The mane six ended up falling into the chasm of time when they leave they are 700+ years into the post-apocalyptic future. They go on an adventure to find their way back home. But as they do so, fate has other plans in store for them. They must save the world by destroying the elements of chaos. Along the way, they encounter many things including: Basil Rodelero XIV, the son of a famous general, steam punk tech, several different nations, and the return of a old-school MLP villain.
I wouldn't give up just yet, but it does need a lot of work.
My fic is kind of different because it does its own thing.
I hope this doesn't hurt anyone.
The reason I put so many chapters in at once was because I was anxious about the intro arch. I apologize if this caused any confusion. I didn't mean any harm.
The story amz understandable but the grammar and whatever.... it r confuzing.
I know.
I, kind of, sacrificed grammar for plot.
That's where probably I got the negative comments from.
Too bad there was not a *sigh* emoticon. I would have used that instead of the facehoof one.
Please some pony, comment on this fic.
If you get past the grammar issue, it's a good story.
I don't to comment on my own stuff.
Hello everyone! Jackal here. Just wanted to let readers know that me and Williams are working together to tidy this fic up. Him as the writer, me as the editor. If I'm not mistaken (I haven't checked yet), the prologue should be the new version! I'm working on editing the first chapter now.
How does tirac know about the elements of harmony??
Answer to jackal's Question:
It is rather simple. He did exist during the Equestria Period, so he knows what the Elements of Harmony are. He doesn't know where the they are. Besides, he's not referring to the Elements of Harmony. What he is referring to comes later in the fic.
Sparkling vampire....I see what you did there.
very good
Things are about to get intense and something big will occur shortly.
There will be more good stuff in the future.
ok! i shall look forward to it with much eagerness
wow they finally went to the future ponyville.
i am looking forward to the next chapter

There are some good stuff ahead. Depending on your definition of good.
I had to change the prologue back toward its original form but some of the edits are still there.
It will make sense later in the story why the prologue is like as it is.
Hopefully, this will be helpful.
THIS IS...*looks around*...WHERE EVER THE **** WE ARE!!!!
I see what u did there....
I don't understand the comments you put up.
Can you explain to me what you meant?
425913 this one was yet another parody of the Sparta meme, actually relating to the fact they don't really know where they are.
The second one was with the >9000 sentence at the beginning.
Sorry for the confusion.
In about two weeks, the fic will come to an end. Just like season two of Friendship is Magic.

If you wanted to get technical, the earliest moments in the fic started shortly after Season Two.
I started putting some of the tracks back into the fic. If you want to hear them, that's fine. If not, that's okay too. It was just my opinion on what would fit best. Although, not all the tracks are listed in the fic. Only the tracks that have a significant time running are in the fic.
Please do not skip this chapter, or the next chapter will not make any sense.

I'm think because of the stigma Midnight Castle has...
I'm predicting that a few ponies would skip this chapter.
I reviewed the number of views each chapter had.
Please remember to read, all of the chapters.
294585it seems a bit rushed,
294585 also try to give the reader what the caracters are feeling
It does get better later on.
I offered my help to williams as an editor, and he accepted my help some time ago. Once I finish this story, I will proceed to edit accordingly. With our combined efforts (my grammer and editing....stuff, and his inspiration and ideas) we can make this story into cocaine for the eyes!
I hope you don't mind that I commented this publicly, williams.

You can message publicly, I didn't mind.
I would like to thank all of the readers who read this fiction.

And gave a chance to be a part of the community.
I hope the readers are satisfied with the story.
And I hope I can continue writing for the brony community.
Good Story We Wonder If There Is A Sequel ?

I, originally, had an epilogue to the story but I removed it after thinking the story didn't need it.
But what I am considering, is an alternate ending.
Where the main six stay in the time period described in the story.
It'll be separate from this story because of the potential it has to being a fanfic of it's own.
It might end up starting an indirect sequel or collaboration (like Pony Fall).
The collaboration's name would be "Brand New World".
But I doubt it could achieve the latter.
Would that even be possible with a fanfic like this?
Yes You Can Make A Sequel, You Have an Entire Universe To As You Please
If I did have other authors come into this collaboration.
How would I get the things organized?
But nevertheless, I feel confident on writing this sequel.
I could edit the OCs, so they are similar to ponies from FIM.
Example: The samurai fillies were the JAT counterparts of the Cutie Mark Crusaders.
Well, except that they now have their cutie marks.
Well Instead Of Doing PArts Of Chapters Each One , Every Author At Least Does 1 Chapter,
With the Ponyfall Collaboration, each author did a separate story with different characters as the main character.
example: One author did Twilight Sparkle, a different one did Rarity, etc. etc. etc.
Too Many Fics To Track, also you can make a new fic based on this universe but still is more easy this doing it chapter by chapter rather than fic by fic
I probably won't start the sequel until the editing here is done.
WOOT! Good story. This has a lot of potential.
Well, I seem to be taking a long time to read this, sorry about that. Just wanted to say that so far I am intrigued by the plot and looking forward to seeing where this is going. And the first day of training is really funny.
Wow. This is getting epic really fast. Lives at stake, battles and strategies and deceptions...the plot just gets thicker and thicker, and I'm loving every moment of it.
And Tirac?! OMG, please tell me we're talking about the G1 villain here; he was the best ever! Or, the worst ever, whichever.
On a side note, I love the names you come up with for the ponies; things like Bombard and Switchblade just make a lot of sense for ponies in this kind of a setting, and the fact that you did come up with names for them just makes everything feel a lot more real. Too many fics are populated with nameless, faceless side characters.
Yes, we are talking about G1 Tirac.
Just note he hasn't found the rainbow of darkness.
He doesn't know such a thing exists... yet.
The biggest complaint I have so far is that half the time this feels more like a summary or list of events than a story. The paragraph where they escape from Tirac is especially bad, that many huge events shouldn't happen all at once like that; they're just begging to be fleshed out. Other than that and the occasional grammatical error I am loving this fic.
The story is being helped out by an editor, jackal4563.
Together, Jackal and I are going to make this story one of the best.
You can help if you want.