• Member Since 14th Apr, 2014
  • offline last seen July 20th



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Make Way for the New Husbando · 12:47am Apr 6th, 2015

Was totally a hunk at first sight. Look out Braeburn, you've got some competition.

Report WublessFeat · 351 views ·
Comments ( 12 )
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Small world indeed! I'm glad you found someone to relate to with "Sensation," and I do plan on continuing the story someday (once the physical copy is taken care of). I hope you'll give the follow-up a read, too!

And thanks for the compliment. It's fun to get saucy once in a while. :raritywink:

Well thanks for dropping by! This was quite a ride to read. To be rather honest, I didn't actually empathize with Soarin's arc as much, however I did thoroughly enjoyed Braeburn's arc quite a lot! I'd think that it'd be quite rad if we would see Braeburn's perspective on it. Of course, I do like the more intimate scene, you do have quite... apt descriptions for them. :twilightsheepish:

I also happen to know Brimstone, so it's quite a small world! :pinkiegasp:

Hey there, WublessFeat! Thanks for checking out "Sensation." I'm glad it's found a place among your guilty pleasures. :raritywink: If you have any feedback, please let me know, since I'm always eager to improve. :rainbowwild:

Thanks for the fav!

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