God dammit · 12:54am Dec 6th, 2013
So. This... this is awkward. Um. Hello, again, I guess. Uh.
So you might've noticed I haven't updated since August, and haven't really done like, anything at all regarding my stories. Guess it's time to do something about that?
673390 No prob! Story's going well, I hope to see more soon!
Thanks for the Fave!
627738 Believe me, if no one was home, I probably would've thrown my computer across the room upon seeing the story and jump out the window.
Thinking back on it, that'd probably be pretty counter-intuitive, cuz then I'd have nothing to read the story on.
626714 Almost is not good enough. We need full-on fangirl!
626156 Of course! Anything based off 2013 Tomb Raider is probably going to have me eating it up, that game was amazing. Not gonna lie, when I seen someone do a crossover between MLP/TR, I almost fangirl'd... almost.