• Member Since 16th Nov, 2013
  • offline last seen Dec 11th, 2017

Pizzema Forte

You never know where the green beans are going to land.

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Raising Rainbow Chapter 32 Preview · 10:23pm Aug 3rd, 2014

Alright guys, listen; this is a spoiler from the next chapter. It doesn't exactly give away too-too much, but it's approximately 1,500 words from it. To be honest, I don't know why I picked this scene exactly to show you guys. It just means a lot to me, I suppose. If you don't remember me telling you, Moonstruck was inspired by my little sister. This scene made me feel a bit sad. I just... I don't know. I've always loved writing for Moonstruck because I instantly knew his character. Most characters (even Rainbolt) I had to spend time breaking into. This scene is special to me, because it's the first time I wrote for him as an individual. Every other scene he was in, I made him interact with somepony else, so this was nice. It also gave me a chance to work some depth into him.

Also, I already have the ending of Raising Rainbow planned. I know the end result and whatnot. Now, my question to you guys who have been enjoying the story thus far; Would you enjoy a sequel when it's finished? The sequel would mostly focus on Rainbolt, Surprise, Mrs. Skies, Moonstruck, Blue Moon, Dewdrop, Dreamscape, and maybe a few additions. Rainbow Dash, however, would only appear in select chapters. Now, I know some select chapters (My most recent one, The Moon and the Sky, a Very Special Somepony, and maybe a few others) don't focus on Rainbow too much, but for the most part, she plays a significant role. I know giving her less and less story time would defeat the purpose of Raising Rainbow, but if we're talking about a separate story, then I don't know. What do you guys think?

Now, here's for the selection of the chapter itself. I've been trying to pace this one better than the last one, and I think I'm doing pretty well. What do you guts think?

