• Member Since 22nd Mar, 2012
  • offline last seen Oct 14th, 2012



Re: Attention · 8:59am Jun 11th, 2012

Scratch that last blog post. I'm still going to write the clop fic, eventually, but I have an even better idea for a story. I'm going wrap up Veil of Twilight, quickly and efficiently. I'm going to try not to rush it. Look for next chapter in Veil of Twilight soon! I'm excited about the continuation of the story in all.

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Coming Soon...

Okay, so as thing haven't been going as we all wanted them to, and according to updates, coming soon will be the prequel to Veil of Twilight or well... The first book of the series.

No official names yet, but for now we're going to call it The Nights of Autumn.

This one is full of headcanon and OCs and stuff that a lot people don't really like, but it plays a major role in storyline and why Twilight is so evil in VoT. So we're going to be working on that. HOWEVER, I will be /planning it out and thinking it through/ this time. :twilightangry2:

So, I'm hoping this works out! Now that I'm making more time, this might actually work. *Please let this work*

Maybe this time, I can get on EqD! Gotta look out for those grammar errors. The pre-readers are the TRUE Grammar Nazis. But I do take criticism well. :heart: :twilightsmile:

Anyhoo, followers, watchers, and readers, be on the look out sometime soon!
Let's get this sh!t started! :yay: