• Member Since 21st Mar, 2013
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May the floss be with you.


Hope is but a foal hood fairy tale in the Wasteland. Death is all there is

Happy Fallout 4 announcement day, just a quickie I wrote out over dinner.

Chapters (1)

Various stories of various completion. The tales range from Pinkie Pie the Unicorn to Scootaloo the Mentor

Went through my computer while drunk. Here's various things put together

Chapters (4)

Vinyl Scratch finds herself depending on Octavia when she wakes up hungover and in a bad situation.

Comes with an audio version

Chapters (1)

Flash Sentry has been dating a certain purple alicorn for a few months now, and they make the most of their time together whenever they get time alone

Written to celebrate three hundred-fifty followers.

Just a quickie, written in an hour

Chapters (1)

Apple Bloom's wish to get away from all of it may very well be granted. But is that really what she wants?

Based on The Thief of Always by Clive Barker, but not required for reading.

Comments are always welcome, no matter how inane you think they are

Chapters (1)

Join Twilight in this reimaging of an Equestria that no longer believes in the princesses and is magical in a wholely different way.
Alternate universe version of the episodes

Chapters (1)