• Published 17th Mar 2013
  • 4,641 Views, 80 Comments

Welcome To The World - Sweet Tale

Jason and Sarah enlist the help of their off-world friends.

  • ...

Chapter 1


"Bloody useless bus service..."


"Can't drive in the bloody rain..."


"It's all for the best...it's what she wants. And what she wants..." I breathed out heavily. "She gets..."

Cycling uphill in a torrential storm. Well, I can't blame the world for being designed wrong but it seemed that Summer had buggered off for a while. This storm had been going on for hours and there was no sign of it stopping. And better yet, I had a backpack on, filled to the brim with an assortment of sugary snacks and bottles of a certain popular fizzy drink.

It was my turn to go shopping and I couldn't really argue with Sarah again. But I swore every time it was my turn, more heavy items would show up on the shopping list. Maybe I should try and learn how to drive.

"Phhbbtt...yuck..." I spat out the rain that was dripping into my mouth from my hair. It tasted awful but that could have been because of my shampoo. Lime shower gel...smells nice but tastes terrible...

Powering away, I gradually climbed the angled slopes of the A66 towards Penrith. I hated cycling up these roads but I suppose it's a good way of keeping fit. The lightning illuminated the hills around me with the accompanying thunder providing such a beautiful song of nature. The rain had soaked me to the bone and I knew I was going to get sick from it...I just knew it...


A lorry barrelled past me and I lost my balance, wobbling slightly. "HEY, WATCH WHERE YOU'RE GOING YOU..."


"Oh no..." I stopped the bike and went to pick up my mobile which had fallen out of my pocket. Approaching it, I noticed it had split into various pieces. The screen was cracked and the back and battery were seperated. I put the phone back together and tried to turn it on...it didn't. "Just brilliant..." I put the broken mobile in my bag and got back on the bike, continuing my ascent to the hills.

Soon enough, my home came into view. That tiny little place that offered me shelter from the outside world. At the moment, some horrors lay within but nothing could be worse than being in this appalling weather. I locked my bike up and took my assortment of keys out. Unlocking and opening the door, the first thing I saw was Sarah, lounged out on the sofa watching TV...not that I could blame her.

"What took you?" she asked.

"You have seen the weather right?" I took my coat off and let it flop to the ground. "I...am...soaked." I opened my bag and started handing her various items. "Diet Coke...sour cream and chive flavour pretzels...and a bag of fun-sized Milky Ways. Is that everything?" I asked with a smile.

She looked at her assortment, then gave me a glare. "Did you get the Pringles?" My face said it all - I completely forgot. "Jason..."

"Sorry honey...I tried to remember everything." I leant down to give her a kiss but she edged away. "Fine." I grumbled. "I'll just go and change." I walked to the bathroom and took off my waterlogged clothes. They fell to the floor with an audible splat. Drying myself off, I went to the bedroom and put on some clean clothes. Going back into the living room, I plopped myself down on the armchair and breathed out an audible sigh.

"What's wrong now?" Sarah annoyingly asked.

"Just this...so-and-so in a lorry. He sped past me and made me drop my phone. Now it's broken." I glumly said.

"Just more and more problems with you isn't it?"

I shook my head. "Yeah, yeah, just pile it on why don't you?" Sarah gave a 'hmph' and started eating a Milky Way. I knew she wasn't mad at me but...but the way she said things really hurt me. "Sorry...it's just...I want things to be normal again..."

"Well that's not going to happen is it? Not with you forgetting things all the time." Sarah responded with a hint of anger.

"Oh come on!" I retorted, getting to my feet. "I tried my best. I mean..." I sighed and sat back down. "This will all be over soon and...and we'll be alright again. Besides, this was only supposed to happen towards the end of this anyway." Sarah refused to look at me. I knew how to get her happy again. "Come on...when this finally happens, we'll be as happy as larry."

Sarah looked down then up at me. She smiled slightly and kissed me. "I'm sorry I snapped at you. You don't know what it's like..."

"I can only imagine..." I got to my feet again. "I'm gonna go lie down for a bit OK?" She nodded and I retreated to the bedroom, flopping down on the bed. That cycling had really taken it out of me and I was ready to fall asleep. And before long, I found myself unable to keep my eyes open.

The world of slumber seemed very interesting right about--


"Oh for..." I slowly got off the bed and headed for the bedroom door.


