• Published 20th Jan 2012
  • 9,564 Views, 1,352 Comments

A New Point of View - Cyber V

A boy and a girl recieves a mysterious message, and finds themselves in a new reality.

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Chapter 66: Los Pegasus PT2


Here you go folks, part two, now shut up your faces and enjoy it, and sorry about the long wait.

End A/N

Aceiro's POV

"Run!" Star screamed as the group of paparazzi ponies started running towards us, with cameras already flashing and questions being asked.

We all quickly took off running down the street with the swarm of ponies followed close behind us. As we ran pass by startled ponies as the move out of the way for us, I heard some of the reporters behind us ask questions among their selves, "are those really the Unsung Heroes?"

"But there are only two of them, where's the third one?" a mare pointed out.

"Who are the other two?" another asked

"I think one of them is Shining Armor, captain of the unicorn guards division, I recognized him from the photos of his wedding," I heard a mare answer, "but who's the forth?"

"Isn't that the pegasus that proposed to the beautiful and magnificent one-time fashion model Fluttershy?" I heard a stallion reply.

"Okay this is just plain ridicules," I heard Shadow huffed as we made a turn down a passing street.

"Welcome to our world," Star replied back to him, "because this is pretty much one of our normal days," I saw Star took a glance behind us. "Oh shit!" he quickly faced ahead and doubled his speed, "I don't know how or even possible, but the paparazzi swarm behind us has doubled in size," he explained, which quickly encouraged me, Shining, Shadow to double our own speeds as well. After almost an hour of making our down through alleyways, side streets, and narrow passageways, we finally lost the mass of paparazzi… for now that is.

"Well this sure has been exciting," Shining panted as he leaned against a nearby wall, "only have been in the city for what, an hour? And already we have been warned about avoiding large crowds and then chased throughout all of L.P. by the frigging paparazzi, how can you live like this?" he asked Star about his life style.

Star looked at him and then put a hoof on his chin in thought, "um, huh I don't know really, I guess I just deal with it and, if possible, maybe have a little fun with it," he answered with a smile.

"You're insane, you're really insane," Shining said disbelieved from Star's answer.


"Alright that's enough," I said as I stepped in between the two white ponies before the situation gotten out of control, "let's get going before the paparazzi finds us and start this situation all over again," I looked over to Shadow and saw him looking out the alleyway and onto the street instead at us. I looked over back Star and Shining and leaned in close to them and threatened them in a whisper so only for they can hear, "alright you two, both of you better stop bickering and starting up fights, or I'll encase you both in metal and place you in the Canterlot Gardens for all to see what happens when you piss me off and I'll even ask Princess Celestia herself to make sure you two stay in them, go it?"

I got nods of confirmation from the both of them, "good, because this is Shadow's special day, and let's try to make some good memories in this town that isn't family rejection, trouble with the local enforcement and running from the crazy paparazzi," I finished as I leaned away from them and walked over to Shadow, but I stopped and quickly looked back at Star and added, "and I'll make sure to have Arcana make you stay in yours Star."

"Have Arcana make Star stay in what?" Shadow asked me as he walked up to me.

"Oh it's nothing Shadow," I casually said to him, "just making these two promise something for me, right?" I asked as I looked at Shining and Star. I got replies of 'oh yeah' and 'gotcha' from them both, "good now let's get going, I don't want to stay in this alleyway any much longer."

We then left the alleyway and we all soon realized something when we stepped onto an unfamiliar street; we are lost in Los Pegasus, "ah wouldn't have to happen to know where we are Shadow, do you?" Star asked Shadow for our current location.

"Nope sorry," Shadow answered, "I have never been to this part of the city, because it was under construction when I was last here."

"Ah crap," Star responded, "great, just great."

"Can you just warp us back to the train station?" Shining asked him.

"Shining, you sure a…" Star was about insult Shining, but he saw my glare and probably remembered my threat I made at him, "… a curious one," he finished nicely with a nervous grin, "well there's a problem with that method Shining," he continues, "because you see this is Los Pegasus, which is a city and since cities are bigger than towns, there are a lot more ponies about and since I don't know their habits or behaviors, one of us might wind up inside some unfortunate pony, and it doesn't help that our group is a little big for my comfort for us to be warping all over the city."

"So basically it means that we have to walk around the city in search of familiar landmarks," I once again plainly clarified.


I let out a sigh of annoyance at the limitations on Star's abilities, "well let's get going already, maybe we can somepony with directions."

We made our way through down the streets, occasionally passing by a pony, which we asked them for directions, but we mostly got 'bug off' in response. "Wow, the folks here are sure friendly," Star sarcastically said as another rude pony walked away from us when we asked him directions, "Even Canterlot's residents are nicer than these ponies and they're stuck-up snobs, no offense Shining."

"None taken, I agree with you on that one there," Shining agreed.

"Well let's get going, there's bound to be some ponies that'll show us some decency in this town."

We continue our way through the streets of the city of the angels and after an hour walking we finally came upon a sight that I thought never existed in this world; a pizzeria, with the words 'A Slice of Heaven' printed in large white letters on the face, telling us its' name . "No way," Star spoke what I was thinking in disbelief at the sight in front of us, "You guys have pizza here?"

"Of course," Shining said, "haven't you ever had one before?"

"Well of course I have," Star responded, "it is just that I hadn't had a slice of pizza in almost a year and that was when I was back in my old world, because I thought that there wasn't any form of pizzas in this one, but now that I know that there's pizza in this world, my love for this world has just increased," he happily declared and then his happiness dropped a bit, "although it would be even more greater if my bad luck wasn't trying to kill me now and then."

As I listen to Star pointing out his bad luck, a warm breeze wafted out of the pizzeria and right into my face, compelling me to take a whiff that rode along with the breeze. As soon as I sniffed the tomato sauce, melted cheese and herbs, I felt my mouth started to water and my stomach started to growl in hunger, which was soon followed by the other's stomachs as well, "alright enough chitchat, it clearly shows that we all are hungry right now, so let's all go inside and order some pizza," I spoke up what everypony was probably thinking.

The others agreed with me and then proceed to make our way to the pizzeria in front of us. As soon as we passed through the entrance of the pizza restaurant and into the surprisingly empty restaurant, the smell of oven-baked pizzas and calzones hit us like a tidal wave and then causing Star and Shining to quickly make their to the counter in the back, but when I smelled those familiar smells, I felt a sense of sadness form in my heart as I remember the times when my mom made homemade pizzas before she passed away. My eyes started to tear up as I then remember that she isn't here anymore, mom would've probably love this world, I thought as I quickly wiped away the forming tears.

"Is something wrong?"

I looked to my left and saw a concern looking Shadow, "it's nothing Shadow."

"It doesn't look like nothing," Shadow observed.

I let out a sigh as he saw through me, "I'm just remembering some moments I had with my mom, she was always a great a cook and I had fun being her helper."

"Oh I'm sorry," Shadow apologized as he caught the past tense about my mom, "I didn't mean to prod."

"That's okay Shadow, you didn't know," I reassured him and continues, "It is just that sometimes I remember moments about my mom and I sometimes I smile or I cry a little from them, but I try not to let them affect me much though, so don't worry about it."

"I'm still sorry though," Shadow repeated.

"Hey come on guys," I heard Star call out. I looked to where I heard Star called out and saw that he and Shining are already sitting a table, "we're already ordered our food, so get your flanks over here."

I let out a smile at the carefree attitude of Star's and I looked back at Shadow, "now cheer up Shadow, today's your special day. So there's no need to be all mopey because of me, now let's go and get some pizza," I finished as I raised my left foreleg and pat him on the back. But as soon as my hoof made contact with him, I felt a sudden rush run between us like a static shock, but a lot more painful.

"Yow," I cried out as I quickly pulled back my hoof away from Shadow.

"What was that?" Shadow asked as he rubbed the spot on his shoulder where I touched him.

"I don't know," I responded back as I looked at my hoof and saw nothing but just the marking of the Entropy Element etched on my foreleg and the sense of confusion from it, "but whatever it was, that hurt."

"When you're done looking at your hoof Aceiro, do you think you and Shadow can come and sit with us now?" Star rhetorically asked us, making us realized that we are still standing in the middle of the restaurant.

"Oh right," Shadow said, clearly embarrassed. We both made our way to the table and sat down in the seats that Star and Shining had reserved for us. "So what did you order for us Star?" Shadow asked.

"Well since I don't know what you like, I gotten what we all might enjoy; something called an artichoke pizza." We didn't have to wait for long at the table before the door that probably leads to the kitchens swung opened and an earth pony walked out with a large pizza in front of her. She hurriedly walked over to our table and carefully set the hot pizza on a metal rack and removed the tongs she used to hold the pizza and then placed them in her apron.

"Whew, that's hot," she said as she fanned her face from it being so close to the hot pizza, "well, here you go gents, one large artichoke pizza, I'm your waiter for today, now enjoy your meal and if you need anything else, just call for me, okay?" and with that she made her way back to the kitchen.

All of our gazes turn towards the center of the table and at what is currently resting there and in the corner of my vision I say Star licking his lips as the sight of the cheesy, greasy, delicious smelling pizza in front of us, "oh man," Star said excited, "even though I never heard of this kind of pizza, it smells so good!"

