Hi I'm back. I'm still a fanfic critic but I have this time will behave my self ps I will not be help to eny finfic writers and he or she who has writers block
Chef by trade, usually try to be chill but sometimes you just gotta vent
Hi! I'm just some random dude who enjoys watching ponies and then obsessing over them with my friends on the internet!
Hello, I'm Storiesatrandom, and, I, do stories..... At Random.
I am a Chinese-Canadian who loves military, dinosaur, and other. Napoleonic Wars, American Civil War and World War 1 & 2 is 4 of my top ten military histories.
Sometimes I like to pretend that I'm good at writing.
I'm just an Otaku who plays games most of the time and occasionally watch anime (and sorry if I don't sound like a real one) ('^u^`;)~ (I could really consider a profile pic change ('-u-` ; )...)
Let there be ambiance, and may it be white, white as the snow; For even someone shrouded in darkness...can be the hero who saves the light.
Just a dude mucking about in life without a clue (and taking out the trash with a little bit of a clue)
Presenting the best version of the weirdest idea!
Did you know this description is actually limited to 200 characters? When it says "50 characters left", it's lying. | If you 'watch' me, expect to be interrogated for your reasons.