• Member Since 5th Mar, 2012
  • offline last seen Aug 22nd, 2013

B. J. Williams

Search Statistics

Found 4 stories in 31ms

Total Words: 89,505
Estimated Reading: 5 hours


After some pony knocked down the hourglass of time, when it was getting close to the "Changing of the Age", many bad things happen in Equestria. The last thing was a warning from beyond the grave. What is it that will happen to Equestria, if they do not heed the signs and the warning?

Chapters (1)

After Fluttershy gets a letter from her parents, she goes on a quest to find her origins. Her friend, Applejack, and her date, Big Macintosh were heading to the Glasa Isles to visit a friend and probably start trade. Fluttershy tags along with permission from the two.

Chapters (2)

After a few days of Pinkie Pie having the same nightmare over and over again, the CMC accidentally unleash demons that were sealed in a book lead by the fearsome Mareaxe. Fortunately, Twilight Sparkle and Fluttershy are able to help Pinkie Pie when finding out what is going on. Can they help Pinkie Pie break her fear of demons or will Equestria turn into a hell on Earth?

Chapters (9)

The mane six ended up falling into the chasm of time when they leave they are 700+ years into the post-apocalyptic future. They go on an adventure to find their way back home. But as they do so, fate has other plans in store for them. They must save the world by destroying the elements of chaos. Along the way, they encounter many things including: Basil Rodelero XIV, the son of a famous general, steam punk tech, several different nations, and the return of a old-school MLP villain.

Chapters (46)