• Member Since 15th Dec, 2019
  • offline last seen Jan 9th, 2023


I just really like worldbuilding!

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Princess Celestia has worked hard to get Equestria where it is now. Her resume includes territory conflicts, diplomacy with other nations and species, and keeping the peace in internal affairs. As Equestria stabilizes and its biggest threats taken care of, life has been getting easier for the Sun Diarch.

Still, some challenges remain. The Changelings, now on the side of Equestria, need to be integrated into society. Unfortunately, this is going to require resolving a stack of paperwork to rival Canterlot's mountainside. Celestia may need to pull an all-nighter for this one.

Should be simple enough. Maybe.

Written for the writing prompt "The night where the sun didn't go down". Thank you to Smokey for his critique on my fic, as well as everyone else who has read it!

NOTE: This story takes place during MLP Season 8, but prior watching is not required.

Chapters (1)

Ocellus's life had taken some wild turns lately. The tyrannical Queen Chrysalis had been outed, replaced by the former AWOL Changeling Thorax. Now, the Changelings could live free, unshackled from doing the bidding of an uncaring queen.

Even better, she had been chosen to go to the brand new School of Friendship! She could actually go and receive a proper education that greatly overshadowed anything the meager Changeling Hive library had.

Only one task stands in her way: alongside her normal application, Ocellus has to write a "cover letter" expressing her personal reasons for wanting to go to this school. It had to be written from the heart; any sort of "business speak" would get her application trashed instantly.

Ocellus has no idea what to write for this.

Written for the writing prompt "The Winner Takes It All". Thank you to Smokey for his critique on my fic, as well as everyone else who has read it!

NOTE: This story takes place shortly before MLP Season 8.

Chapters (1)

Shining Armor, before becoming a captain, regularly performed patrol duty with his squad. Many of those patrol nights involved uneventfully standing guard in various districts of Canterlot. Tonight will be just as uneventful as the others.

Or so Shining Armor thought.

Written for the writing prompt "A Scream in the Dark". Thank you to Graymane Shadow for his critique on my fic, as well as everyone else who has read it!

Chapters (1)

At the North Pole, in the northmost extremity of Equestria stands a remote research base, dedicated to studying a strange obelisk erected for unknown reasons. Here, a small research team works to find out what they can about this structure. Their research hasn't progressed very far, and it's generally unexciting work.

The most interesting thing to happen on the job is the yearly visit from Waypoint. For the last three years, this odd goldenrod pegasus visits by plane, says hello to the team, assists in an experiment or two, and leaves a few days later.

All they really know about him is that he's the only son of well-off parents, and he claims that the reason he wants to visit so much is because the North Pole is where he got his cutie mark. Clearly there's more to his reasons, but what? What sort of answers would a pony wanting for little in the world be looking for out in the middle of a frozen wasteland?

Death tag is due to references to a near-death experience.

Takes place a few years after the Season 9 conclusion, but this story does not contain any spoilers for that conclusion.

Thanks to my friends who proofread my story!

Cover art by Calmivore!

Chapters (1)