• Published 20th Jan 2013
  • 2,418 Views, 102 Comments

Cheerilee's Date for the Grand Galloping Gala - Blackbelt

Cheerilee doesn't have a very special somepony. A few students in here class will attempt to remedy that. Hilarity ensues.

  • ...

Legion of Doom

Dust Buster slowly, carefully, opened the conference room door, upon her back sat a tray of the finest treats and tea the Rich Estate could offer. Inside, sitting around the large table, sat four ponies. Three of them were honored guests of the estate, and the young mistress demanded they be treated with the utmost respect. And the fourth pony, was, of course, the young mistress herself. The four were caught up in their conversation, none of them noticing the maid’s entrance.

She cleared her throat, catching the attention of the gathered ponies. “I have brought the treats and drinks you requested, Miss Tiara.” The maid stated simply, lifting the treats and tea cups off the tray with a glow of her horn, and distributed the treats and cups, mentally thinking to herself who got what.

Ok, Sweetie Belle wanted the darjeeling tea and the candied cherimoya, Silver Spoon wanted the Lady Grey tea and the thin mint cookies, Miss Tiara wanted the Jasmine Dragon tea with candied rose petals, and Scootaloo wanted the Chai tea and a rainbow covered candy bar from that local candy shop.

The treats and drinks distributed, three of the fillies, the guests, said a quick thank you. The young mistress spoke more than that. “Very good Dust Buster. You can resume your normal duties. I won’t be needing your services for the rest of the day.”

Dust Buster bowed appreciatively before walking out the room. She thought it was a bit odd that, lately, her charge sent her away more and more often lately.. And it seemed to always happen when that orange pegasus was visiting. The maid briefly considered the implications of this, but thought better of it. Madness lay that way.


Scootaloo took a small bite of her ever so delicious chocolate bar before she spoke. “Ok, so who do you gals think is good enough to be Cheerilee’s special somepony?” She took another bite, investing far more attention into her snack then into the conversation at hand.

Sweetie Belle immediately perked up. “I think Rumble’s big brother would be perfect for Miss Cheerilee!”

Diamond Tiara immediately blew a raspberry. “Oh please, he’s just a layabout. We need to think big if we want to find the perfect special somepony.”

Sweetie Belle’s eyes grew large. “But I AM thinking big! Even Rarity admits he’d be quite a catch.”

“The last time I was being fitted for a dress there, she wouldn’t be quiet about Prince Blueblood, and if half the things I heard about him are true, then I can guarantee that your sister’s choice in stallions is poor.”

“You have no idea what you’re talking about!”

“I do too!”

“Do not!”

“Do too!”

Silver Spoon stared at the two arguing fillies, and one filly who seemed more intent upon eating candy instead of the matter at hand. Then again, Silver Spoon had no idea what she was doing here either, or why Diamond Tiara had seemed so keen on helping their teacher in the first place, or why she specifically insisted upon going with Scootaloo on this.

In fact, ever since Silver Spoon came back from visiting her relatives a few months ago, her best friend had been acting strange whenever that stupid pegasus was around, and any attempts to ask her jewelry wearing friend about it resulted in said friend going quiet, as if she was dreaming about something, and then yelling, followed by more dreaming.

Silver Spoon had several ideas on why this was the case, but each one was as silly as the last. All SIlver Spoon knew was she was annoyed that she seemed to be out of the loop.

“....right Silver Spoon?” Diamond Tiara said, breaking Silver Spoon out of here thought process.


“I said that you obviously think that I’m right and that we shouldn’t be wasting time in Ponyville and we should be setting our sights higher!”

Silver Spoon honestly didn’t care, though usually found herself agreeing with her friend on most things. Not out of some blind loyalty like some foals liked to suggest, but merely because great minds think alike.

Silver Spoon, in a flash of brilliance, was about to disagree. Let’s see how far this fascination with Scootaloo goes.....

“Actually, I think Scootaloo’s dad would be the perfect match.”

Scootaloo spit out her drink, and went into a coughing fit. “WHAT!?!?!?”

Diamond Tiara and Sweetie Belle could only gasp, theirs eyes wide, their jaws slack.

Silver Spoon tried to push a little harder. “What? They’re already friends, he has a steady job, and she obviously trusts him. I mean, she took him along as a chaperone for that field trip we took to Canterlot. So it seems to me that the basis for a relationship is already there, and we just need to give it a push.” Silver Spoon finished, a smirk coming to her face as she took a sip of her tea.

All eyes went onto Scootaloo, waiting to see how the pegasus would react.

….I need a distraction....

“Hey, I thought Miss Cheerilee was dating Rarity. So why are we wasting our energy trying to find some other pony to be a very special somepony?”

And just like that, all eyes switched to Sweetie Belle. Thank Luna that worked.....