"Then what are we staring at it? Waiting for the birds to get at it?" I rhetorically asked, "Let's start eating it already," as soon as I said that we all made a move on it and quickly grabbed a slice of the pizza each and take bite of it. My mouth was immediately filled with tastes of mozzarella, a nice crispy charred crust, bits of artichoke and a nice thick delicious sauce that I couldn't identify and yet wanting more of it.

"Holy moly," Shadow said amazed through a mouthful of the pizza as he finished his current slice of pizza by popping the remains of the crust into his mouth, "this is the most delicious pizza I ever had," he added as he made a move for another slice.

"You got that right Shadow," Star agreed, "now I don't have to worry about introducing our pizza to this world when there's so much better stuff here than there," he said as he too reached for another slice.

I agreed with a nod and then reached for another slice of heaven.

We all quickly made our way through the pizza until finally there was left was the greasy metal pizza pan it came on, "oh wow," Star said as he pat his slightly bulging stomach, "that is the most delicious pizza I have ever eaten in my life."

"I agree," Shining agreed as he leaned back, "not even all the pizza in Canterlot is close to comparison to this one was."

"Okay I just have to meet the chef that made that made that pizza," Star declared, "excuse me waitress," he called back towards the kitchen. The back swung open and the same server from earlier walked out and over to us.

"Is there a problem?" she asked worried for some reason.

"Oh no no, there's no problem miss," Star quickly reassured her, she then let out a sigh of relief, "I just want to thank the chef that made this wonderful pizza," the waitress suddenly became nervous when he said that.

"Wait, you want to meet the chef?"

"Yeah, that's right."

"Oh um, I am sorry, but I don't think that is possible."

"Why is that?" Star asked.

"Well, it is just that the chef kind of gets… uncomfortable when he's outside of the kitchen," the waitress hesitantly explained.

"Sorry miss," I apologized, "but all we want to do is say thanks to the chef for making this pizza and I have to say it is the most amazing pizza I ever had in my life."

I soon as I said that, I saw the kitchen door crack open in the corner of my vision, but I didn't pay much heed to it, "yeah," Shadow happily said, "I have had traveled basically all over Equestria and I had never eaten pizza like this one."

The door opened some more and there I saw an eye peer through the larger opening, "I concur, for I am the captain of the unicorn division of the Royal Guards, so I have banqueted with the princesses of the sun and moon, eating fine foods that was prepped by the finest chefs… and yet somehow this pizza just topped all of that," Shining praised, which caused the door to slowly open.

"Look here gents," the waitress spoke, drawing my eyes away from the door and back to her, "I said it before and I'll say it again, the chef get's un-"

"It's alright Wade," a voice called out, stopping Wade the waitress in what she was saying. We all looked towards the kitchen and there we saw standing in the now wide-open doorway into the kitchen something that we weren't expecting to see; a griffin. "I will gladly come out of my comfort zone to talk to the ones that has praised my cooking."

"Are you sure Quinn?" Wade asked the griffin, with her tone filled with worry.

"Yes I'm sure, now go and take your lunch break," Wade looked at him, then to us and then back at him. She gave him a nod and then reluctantly made her way to the kitchen. Quinn watched her go into the kitchen and as soon as the door came to a rest, he looked back at us, "so what you said about my pizza, is it that good?" he asked us.

"Okay first of all whoa, didn't see this coming," Star the first to break the silence, "and second, yeah we meant every word we said, right guys?" he asked us and got answers of agreement from us and then look back at the griffin chef, "now answer us this, why are you uncomfortable to show yourself to others?"

"Well you see, ponies around here aren't that comfortable with griffins, so they tend to stay as far away as they can, but some of them tend to be a little… hostile to griffins," Quinn explained as he pulled up a chair from another table and sat at our table, "but you four, aside from are the first ones to approach me without fleeing or hostile, why is that?"

"Well Star here and I have seen griffins before, so you're not the first," I enlightened.

"I have traveled all over Equestria and learned that those that makes great food, can't be that bad," Shadow supplied his reason.

"I've seen dragons and griffins here and there in Canterlot, so my reason is the same as these two," Shining said as he pointed to me and Star, "but why did you open a pizzeria when everypony is afraid of you here?"

"Well you see sir, "Quinn started, "it is always my dream to open a pizzeria and to use recipes that have been passed down to me from my family for others to enjoy. So I hide in the back and cook the food while Wade serves as well as being the face to this restaurant, but I'll have to shut this place down if not enough costumers come to my restaurant, "he finished sadly.

"Well I know this for sure Quinn," Star spoke up, "you just made one very satisfied and possibly repeat costumer with that pizza of yours."