Darkness. There was nothing but pure, black darkness. The stallion wasn't surrounded. He wasn't there. It was simply darkness, with an odd trace of echoing lingering within the void. Soon, the echoing turned to voices... familiar voices. An various set of them, too. Voices that continued to haunt them even to that day.
"Ponies like you deserve to be locked up!"
"You make me sick!"
"Begging won't get you anywhere. You're only making yourself look pathetic!"
"At this rate you'll never leave this place!"
"Outside!" The masculine voice scoffed. "Ponies like you don't get to go outside!"
"Increase his dose... This one's going to need it."
"Normal? Ha! A pony with as many problems as you could never be normal!"
"What? This one? Oh, he may act sane, but he's as much of a disgusting waste of life as everypony else in this joint is!"
"You're what's wrong with Equestria! If ponies like you didn't exist, the whole world would be better off!"
"Another chance? Ha! You had a twenty-one year chance and you blew it!"
The darkness then subsided, only to reveal a white-coated stallion angrily bucking the door to his room.
"Let me out! Let me out! Let me out!"
The stallion then saw himself scrunched up on his firm, uncomfortable bed.
"I can't take this anymore! I can't, I just can't!" He took in heavy breaths. "I need to go home!" His eyes began to water. "I-I'm loosing any sanity I h-had left!"
The scene quickly whirled away to reveal a foggy memory of the stallion gazing dead into the eyes of his parents. He felt hot, boiled anger rising to his cranium.
"Help me? Are you serious? You thought locking me up would help me?" The volume in the stallion's voice rose with each word. "You didn't help me at all! You've turned my life into a living Tartarus! I was a grown-ass stallion and I could have took care of myself!" The mare and stallion nervously huddled into each other's hooves at there son's rage. "You could have done me a favor by minding your own business and leaving me be!"
Shakily, the mother was the first to speak up.
"M-Moonstruck, Honey, we didn't mean for things to get this hectic, we promise! It's just, when your siblings told us how you used to act, we thought-"
"I don't give a damn what you thought! You ruined my entire life without even asking for consent to help me!"
With that, the angry stallion threw his hooves onto the table, sending a loud echo throughout his small room. His parents flinched, and with a jolt, his eyes opened. Moonstruck's eyes darted around the white walls of his bedroom. Sweat was running down his forehead, stomach, and neck. As soon as he realized his location, he let out a sigh of relief, happy he'd been transported from his awful memories. He did, however, still feel a hot pit of anger boiling within him. Every time he thought back to his days at the Home for the Criminally Insane, he became angrier than he was when he was still living there. Waking up with such pique was the worst possible way to start the morning.
Filled to the brim with aggravation, the stallion aggressively tossed his thin sheet aside and rose from his sweat-drenched bed. His red mane was a complete wreck and his white feathers were ruffled from the rough night's sleep. A dreary head was the least of his concern, however. The quotes from ponies he'd known so long ago lingered within his mind. Most of them came from a police that helped monitor the place. He had to help whenever there was a fight, argument, emotional breakdown, or somepony who was simply loosing all control. Although some ponies were far more off-the-wall than others, he treated them all like filthy animals who were a disgrace to the pony race. Moonstruck had many encounters with him, and didn't like him one bit. He was sane enough to realize when he was being talked down to.
"Damn bastard!" the stallion grumbled to himself as he made his way from his room. "I'd love to stab him in the bucking eye with a knife! That'll show him who's criminally insane."
With all the anger built up within him, the stallion rose onto his front two hooves and bucked the door closed with a loud slam. Although the kick allowed him to let off a load of steam, he still felt irritated from the dream. The fact a picture fell from the wall and shattered didn't exactly help, either. He looked down at it with disdain. The light blue, wooden frame faced the floor and the little shards of glass scattered around it. He was already steamed, so the fact that he'd broken his own property didn't help.
Angrily, Moonstruck marched down the hallway, letting his hooves pound against the wooden floorboards. Even if he seemed a tad bit like a pouty foal when he stomped, it still helped him personally to release some of the rage within him.
Only a mere three feet away from his bedroom was Moonstruck's bathroom. Like almost all mornings, the stallion started his day in his restroom. He entered the shabby latrine and flicked on the light with the edge of his wing. The dull room illuminated to reveal a messy bathroom with a few towels, red hair, and feathers all littering the floor. Almost instantly, a roach scattered across the floor and under a used towel in fear of the pony. The stallion kicked the bathroom door closed and looked at the light green rag with distaste. He then placed his hoof at it and kicked it aside. Two terrified roaches scattered across the tile floor, terrified of the angry monster. The white pegasus quickly lifted his hoof and stomped on one of the pests. It died with a disgusting-sounding squish. Moonstruck smiled sadistically as he lifted his hoof from the floor, only to see the squashed remains of his home intruder.
"Ha! That'll teach the little pest to interlope on my property!"
The stallion then looked around, trying to see where the little intruder's friend had scurried off to. Unfortunately, he was no where to be seen.
"Oh, well..." The stallion sighed and picked his head up, looking into the mirror. His aubergine eyes were bordered with crustie and drooping with bags. His red mane was an absolute mess and stuck out in every which direction. He frowned a bit, observing his reflection.
"You'll never be normal..."
The stallion shook his head as familiar voices echoed within his mind. Killing the bug had made him feel loads better. The last thing he wanted was for the anger to return.
"Come on, Moonstruck! You're better than your enemies." he encouraged himself in an unconfident tone.
With a sigh, the stallion grabbed the edge of his mirror and opened it wide, revealing his medicine cabinet. Inside were some pain relievers, bandages, itch cream, cold relief, and two bottles of pills that greeted him every morning; his risperidone and lithium. He felt his heart ache a bit as he glanced at the familiar bottles. Shaking off the awkward emotion brewing within him, he proceeded to do what he did most mornings; grabbing his half-way full bottle of lithium. He took the large, green-tinted bottle and unscrewed the cap and set it aside. Inside was a decent amount of big, white pills. He sighed and tilted the bottle until one dropped into his hoof. He set down the bottle, popped the pill into his mouth, and then proceeded to turn on his sink, keeping the pill secure under his tongue. He tilted his head and brought his lips to the running water, letting the liquid fill in his mouth. When enough gathered up,he swallowed the water with his medicine. The stallion took in a short breath after the swallow.
Alright, you got the worst of the two over with... The stallion picked up the lid and screwed it back onto the bottle. He set it back into the medicine cabinet and picked up the bottle that usually rested right next to his lithium. This one was clear, and much smaller in size. He unscrewed the cap and peered inside the bottle to check the amount. Inside were a whole bunch of little, red tablets that greeted him every morning. The stallion frowned as he let a couple of the pills drop into his hoof.
"What do you mean it didn't work?" A frustrated, female voice echoed within the stallion's mind. "You know what? Whatever! He's been in our home eight years now! Increase his dose, and if he doesn't get better soon, send him off to an asylum! We need more room, and he can't stay here forever! Maybe we'll ship him off to that one in southern Equestria. I heard they still use shock therapy!"
Moonstruck felt tears glisten over his eyes as he looked at the two pills before him. He sighed and popped his medicine into his mouth. He leaned his head down, turned on the sink, and took a few gulps from the running, cool tap. The two pills easily slid down his throat and into his system. They were small enough to go down without much of a fight, but still made him want to gag as the slid past his uvula. He took in a gasped and turned off the running water. Repeating the process, the stallion put the lid back on the bottle and placed it right next to his other morning medicine. He frowned and gently closed the cabinet. The mirror soon came back into his view and he let out a long, unhappy sigh. His mouth had water running down the edges and his eyes were glistening. He blinked a few times, shooing back the tears. He took in a breath, trying to compose himself.
Come on! Don't give in to it! Your stronger than that! You know you are!
The stallion bit his lip a bit. The tears slowly started to flee, and he forced a little smile. He'd usually hate himself upon staring at his reflection, but that day, he felt a bit of pride. He was a father, a fighter, and nothing more. He knew he was sadistic, but that didn't mean he was insane. Heck, he'd been growing more and more normal over the years! A little bit of hope sprung into his heart as he tried his hardest to think positive.
"Maybe one day I'll be normal without the aid of medicine..."

Well, yeah, there it is... Not really sure what else to say. Oh, yeah! How would you guys feel about two summer chapters this time around? I know I usually do summer, winter/fall, winter/spring, summer again. This time, I think there's two events I'd like to add in for summer this time. You all wouldn't mind, would you?

-Pizzema Forte

Report Pizzema Forte · 289 views · Story: Raising Rainbow ·
Comments ( 13 )



Thank you.

Love, UniqueSKD

2341183 What are you yessing to? :rainbowhuh: I'm guessing the whole sequel idea, but I could be wrong.

2341209 I YES TO EVERYTHING! NEW CHAPTER! YES! POSSIBLE SEQUEL! YES! PIZZY INVITING ME TO HER WEDDING WHEN SHE GETS MARRIED! YE - well, actually, I'll have to save up money to pay for flight travel first though...

Errm...I'll pass on the Rainbow-less sequel. I tuned into the story for specifically what was advertised - Rainbow as she grew up - and I can't really bring myself to be invested in the others beyond their connection to Rainbow.

As for the preview...not sure what to say.

It sure would be interesting reading a sequel :twilightsmile:

Not at all, Pizzy, it's your story, do as you please.
Also, two things, one you might get angry at me for :twilightangry2:
and one that you either love :pinkiehappy: or be confused by :rainbowhuh:.
Alight, so the bad news is I've submitted my story, Elsa's Snowdrop, to EQD, and I was kind of looking to see if any of my friends have a chance to pre-read the whole thing if there free. Think you'd be up for it :duck:
ONE MORE THING< ONE MORE THING! this is good news, and it all involves an answer to one question—and I think you told me this before and I may have forgotten—are you a fan of Fallout Equestria/ Project Horizons?
Also, sequel, yes, you need re-readers or help, I'm your guy for the job

Two things:

1) Did you change your profile picture so people don't get wrong your gender? That's silly, plus I liked more the Discord picture.

2) I expect the best for Moonstruck, and of course I want some of Gilda. You didn't forget about her, right? :rainbowhuh:

2341927 Nope. Also, the character in my profile picture is a boy, soo... And, yeah, his name is Judgement Boy and he's from Gregory Horror Show.
And I haven't forgot about Gilda. She'll be here eventually.


In regards to the sequel, WHAT UNIQUE SAID!!!!!

I'm gonna wait for the chapter to be released and for myself to work up the determination and free time required to read that 17k chapter and finally catch up to date. For some reason, i like having a barrier of a couple of chapters so i never run out of things to read, even though this site will never run dry until it shuts down. Anyway, you'll be able to tell when i read a chapter because i very often leave a comment with my stupid ramblings.

Got off on a tangent there, now back to my regularly scheduled hype.

The sequel?

If you don't write the sequel?
There will be disappointed and pleading comments directed toward your inbox. I hope you make the right choice...:trixieshiftright:

I would like to read a sequel.

Id love a sequel, im sure im just repeating whats been said thousands of times before but..(Ahem)....Lets see Rainbolt get a date!

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