And Sweetie Belle looked very uncomfortable to suddenly be the center of attention. “Um....they went on a few dates, but after the fourth date, Rarity came home with her dress ripped to shreds, mud in her hair, and a giant smile on her face. I tried asking her what happened, but all she said was that her and Cheerilee aren't dating anymore, even though it was fun while it lasted. And she mentioned something about not being able to go back to that fancy Prench restaurant on the edge of town ever again.”

“Is that why that place had a giant hole in it a few weeks ago?” Silver Spoon asked. Sweetie Belle only shrugged.

Diamond Tiara cleared her throat. “As fascinating a conversation as ponies who have lost their shot are, I believe we are overlooking the best choice in Equestria.”

“Who’s that?” Scootaloo asked quickly, thankful for a different suggestion.

“Princess Luna of course.”


“Think about it: Cheerilee saved Princess Luna’s life, and beat back a dangerous foe. And it’d like in the stories: The beautiful maiden falls in love and gets married to the brave knight who rescued her. Cheerilee is that knight! And since the fair maiden has been rescued already, the next logical step is to put them together and let the magic happen!”

Scootaloo, slightly worried at some of the look directed her way during that speech, asked the obvious question. “But there were six Elements of Harmony. Why would Luna single out Cheerilee?”

“She wouldn’t” Diamond Tiara replied, gritting her teeth. “The fact is, we have to make our move before somepony else makes their move.”

“How are we even going to get into contact with Princess Luna to tell her she should date Miss Cheerilee?”

Diamond Tiara thought for a moment. “Excellent question Sweetie Belle.......I know! Scootaloo and I can sneak on board a train, go into Canterlot under the cover of night, and speak to her personally!”

“Or we could write her a letter.” Scootaloo said flatly.

...when did Scootaloo become the voice of reason? Sweetie Belle, Silver Spoon, and Diamond Tiara thought.

...wait, when did I become the voice of reason? “Alright alright alright, here’s the plan: DT, grab the finest scroll you can find and write the most awesome letter you can.”

Anything you want Scootaloo Diamond Tiara thought to herself as she ran off.

“And now we sit back, relax, and get Luna and Miss Cheerilee together.” Scootaloo grabbed a half finished candy bar from the plate in front of her, taking a bite from it.

“But what about Thunderlane!?” Sweetie Belle asked.

“And your dad,” Silver Spoon said coldly, in a tone that suggested it was not a question.

...crud. “Ok, Sweetie Belle, go track down Rumble and get his help tracking down Thunderlane. You can borrow the scooter.”

Sweetie Belle ran out the door, happy to try out the scooter, leaving Silver Spoon and Scootaloo alone in the room.

“And as for your idea to hook up Cheerilee with my dad.....” Scootaloo’s eyes narrowed as she stared at the earth pony. “...It’s not gonna happen.”

Silver Spoon’s stared back, unflinching. “What is your problem, you dodo?”

When I find out what that means, she’s gonna be in so much trouble.... “I should be asking you the same question four eyes.”

They both stared into each others eyes, before blurting out their respective grievances.

“You’re trying to steal my best friend!”

“I don’t need a new mommy!”

Silence hung in the air for a few seconds before Scootaloo quietly stated “You explain first.”

“I don’t know what you did, but I go to visit some relatives in Manehattan for a few weeks, and I come back and all Diamond Tiara can talk about is YOU. I go into her room, and I see a copy of the Foal Free Press, which happened to have a picture of you and her resting together on a pillow spanning across the front page, framed and hanging on the wall. A place on the wall that USED to have a picture of the two of us. A picture that I could no longer find on her wall.... And what’s worse, she keeps looking for excuses to hang out with YOU. And....she won’t tell me why.....I don’t want to be replaced.”

Silver Spoon looked up at her sudden confidant, a look of sadness looming across her face. Scootaloo sighed, took a deep breath, and spoke.

“I love my mom. And so does my dad. And even though she was away alot, whenever she was around, we were a happy family. We did everything together. And even though mommy’s......gone......I don’t want a replacement. Even somepony as amazing as Miss Cheerilee. Cheerilee can’t do what mommy did....There was one time when mom and me went to a carnival. She had just come back from a big mission, and she looked like she was ready to collapse. I told her I would understand if she wanted to go home and get some rest, but she said that...spending time with me was the most important thing she could do....I’m not ready for somepony else to do that.......and I don’t know when I will be......or ever will......”

The two fillies looked at one another, one fearing loss of the present, the other fearing loss of the past.

“I wasn’t serious about hooking up Cheerilee and and your dad. I was just testing how far this thing between you and Diamond Tiara went.”

“I’ll talk to her about this. I wouldn’t want to be responsible for breaking best friends apart. That wouldn’t be cool.”

The two exchanged one more look, but this absent of the rage and sadness that had marred their faces earlier. Their eyes were now filled with happiness. Before either filly could stop themselves, they came together and embraced eachother in a tight hug.

And then reality ensued.

“AAAHHH” They both yelled as they pulled away.

“....that never happened.”


Author's Note:

So because it's now relevant, the story takes place after Foaling Around, but before Eye of the Hurricane.

And yes, I actually have a plan here. For once.