"I'm happy to know that you loved the pizza, but I'm afraid that you alone wouldn't be enough to keep me in business," Quinn pointed out, "unless you would like me to charge you three times as much than I'll normally do."


"I figured, I probably have three weeks maybe for a month until I am forced to close this place, along with my dreams," the griffin stated.

"There must be something we can do?" Shadow asked concerned.

"Unless you can somehow bring a large hungry crowd into my restaurant, there's nothing you can do," Quinn countered, "I guess I can always go back home and start all over there."

"No Quinn," Wade suddenly called out startling all of us as she stepped out of the kitchen and towards us, "the reason that you have placed a lot of time and money into this place isn't so that you can give up."

"But what's there that I can do?" Quinn asked her, "It is not like a swarm of ponies is going to swarm this place anytime soon."

"Actually," Star spoke up and gaining all of our attention, "I think I might have an idea that can help everyone here," he said with a grin that for some reason didn't set right for me, "but first can you tell me where this place is located so I can find it again?"

"Sure I guess, the address for this pizzeria is one fifty-three Angel Avenue," Wade answered, "why do you ask?"

"So I can find it later," Star replied, and then looked at the others, "okay guys, see ya all in a few," with that he lowered his goggles over his eyes and then I realized what he's about to do and quickly shut my eyes just before he disappeared in a flash of light.

"Okay, I wish he'll give us heads up when he is going to do that," I heard Shining complain as I open my eyes and saw him rubbing his eyes after being blinded from Star's warping and saw Shadow tightly clenching his eyes shut.

"When you have been near around him long enough you get better at predicting when he's going to do that," Shadow stated as he finally opened his eyes.

"What the hay?" we heard Wade call out. We all quickly look towards the pair and there we saw a stunned griffin and pony, "how did- how did he just do that?" she asked clearly confused of what she just saw, "because that's not possible."

"Don't ask us, because I am sure that we don't know how he's able to do that and I am pretty sure that he doesn't know himself," I stated at the disbelieved earth pony and stunned griffin. I let out a sigh at Star's lack of foresight when he warps in front of others.

"But he's a Pegasus not a unicorn," Quinn spoke up, finally gotten over the show that Star pulled off in front of him.

"He's not an ordinary Pegasus," Shining answered.

"Then what is he?"

"Ah…" I started not sure how to explain that without explaining about human.

"Wait a minute," Wade interrupted me, "I think I know who he is, he's one of the Unsung Heroes," oh no. Wade looked over at me and saw a smile formed on her face, "and you're Aceiro, also one of the Unsung Heroes, can I say something to you?"

I let out a small groan as Star and I were recognized, "yes we are, but please don't call us that, because frankly I think that title is worth a lot more trouble than without one."


"Alrighty then, what do you want to say to me?"

"Thank you," Wade thanked me out of the blue, completely catching me off guard from it.

"You're welcome, but why are you thanking me?"

"A couple of reasons; first for helping, and possibly on a few occasions alone, saving this country, second you're showing that we earth ponies can stand just as strong willed as a unicorn and just as resilient as a Pegasus, and third I think you're kind of cute."

If I have been drinking something, I would've probably started coughing it back up, "Well thank you Wade for the compliment, sorry though, but I already have a marefriend."

"Then she's one lucky pony, if she has you for her special stallion."

"But he has a pair of wings," Quinn pointed out.

"They're not real, see?" I opened my wings and stretched them out for them to see, causing the lights to be reflected like mirrors, "I was testing out a pair of flight wings for non-pegasi ponies to fly when a dragon attacked me and burned them into my back, where my talent then started to integrate them into my body as I was recovering in the hospital."

"What is your talent?" Quinn inquired.

"I can change the shape and of any form that is made of metal," I reached for the metal pizza pan and gave it a quick wipe down from a nearby napkin to clean the grease and cheese from it. When I removed as much of the pizza remains from the pan, I discarded the napkin and held it up for Quinn and Wade to see, "now watch," I focused on the pan and concentrated on it.

I felt a slight pulsation through my element markings and then a faint white glow appeared around the pan. With a surge of energy, the pan suddenly flashed white and I can feel it starting to shift in my hooves, morphing into the first object I am picturing in my head.

"Ah… what it is?" Quinn asked puzzled at what I just made.

"I never seen anything like it," Wade equally as confused as her griffin friend.

"It looks kind of scary," Shadow nervously said, "and dangerous."

"It looks like a sword," Shining observed, "but the shape isn't right though."

"Well you're right Shining, it is a sword," I said as I placed the object on the table; a replica of an energy sword from the Halo series, "but it is just replica, and you're right Shadow the real thing is a lot more dangerous," and not real as well, and then I realized something, ah man, Halo 4 had probably came out already.

