• Member Since 17th Jan, 2012
  • offline last seen Feb 16th, 2016


I'm a bright author with a dark mind.


Username analysis (cont.) · 4:36pm Jun 20th, 2015

I apologize for the lack of content in the past years, but I plan on continuing my work. If you still want your username analyzed after....like 3 years now? Then PM me; I'll post the analysis' here, that way this blog isn't too crowded and I lose track of those requested in the blog. You may reply to the analysis, yes, but save the requests for the PMs, okay?

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Comments ( 62 )
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I sincerely apologize for my prolonged hiatus...college and job hunting, and another distractions get in the way. I am still alive and will attempt to continue with both the fanfic and the fun little analysis event, if people are still inclined. Thank you for staying with me, and once again, I apologize.

Saw that you rate and or analize screen names why dont you give mine a try

When shall you update your fanfic?


So you can read usernames eh? Well tell me somthing about myself that isn't on my user page.

87880 Or maybe everyone's watching eachother.

  • Viewing 58 - 62 of 62
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