• Member Since 28th Apr, 2012
  • offline last seen Jul 5th, 2013


Hello there! Thanks for checking up on me but right now I don't have much to say :)


OC story · 3:53am Jul 5th, 2012

Well after two months of setbacks and uncreative spells I have finished part 1 of CureAll's story :) if anyone wants to help proofread him me up an ill hit you up with a doc link you can comment on and such ;)

Report CureAll · 384 views ·
Comments ( 4 )
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I see your favorite on Disavowed, and raise you one epic mustache :moustache:.

Fixed anything that you pointed out as well, thanks!

Haha, nice response :raritywink:.

Thanks for the favorite on 115! Good timing too, twas planning on releasing the epic conclusion today if worked played my side. :twilightsmile:

Leaving comment so you dont have empty comment board! :raritywink:

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