"Well whatever it is, that was mightily impressive," Quinn said amazed, he then looked at a clock that is hanging on the wall above the counter, "you're friend has been gone for a long time, do you know what he means when he said that he has a plan before he disappeared?"

"I don't know, but I am getting a feeling that he's coming back soon and that he'll tell us something that might involves us running soon," I made a guess of what's going to happen. I saw Shadow and Shining huddle up together and whispered to each other and then they pulled way and shook hooves, like one does to make a commitment. What are those two up to? As soon as I finished that thought, a flash of light appeared and filling up the whole restaurant in its luminosity.

When the light faded away and sights returned, there we saw a panting Star leaning against the table, "okay guys, we need to get going right now." When Star said that, I saw Shining pull out a couple of bits and floated them over to Shadow, who was wearing a victorious grin on his face, ah so it was a bet.

"Star," I looked at Star, who finally caught his breath, "what did you do?"

"Well…" Star hesitantly started, "I may have kind of went around town and found the swarm of paparazzi that chased us earlier today and got them all to chase me and after about ten minutes of them chasing me, I told them were they can find us," and then his gaze settled on the Halo replica piece on the table, "hey is that a model of the energy sword?"

"You did what?" I'm shocked at what he just said.

"I told a crowd of hungry reporters where they can find us," Star abridged his earlier explanation, "hey, has any new Halo games came out lately?"

"Are you nuts!?" Shadow cried out, clearly panicked of what Star said.

"Possibly a little," Star answered Shadow as he reaches into the folds of one of his wings and pulls out a small bag that clinked as he then opened it and took about a dozen of bits out of it and placed it on the table, paying for the pizza… with tip. But just as he placing his money back into its' hiding among his feathers, he let out a burst of shudders, "okay guys, I suggest that you all get near me right now."

"Why?" Shining asked puzzled about his request.

"Because the paparazzi are just down the street of this place, so I need all to gather around me and hurry about it," he ordered.

"Wait, this is your plan?" Wade spoken, reminding us of their presence, "to lead a hungry crowd of ponies to our restaurant so we can feed them?"

"Yup," Star answered with a smile as we gathered around him.

"Why would you do that for us?" Quinn asked him disbelieved at Star's deed, "we hardly know you and yet you just possibly help my dream become a reality."

"I have a few reasons, but mostly I like to help others," he answered, "and you can say that Unsung Heroes ate here as an added bonus, that'll definitely get you a lot more costumers," he added with a wink. "Now it's time to make a greeting and an exit," he cryptically said and as soon as he finished saying that, the front door burst up and a flood of reporters flooded into the pizzeria, completely filling it up and quickly surrounding all of us and asking us questions.

"Alright everypony," Star called out to the reporters, which they answered back with a quick silence, some of them already holding out notepads and pencils, ready to take notes, "I know I said that I will give you an interview, but I never said that it will be about me," this caused a few murmurs to form in the crowd. "That griffin and pony over there…" he addressed to the crowd as he pointed to Quinn and Wade standing by the counter that they were pushed back to due to the sudden increase of ponies, "…have here what could be possibly the best pizza here in Equestria."

"But he's having trouble to get his dreams and talents realized when everypony here in this town is afraid or to some of those out there, and there will be, racist of non-ponies, so I have this to say; get over it and give it a try, because this griffin is one of the best. Now we all must abide you all adieu," Star said as he reached out and put an arm around Shining and me, while I reached out for Shadow on my left.

"Now goodbye everypony," Star called out just as I rested my hoof on Shadow and was met with the same painful static shock feeling, but before I can pull my hoof off of Shadow; Star warped us out of the restaurant in flash of light.

Quinn and Wade stood there in shock at the sight that Star herded into their pizzeria; costumers and lots of them, and their can hear some of their stomachs growling, while some of them are sniffing the air, "I guess I'll start up the other ovens," Quinn predicted as he turned around and walked back into the kitchen just as Wade walked into the crowd of hungry reporters to take their orders.

As the world was consumed in light, the shocking feeling suddenly increased until it was like I am holding onto one of those self-torture devices that you find in arcades, but it didn't last long as all of a sudden I was flung back by some unknown force and then felt something hit me in the stomach. I opened my eyes and saw blurry green things everywhere, which was accompanied with a swaying motion, making me feel a little seasick, "ow, what just happened," I heard Shining call out, strangely beneath me.

My sight cleared up and saw that the green things were long leaves, I looked around and saw that I had somehow ended up on top of a palm tree, "hey where's Aceiro?" I heard Star call out, "and where's Shadow for that matter."

I carefully looked over the edge of the crown of a palm tree and peered down and there I saw Star and Shining below the tree I am in, "I'm up here, " I called down to them, causing them to look up and spot me. I waved at them, which caused the tree to started swinging, and I quickly stopped, not wanting to fall off and onto the plaza below.

"Whoa, how did you get up there?" Star asked.

"I don't know."

"Hold on, I'll get you down," Shining assured me as his horn started to glow in a pink light.

"No wait don't," Shining stopped his spell and looked at me puzzled, "I'll get myself down," I carefully stood up and opened my metallically wings and took a breath right before I stepped out of the tree. I felt the wind catch underneath my wings and I slowly circled my way down to the ground like a glider. As soon as I my hooves made contact with the ground, I folded my wings back to my sides, "there see? I told you I can get myself down."

"Dude that's awesome," Star said, "hey you know what Aceiro, you looked just like a jet, maybe if you and Fe design some kind of jet propulsion system, you can really fly like one."

"And have that much power strapped to my ass, waiting to go off at any moment," I pointed out, "No thank you very much, I like my butt to be suitable to sit on. Now where's Shadow?" I asked as I looked around for the black Pegasus.

"I'm over here," Shadow's voice called out to our left. We looked in that direction and there we saw a very annoyed Shadow standing there, with bits of cabbage in his mane and coat, "what happened Star, and why did I suddenly found myself in a cabbage stand?" he asked as he walked up to us and shook all of the bits of food off.

"I don't know Shadow," Star confessed and then a pondering look formed on his face, "but I promise, that has never happened before to me or to others, something foreign interrupted my warp, what was it?" he asked himself and then his gaze wondered and settled on me, "wait your Reality Elements Aceiro! They must have mixed with my Space Element when I was in contact with you when we warped."

"Is that bad?" Shining asked concern.

"Oh definitely," Star proclaimed, "even through the Reality Elements are a set, they have very destructive characteristics when they're together, my Element fused with Arcana's Element has the probability to create a black hole."

"That is not good," Shining concluded.

"You got that, especially since I don't know what will happen if my Element mixes with Aceiro's and he has two of them and with my luck in the equation, that is just plain asking for something to happen, it's even a miracle that nopony appeared in an occupied space," we all let out a shudder at that thought.

"Maybe the reason that you're warp was interrupted is because you and Aceiro were side by side," Shadow theorized, "so maybe it won't happen again if Shining or I are between you two, so that way there's no chance of your elements mixing and allowing anything destructive to happen."

"That is actually a good idea Shadow," Star said amazed, "okay new rule everypony, make sure that Aceiro and I aren't near each other when we warp again, got it?" he gotten answers of agreement from Shining and Shadow, "alrighty then, impeding destruction aside, let's get going," he then started to walk towards out of the plaza.

"Going where?" Shadow asked him, causing him to stop and looks back at him.

"Why to a museum of course and it just happens that there's one right outside this plaza," Star informed us, "wanted to appeared at the entrance, but this is close enough I guess," we all followed him out of the plaza and there we saw a large building that reminds me of the Smithsonian. "I found this place by accident when I was resting from taunting the reporters," Star explained as we made way up the stairs and towards the entrance with us following next to him, "quickly now, I learned that they hold tours here and the last one for the day is going to start in a few minutes."

We entered through the doors and into a large spacious hall filled with displays and cases lined up against the wall with groups of ponies huddling near them. We made our way through crowds of ponies and approached the reception desk located in the center of the lobby, "hello and welcome to the Archival Center Museum, are you four here for the tour?" the unicorn receptionist asked as she looked up at us from a couple forms on her desk.

"Yeah, in fact I talked to one of the other receptionist and placed four holds on the last tour," Star said to her.

"Name please?" she asked as she pulled a clipboard towards her.

"Lumen Strip."

I raised an eyebrow as Star supplied a fake name to her and she started to flip through the sheets of paper for it, "ah here you are," she said as she looked up from the clipboard and at us, the rest of the group is over there," she announced as she pointed at a waiting group of ponies, "enjoy your visit."

"Thank you, we will have a nice evening," he replied back to her and then turned around and saw our questioningly looks, "don't give me that look, I just didn't want to be swamped by more ponies than I already was, or do you want to be swamped by ponies asking for interviews or autographs?" that sealed it and we made our way towards the rest of our tour group and waited for the tour guide to appear.

We didn't have to wait long before a Pegasus wearing a complete tour guide attire, entered the main hall from an adjoining hallway and walked towards our group, "hello everypony," she greeted us, "is everypony here?" she got answers of yes from ponies around us, "alrighty then, now if will you all follow me to the first exhibit and no cameras please." She then made her way towards a different hallway with us and the rest of the group following her down it and entered into a series of exhibits filled with scrolls, tools and other things marked from age making up the walls.

