• Member Since 9th Nov, 2011
  • offline last seen Apr 18th, 2014



What should I write Next? · 9:51pm Jun 7th, 2012

Hello there. Well, summer is officially here for me, and as promised, more fics are to come. Problem is, though, I have too many ideas and can't decide on what to write first. So I was hoping that if I posted their premises on here, you guys would let me know what you'd wanna read first. Let's get to listing then:

My Little Hunter: Ganking is Magic

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Report BorgiaBrony · 484 views ·

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OH MY DISCORD:pinkiegasp: it's Discord in a king sombra costume:trollestia:

Thanks for the favourite! :twilightsmile:

thank you for reading and I'm very happy to hear you enjoyed it! More stories will be on the way in the next few weeks.

just wanted to say i absolutely loved heart of stone.:heart: it made me laugh and it made me cry.:fluttercry: i do look forward to reading more of your stories.

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