due to the differences in the world between this one and their own.

It's what kept them outside and going along with this, rather then staying cooped up in the room all day. Also remember that this world is a show they've been watching, so it's not completely alien, it's more like when you watch a series set in another country and then you get to GO to that country. I personally have been to Japan after watching lots of stuff on Japan, so while I did go out and learn/experience, it wasn't like I was walking into the place blind.

Fake Skyla here has learned a lot from the world, and generally probably doesn't need to go out much more. Other then going to Ponyville or Canterlot to see how those places really are, All in all, I'm not sure what you expect them to go see or do. I especially don't see a reason to go to the library.

I forget, did we already have a flying scene? Otherwise that seems like a safe bet. Flying under your own power would be pretty wonderful...

If 'Skyla' is getting upset, you could have her friend try and calm her by asking about her life story, so to speak. Or comfort her if she's sad.

She could get bored and ask to do some sport or exercise, maybe even a game.

Hm... Dote on the family?

Someone could lose their patience, with the usual results.

odk , have him find a way to revert instead of staying like the cadance character did?.....

I can’t wait to see where Luminare takes ‘Skyla’ in the next chapter. :rainbowdetermined2:

As for things that could happen to help extend the fake Skyla’s stay, meeting the real Skyla’s two brothers and hearing what they’ve been up to would be fun. I also think having him spend more time bonding with Eos would be awesome to. Sense he never really had the whole family experience, it would be cute to see ‘Skyla’ playing with Eos more and getting to know what that feels like. Maybe even have ‘Skyla’ help Eos make some real friends that can come visit him at the castle so he won’t be so lonely anymore.

One awesome thing that could happen could be that when the fake Skyla wants to return home the next day and the real Skyla reluctantly agrees to end her vacation early and comes back, the orbs only turn the real Skyla back into a pony but for some unknown reason it doesn't turn the fake Skyla back into a human. With both of them being ponies now, the real Skyla can’t use the orbs to turn back into a human anymore. Using the story that a spell Skyla cast miss fired, everyone now thinks that Skylas split herself into two different ponies and now Skyla, ‘Skyla’ and Luminare are trying to find out why that happened. Hopefully without Shining Armor or Cadence finding out about the ords. Considering that Skyla suposably remade the orbs herself in secret (and since the orbs use complicated magic to work) it would be possible for this unknown side effect to happen due to it not being made correctly. Also, it would be fun to see how the real Skyla’s family (Shining Armor, Cadence, her brothers, etc.) would react to this. And also, the fake Skyla could help the real one see how much her little brother loves her and realize just how lonely he is by himself in the castle all the time. Also, everything I mentioned in the paragraph above this one could still happen after this event. :pinkiehappy:

As for the real Skyla, she doesn't seem to be the type that has lots of friends considering what we are told about her and how she interacts with her family and Luminare. Why is that? Even though she has what seems to be a tomboyish type of personality, it pretty much sounds like Eos and Luminare are her only friends. Most of the time, tomboy types tend to have either a small or a large group of friends around their age with them most of the time but so far Luminare seems to be her only friend around her age and the reasoning behind that could be fun to write about.

By the way, you never said what the “Fake Skyla’s” name was. Will we ever get to know what his name is? :derpyderp2:

so far I liked the interactions with Skyla's family, and Luminaire

what should happen next? I dunno..... a skateboarding competition? :rainbowdetermined2:

I'm hoping to see more Skyla-Eos pranking & teasing. the body swapping 101 lesson in the previous chapter was pretty fun to read, too, especially with human-in-Skyla's-body's worried reactions. I'd like to see you explore the concept of magic more.

Maybe, if you want, I could take a look at what you have? I tend to be better at making suggestions on how to connect two points when I actually know where the points are :pinkiehappy:

Also, are there any plans to make the swap permanent? I have some ideas how that could be a happy ending, so...


The ending is set in stone. It's been that way since I began this.

3250702 ok... and what about the rest of what I said?


I think I have a basic idea of what I want to do. Now I just need to find the time to do it.

Here's a hint, I worked 12-11pm today, and I do it again tomorrow.

Ya'll gonna be waiting a bit. :/

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