"Okay folks, we're entering the hall of the founding city of Canterlot," the guide announces as she continues her way down the hallway, "now as well all know, the capital was formed when all three tribe leaders finally gotten over their differences to work together after they nearly made this land into a frozen wasteland like the north."

"After almost a whole year, they had built the foundations of the magnificent city that we see today, with plans in motion of building Cloudsdale and expanding," the guide continues, but then she stopped in front of a display case. I craned my neck over the ponies that were huddled around the case and there I saw resting on a book stand is a book, "but researchers have discovered a diary that was written by Princess Platinum herself."

"Excuse me," A random pony called out to the guide, "but do you know what the diary pages are about?"

"Well the pages were weatherworn worn and ripped in some places, we were still able to decipher a large quantity of it and they tell a conflict that happened during the construction of Canterlot; the return of the windigoes and the appearance of the rainbow-winged pony."

I saw Star stiffen when the guide said that, oh yeah, Arcana time traveled to that time period, "the pages tell the story about how Princess Platinum and her two friends had fragments of the windigoes influence in their hearts and how the spirits grew until they broke free and started to freeze the land as well as the ponies that lived on it," she looked at the anticipation-filled crowd, "but when all hope seems lost, a mysterious pony with rainbow wings appeared and shattered the ice of the windigoe's cruse and destroyed the evil spirit after she freed Princess Platinum and her friends from its' imprisonment."

The guide looked away from the relieved crowd and back at the case, "but the odd thing is that this pony had just appeared one day out of nowhere right before the spirit attacked and then disappeared just as mysterious as she arrived, now we researchers suspected as if she was meant to be there for some reason."

"Ah excuse me," another pony called attention, "but isn't there already a bedtime story about this though?"

"You're correct, but note that that book is also filled with other myths, fairytales and other old mare tales, so it was always thought as a myth, but with this…" she said as she motioned towards the book in the stand, "this proves that that story is now real and true."

I saw Star raise his hoof gaining attention from the guide, "yes sir, what is it?"

"Are there any mentioning of the name of this mysterious pony?" Star nervously asked.

"Sadly no, it appears that any name of this pony is either faded away due to time and weather working on it or moths and worms eating passages containing the name from the book, so we aren't sure what is the name of this mysterious mare," I saw Star let out a sigh of relief at that, "but however in the last legible page of the diary before the rest turned to dust we were able to pull a name that might be the name of this rainbow-winged pony," Star stiffened at that information.

"What it is?" a child next to us asked.

"We believe that the name of the pony is… Arc," the guide answered and Star let out another sigh, "now we're not sure if Arc is the real name of this pony or just a fraction of a larger name," she said, "now let us continue with the tour, we have spent so much time on this exhibit and we have a lot more to go and see with little time in our favor."


Arcana suddenly sneezed, startling a Murphy bird that resting on her head to fly off and towards one of the roosting stands in the clearing of the deer tribe. She rubbed her nose to get rid of lingering itching feelings in it, "I didn't know that you're allergic to birds Arcana," Fe said as a Murphy bird landed on her head.

"But I'm not," she explained as Fluttershy and Avian entered the clearing with bags of bird seeds in their mouth and backs.

"Maybe somepony was talking about you," Fe suggested as she and Arcana walked over to the animal caretakers.

"Maybe, but about what though?"

The tour guide lead us and crowd through the museum, passing by other artifacts and relics of times long since passed away with the tour guide telling all of us a small story that belongs to it and answering questions before moving along to the next stop of the tour, without no more mentions of Arcana's presence tied to them, "all folks we are about to enter one of the exhibits that holds relics of the past that even predates Princess Celestia and her sister Princess Luna," she announced as she made her way into a doorway, but then she stops and looks back at us, "maybe even the rule of Discord, "she added, causing murmurs of excitement to appear from the crowd.

We followed our guide through the doorway and into a circle shaped room, but it wasn't empty, for there resting in the middle of the room is a large case, with what appears to be six old fashion style wands inside of it, although they have seen better days, "what you see before you are relics of an ancient civilization that appears to be far older than the time our ancestors founded this land that is Equestria today."

"These wands were discovered and recovered by in fact the very curator here, in fact she is also a professor of ancient history at a university not far from here," the guide started, "scientists found that these wands had contained complex, ancient magic that they believe is an ancient predecessor of the magic that currently runs through each and every one of us."

"Do they know where they came from, or who even made them?" a random pony asked.

"They were found deep in an underground chamber underneath a castle located on an island, and as for who made them we do not know that as well."

"What about their purpose?"

"We assumed that they had been able to control nature around those that held them, but as you can see the shape that these wands are in, it looks like they'll become part of it soon if somepony holds them for too long," she pointed out and then she raised her hoof and peered at the wristwatch on it.

