• Member Since 2nd Nov, 2019
  • offline last seen Last Thursday

Fallout dude 50


Just a normal conversation for once · 6:28pm Dec 12th, 2019

hey fallout it’s odd to see you without pinkie around

It would be huh

would be?

Haha she’s over there shopping while I’m here talking to friends *points to pinkie*

hi everypony!

oh hello pinkie

Hi Twilight how’s your day going

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Report Fallout dude 50 · 87 views ·

Ok where is it · 6:11pm Dec 11th, 2019

Pinkie i can’t find any of my work stuff

really that’s odd

Yeah I know I’m gonna be late if I don’t find it

well looks like your not going to work today so how about we just be together for today !

Wait a minute......did you.....did you do something to my stuff

w-what no

Pinkie your acting suspicious

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Report Fallout dude 50 · 78 views ·

How about no · 6:48pm Dec 10th, 2019

Pinkie is that one of my shirts


You stretched it out!

i know I wanted it to fit me

Pinkie that was the one my mom got me last year for Christmas

i like this one

Take it off!

hmmm......how about no

Ugh your lucky your cute pinkie

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Report Fallout dude 50 · 58 views ·

Don’t worry I’m alive! · 7:12pm Dec 2nd, 2019

Sorry for taking so long but I had things to do and.....well.....

A big ass pink pony won’t let me leave

come on honey bunny I wanna see you

No! You’ll kill me at that size get back to normal

awww but it’s fun being this big

Pinkie your scaring people

fine but I’m so gonna kiss the heck outta you when I get in there~

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Report Fallout dude 50 · 241 views · #Alive

Happy thanksgiving everyone · 6:01pm Nov 28th, 2019

Sorry to make this short but I have to work all day please enjoy your day

Report Fallout dude 50 · 39 views ·