• Member Since 24th Nov, 2013
  • offline last seen Mar 27th, 2014


Why not. I will write some random stories at some point... Human in Equestria or Doctor Whooves


Death of Chocolate · 10:10pm Jan 26th, 2014

I apologise to all who liked or favourited 'The Chocolate Factory' but as author I decided it was too awful and had to be taken down.

If I get around to editing it, it may be re-released, but until then it will be stored in the depths of FiMFiction's data bases...

In other news, Chapter 5 of Is it Really Fiction? is going to start being written in about 20 minutes, and Twilight and The Otter may be worked on a bit...


Report Randomanous · 335 views ·

Swarm Overlord Randomanous': Masterpieces

Comments ( 17 )
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My new account is now Randominos

1061966 I appreciate that. A lot of people wouldn't bother, especially as the story has been out for quite a while.

So thanks, for thanking me.

1061933 I was just responding to the alert I got when you favorited it. 'Kinda my thing to thank everyone who thinks it's good enough to favorite. :pinkiehappy:

1061548 Well, technically I haven't read any of it according to my account, however I read lots of it before I got an account about 4 months ago, and still remember that I enjoyed it.

So, I look forward to rereading it.

Hey thanks for faving The Tale of Lord Barleycorn! I hope you're enjoying it! :pinkiehappy:

  • Viewing 13 - 17 of 17
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