• Member Since 2nd Feb, 2016
  • offline last seen January 22nd


There's always that one guy that just ... well, he just doesn't yaknow? No? Well, that sounds like a personal problem

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New Chapter? · 12:37am May 9th, 2020

Alright, I'm alive, it's a thing; I breathe, I have a beating heart, and my primate phalanges permit pernicious deliciousness to my tastebuds. I've been thinking of a new chapter for my Well, Je Ne Sais Pas ... story for a while now but I debate just rewriting the damn thing. Hence, I wanted to ask for others' thoughts here. Shall I rework this +100,000 word story right now or just pump out some chapters until I wrap it together and THEN do a rewrite?

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Report Alwaysthatoneguy · 271 views ·
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All super worth it, after all!

Thank you sm for the follow! <3


Dunno why this is 90 degrees exactly opposite the way I want, or how to fix it, but I did a doodle today; it's funny 'cause it looks like I was really trying and it resulted in this adorable little attempty thingy thang xD

Comment posted by Alwaysthatoneguy deleted Apr 22nd, 2019
  • Viewing 14 - 18 of 18
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