2846518 I tend to appreciate fics that focus on different interpretations for lesser appreciated characters in a fandom (Blueblood in this case) so I saw the premise and liked it and it was a solid read which was encouraging too for a first chapter.
GreenfireHunting for gemstones, Rarity discovers a massive hoard... and the dragon who collected it. Rarity and Greenfire quickly find themselves drawn to each other. But the question remains: How did he end up in the Everfree Forest alone?by True Blue Spark
20,885 words
· 1,427 · 22
It Takes a VillageSpike only wants things to stay the same. Time, however, has other ideas. He's going to need help...by determamfidd
148,765 words
· 3,632 · 66
Dangerous ElementsCould you show restraint? Should you show remorse for your actions if you felt they were justified? by Poison_Joke
28,191 words
· 171 · 2
Thanks for the favorite!
I tend to appreciate fics that focus on different interpretations for lesser appreciated characters in a fandom (Blueblood in this case) so I saw the premise and liked it and it was a solid read which was encouraging too for a first chapter.
Thanks for the fave on my newest story, A Pair Most Unlikely! What do you like most so far?
No problem. Its a good fic. Probably Babysitter Blueblood is the one I'm most intrigued by.