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Fallout dude 50


Lunch time · 4:54am Oct 10th, 2021

ok Twilight that’s the last book!

*spike hopped off the ladder that was against a large bookshelf and looked at Twilight who was going over one of her infamous checklists and let’s out a sigh*

Twilight hello!

*spike looks at Twilight with irritation for a moment before smiling and quickly comes up with an idea*

Twilight! I just heard that Fallout got hurt again he’s in the hospital!

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Report Fallout dude 50 · 104 views ·

Giving him a boost · 4:33am Oct 8th, 2021

ah welcome to Gustave le Grand do you have a….

*the waiter stops as he looks at fallout who’s currently pulling on his tie*

reservation….is there a problem?

oh no everything is fine sir he’s just fixing his tie! We have a reservation under the name Rarity

hmm…very well then let me see

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Report Fallout dude 50 · 66 views ·

Pinkie time · 4:31am Oct 2nd, 2021

P-pinkie please this is getting ridiculous!

it is not! It’s sweet and romantic!

Pinkie these hourly love and affection stuff is really starting to get in the way of things! Especially when you pull me away from the others!

they understand right sunset!

*There was a short pause as sunset took her time to respond *

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Report Fallout dude 50 · 115 views ·

Morning start · 4:02am Sep 29th, 2021

*Fallout bites his lower lip and paused to listen for anything after he slowly closed the door that lead to his bedroom where his wife’s were sleeping*

Oh buck I can’t believe I managed to get out of bed on time today…

*fallout looks at the door opposite from him that was labeled workshop and quietly went inside to gather his gear for the day completely unaware of the noises coming from the kitchen downstairs*

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Report Fallout dude 50 · 78 views ·

Usual but fun · 3:22am Sep 24th, 2021

This is the last time I tell the others I’m going to a far part of Equestria for a job! This list of things they want is ridiculous!

*as fallout looks over the long list of things his wife’s wanted as souvenirs he hears a giggle coming from his side*

is what I wanted ridiculous sweetie?

*fluttershy nuzzled her husband at an attempt to calm him down which works, soon after she began to nuzzle him he smiled*

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Report Fallout dude 50 · 88 views ·

Sparking confession part 2 · 6:57pm Sep 15th, 2021

*twilight wiped her eyes as she made her way to the bathroom.*

He already has so many girlfriends, Why would he want to be with me? Besides… they’re way prettier then I am…

*in her depressed state she bumps into a couple boys*

Hey, watch it!


Hey you’re that one girl from Crystal Prep!

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Sparkling confession part 1 · 7:06pm Sep 14th, 2021

And then once you use the formula I showed you the rest is just basic math!

Wow, that makes it so much easier! Thank you so much for helping me Twi!

It’s no problem! It’s the least I can do after you have been so nice to me!

No sweat, you’ve been a great friend to me and the girls these last few months, the least I can do is help make you feel at home!

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Report Fallout dude 50 · 102 views ·

Aftermath · 3:52am Sep 8th, 2021

*Fallout sighs sadly as he continues look at his food which was a small order of chili cheese fries that he ordered a while ago and tried to eat as soon as he arrived at sugarcube corner but couldn’t and instead pokes his food with his fork at a attempt to eat but he felt sick*

Ugh it’s been three weeks since the friendship game and I still can’t eat much…damn

*as he complains quietly to himself pinkie rolls up to his table after getting worried and gets his attention*

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Friendship games alternate conclusion · 9:06pm Sep 6th, 2021

ok guys here’s the conclusion to Friendship games Alternate please enjoy!

St- Stay back, Stay away from me!

*Fallout tries to run away but he trips over his own feet.*

Fallout, what’s wrong?

Please! Don’t come any closer! I don’t want to hurt you!

Fallout, it’s okay! I know that wasn’t really you! That was just the magic talking!

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Friendship games alternate part 3 · 3:39am Sep 5th, 2021

Ok guys here’s part 3 enjoy

*As Shieldbreaker continued to fight the Manticore the Humane 7 assisted the students who were at risk of falling through portals created by magic. Once the last student was pulled safety away Sunset couldn’t help but notice that Fallout’s girlfriends were each growing Pony Ears and Hair extensions.*

Th- the magic, it’s coming back?! But how?! I thought Twilight’s locket stole it all?

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Report Fallout dude 50 · 78 views ·