She sounded angry. I wonder what I did this time? Going into the front room, I noticed Sarah was staring at a blank TV screen. The bloody thing broke again. "Don't worry, I'll get it fixed." Ignoring her groans of protest, I pulled the cabinet out and started unplugging the wires.

"Jason...it's not--"

"I know it's not working, just give me a minute!" Grumbling under my breath, I took out the scart cable and gave it a quick clean. "These bloody wires...I swear they just break so we pay more money for--"


I rubbed my eyes and plugged everything back in. Raising to my knees, I turned to Sarah. "Well what's the..." What I saw made me feel like a complete idiot. "Oh...OH!" I rushed to my wife who was staring at me. "Is...is that?"

"It's happening!" she shouted at me.

"Alright, alright! I'll call someone!" I went to the landline and picked up the phone, only to be met with silence. "Huh?" I tried pressing a few buttons but nothing happened. "Bloody storm's knocked out the phone!" I reached into my pocket to get my mobile out...only to remember what happened. "NO! I've got no phone! Where's yours?"

"I don't know!" she replied, sweating buckets.

"Don't worry, I'll call it from the..." I slapped my forehead at my own stupidity. But then a fear arised...just how the hell was I supposed to get help?" "I don't know what to do!"


"Get? Get what?"

"Get...Luna...and Celestia..."

My wife was a genius. I leant down and kissed her forehead. "Brilliant!" I rushed to my bedroom and pulled out the scroll and quill, hastily writing a quick note and sending it to Her Royal Highness. I returned to the living room and took a seat next to my pained wife. "Alright, alright." I put my arm around her. "Just stay calm...she'll help us...I know she will..."

Today was a special day in Canterlot. The love between two of her subjects was soon to be tied by marriage. They stood before her looking stunning in their formal attire. Celestia looked upon them and read out the sacred lines.

"My loyal subjects of Equestria. You join us here today to celebrate the matrimony between Grid Iron and Summer Breeze."

Celestia continued her rehearsed speech before the families of both the bride and groom. There wasn't a dry eye in the entire crowd as at least fifty ponies had turned out to see their family members become on.

"Grid Iron. Do you take--"


Before she could continue, a scroll appeared before her in a flash of light. Knowing who this could only be from, she took it in her wing and looked at the couple-to-be. "Please forgive me my subjects. I shall only be a moment." She unrolled the scroll and began to read.

To Celestia and Luna,

I need your help, RIGHT NOW! This is a matter of utmost emergency. We have no means of outside communication and we need help! Please come as soon as you can!


Celestia rolled the scroll back up and turned to the couple again. "Excuse me one moment." She quickly teleported away, leaving a rather excited couple bemused and wondering what on Equestria was happening. Celestia quickly returned but with Luna in tow.

"Forgive me my subjects but a matter of emergency has arisen and I must depart. Princess Luna will continue the ceremony." Before anyone could reply to her statement, Celestia disappeared once again.

"WHERE IS SHE?" Sarah screamed.

"I DON'T KNOW!" It had been fifteen minutes since I sent the letter but it felt like much more. Sarah was still screaming in pain as our latest life event began to unfold. Deciding to take action, I stood up. "Come on, we'll go to the road and flag someone down."

"I can't..." Sarah said through pained breaths.

"Yes you can! I'm gonna help you!" I put my arms around her and helped her to her feet. She screamed in agony as we began to take steps towards the door. The lightning flashed furiously outside. "You're doing great honey, just keep it up!" Before we could take another step, Sarah collapsed to the floor and landed on her knees. "Babe! Are you alright?!"

"It hurts!"

The lights in our home flickered as the lightning continued to perform the world's biggest light show. "I'm sorry, but you need to get up now!" As I tried to help my wife up, a flash of light eminated from the room and Celestia had finally appeared. "YOU'RE HERE!" I screamed at her.

"Sorry for the delay my friends but..." She stopped talking as she noticed Sarah on the floor, writhing in pain. "Sarah?! What's wrong?"

"He...he did this to...me..."

"Jason did..." Celestia immediately thought the worst and glared at me. "Jason..." she said angrily. "Just how could strike your wife?!"

"What?! I didn't hit her!"

"Then why is she in pain?!" Celestia angrily demanded, jabbing her hoof into my chest.

"The reason I brought you here!"

I pointed to her enlarged area.


Author's Note:

And here we go again. Story number three! I hope to keep this updated as much as possible but who knows what'll happen!

Enjoy! :pinkiehappy: