• Member Since 28th Mar, 2013
  • offline last seen Sep 12th, 2015

Draconian Soul

Proof that I'm not dead. I was just in a slumber, waiting for reason to rise again. I might have found that reason.

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Updating Schedule & Teaser · 4:35am Dec 11th, 2013

Hello everybody. Everyone's favorite black dragon here. Today, we're going to talk about updates. To what?

EVERYTHING (except those I don't list :P)

Starting tomorrow, after I update the second chapter of the Shining Spike story, it's time to finish up some shit. As a result, because of my focus on the stories, I will not make many new stories until these obligations are fulfilled. Except for one oneshot. It's been a while, but time for some more Sparity. Either way, I'm going to try to make a little schedule for myself, and do some of these things for December. So, what do I have in store? Well, we'll try for this...

Anything in green is what I will strive to do. I will work my ass off to meet these goals.

December Writing Plans

Helping the Dweeb- Complete Story

My Son is a Changeling- Complete Story

Blood Ties- 3rd Chapter

As Sweet as Lavender- Holiday Special + Regular Teenager Update

Beauty of a Dragon-One Shot/Sparity Contest Entry

Rooted Legacy-2nd Chapter

After I get done with most of these, I will announce other new stuff I have planned, but for now, we'll stay focused on what's on this list. And because I feel like it, here's an unedited teaser of what's in store for you guys

"Oh, look where you two are!"

Lavender looked up at Rarity with confusion. "What? Aren't we just standing inside the boutique?

"Well, yes, but look up!" Rarity giggled and pointed towards the ceiling. Both Lavender and Fizzle looked up and saw what appeared to be a bundle of green leafy plants laced with a red ribbon.

"What is that supposed to be?" Fizzle asked, still eyeing the foreign object.

"Why, that's a mistletoe," Rarity replied while giggling. "You know what you're supposed to do while under it?

Lavender and Fizzle shook their heads. The two's eyes were glued to Rarity as they awaited their answer.

"That means that the two under it has to kiss!"

Lavender's ears flopped and a noticeable frown formed on her face. Fizzle's reaction was a little different. His ears perked and his face turned crimson.

"Eww! What kind of sick joke is that?" Lavender clutched her stomach and let out a fake gag.

"It's not a joke, sweetie. It's a holiday custom. You have to do it!"

"Nuh uh! Because... I..." Lavender scooted away from Fizzle. "See! I'm not under it, so it doesn't count!"

"Lavender." Rarity raised an eyebrow, looking deadpan at the dracony. Lavender didn't give into her mother's command.

"I don't wanna kiss him!" she blurted, causing Fizzle's ears to flop.

"Why not?" Rarity asked as she noticed Fizzle looking towards the ground in disappointment. "He is your friend, right?"

Lavender nodded. "Well, yes! But friends don't kiss each other! That's something only Mommies and Daddies and other family members do. Why would I kiss Fizzle for?"

Rarity rubbed her mane and sighed. "Lavender, you're supposed to..."

"I-It's okay, Mrs. Rarity," Fizzle said somberly. His face was still red, something Lavender hadn't taken notice of yet. "She doesn't have to k-kiss me if she doesn't want to. I mean, it's not..." Fizzle paused briefly and sighed. "...It's not like we wanted to, anyways."

"See? Even he didn't want to," Lavender said. "Now please, can you not make us kiss and let me play with Opal?"

Rarity glanced over at Fizzle, who was now kicking against the floorboard. She simply sighed and shook her head. "Fine, Lavender. But stay out of the living room. I don't want you knocking over our tree.

It's unedited and unpolished, but like I said, it's just a little taste of what's to come. Is it possible to get all this done by the end of December?

Probably not... but I've never been the most confident guy. Let's just say, if I have anything to do with it (which I do), one of these things will happen :3

Report Draconian Soul · 438 views · Story: As Sweet As Lavender ·
Comments ( 9 )

Entertaining as always. Rarity seems a bit pushy, but I guess she's just doing what all mothers do and humiliating her child. :D

Look forward to all the stuffs.

That was an actual thing?
The mistletoe?

Everyone's favorite black dragon here.

Bitch plz, you ain't no Alduin.

You're right. That pussy looks up to me :moustache:

Also, never finished Skyrim, so who the hell he he supposed to be :rainbowhuh:

He was supposed to be the pimp that fucks your bitch ass up.

I see. I might have to have a word with him...

If I don't spend 80 more hours being a petty Argonian thief :twilightblush:


Ladies, please, ain't no sense in talkin' about no weak ass dragons when we got epic level Mages like myself up in here. Now sit down and keep your noise holes shut in the presence of adults. :coolphoto:

I really have to get around to reading As Sweet as Lavender. :P

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