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- Since Twilight became a princess, and new force was rise. This battle she needed to fight dark magic, which was not King Sombra. Come and check it out.super star warrior x1 · 6.5k words · 4 19 · 484 views
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Thanks for the watch ^^
Oh, hey! Another one! I'm very, very glad that you enjoyed my story Zenith. I hope that I'll be able to bring you more of the work soon, and that you'll enjoy following along as Spike goes on more of his journey.
Thank you very much for placing my story Our Gifts on your Favorites bookshelf. I'm glad that you could enjoy my little slice of pony/dragon cuddling.
Thanks for watching(or was that the stalking part, but I'm still happy)

It was really simple. It is because a friend or stranger try to tell you secret or teach you stuff. After that, they will ask you to pay back something.