"Sorry folks, but I have to say this concludes the end of the tour, for we have ran out of time," this got groans of disappointment from around us, "the museum is closing, but come back tomorrow if you want to know more, now if you'll all follow me back to the entrance," the tour guide left the hall and we all started to leave the hall, but as I was leading my friends behind the crowd, a guard broke away from the wall and towards, and raised a hoof, stopping me, Shadow, Star and Shining in our tracks, " except for you four, the curator would like to discus something with you all."

"Did we do something bad?" Shadow asked and got a shrug in response from the guard.

"I don't know, all she said that if I was to were to I see you four, I was to direct you all to her office when the last tour of the day was finished," the guard answered, "now if you will please follow me," he then started to make his way towards the exit of the hall. I looked back at the others and saw that they to hold the look of confusion on their faces.

"Don't worry, if worse comes to worst; I can always warp us away from here," Star assured and with that assurance in set, we exited the hall and started following the guard.

The guard leads us away from the hall of the wands and down in the opposite that the other visitors went, he led us through more hallways and up some stairs that wasn't on the tour. After a few minutes of walking, the guard finally stopped at heavy looking door with a plaque on it reading 'D. Do', "here we are, the curator's office," and with that he walked up towards the door and opened it.

"Excuse Miss Do, but the ponies that you requested are here."

"Thank you Night Watch, let them in please and then you go and enjoy the rest of your evening," a female voice called back from the other side of the door, she sounds like Rainbow, but a little more… daring, I thought as the now freed guard pulled his head out of the doorway.

"Okay she ready for you," the guard said to us as he walked past us and down the hall we just came from.

We looked at each other and then to the partly opened door, "well let's go and see the pony who wants to meet us for some reason," I said to others as I made my way to the door and pushed it open and stepped into an office and the first thing I saw is a large oak table and there sitting behind it, is a pony I always thought was just a made character; Daring Do… perched over some pieces of paper.

"Daring Do?" Star stunned as he stepped into the office, causing Daring to look up at Star with a dark pink eyes behind pair of wire framed glasses.

"That's what it says on my door," Daring responded.

"What a minute," Shining said, "you're Daring Do? Like as in the famous the treasure hunter Daring Do?"

"I prefer to call myself a recover of ancient artifacts," Daring corrected him as she took off her glasses and set them on the desk.

"You're real?" Star still stunned about this.

"Well of course I am," Daring answered, clearly annoyed about this as if she had heard this before, "I'm just as real as you or him," she said as she pointed at me, "and please don't be like everypony that keeps on asking me that, because it is getting very annoying."

"Well it is just that you're a character in a book, so I thought that, you know, you were a made up character."

Daring let out a sigh of annoyance and rubbed her face with a hoof when Star said that, "I have told those publishers of mine many times to not print my journals into books with that writing style."

"Why?" Shadow asked.

"Because thanks to their "foresight", I'm a made up character and ponies flip when they see me," Daring Do explained to Shadow, "now enough about me and my existence, there's a reason I had you four to be brought here to my office."

"And what is that?" Star asked.

"Well aside using a fake name Mr. Strip," Daring read from a sheet of paper, exposing Star's devious deed. She looked at Star's disbelieved face, "now here are some words of advice Star; don't use a fake name that basically means your real name, now for the real reason why you are here," Daring stood up, straightened some wrinkles from her dark olivine vest, and walked over to us, "because you see, I just recently came home from a voyage in search of ancient artifacts…"

"The ancient wands of magic, right?" Shadow finished.

"Ah, I see that somepony been paying attention on the tour," Daring said impressed and then she became depressed, "yes the magic wands, but I wish that everything I found at the site, is here and not just the wands."

"You mean there were more in the underground chamber?" Shadow asked.

"Yes there was," Daring answered, "You see I also found-"

"Wait let me guess," Star interrupted the monochromatic spectrum mane pony, "you also found six small crowns as well as a giant crystal that seems to radiance harmony?"

This time is was Daring's turn to become stunned, "yeah I did, how you know that?"

"Ah well you see here Daring…" Star hesitantly started, great, he possibly knows that from earth, "… when I was little and while my parents worked, they had a babysitter to look after me, and she would always bring stories and tell them to me, and what you found describes a tale from them, including what they're called."

"Really, what is it?" Daring now clearly intrigued to learn more, she like Rainbow and Twilight mixed together, I observed.

"The story is called 'The Quest of the Princess Ponies' and the crystal was called The Heart of Ponyland and crowns were the Magic Crowns and when they are all together, they restore each other's magic," Star then told how a lava spirit pony-napped the princess and how he wanted all of the wands' magic for himself, but then the princesses overcame their selfish reasons to take their wands back and stop the lava spirit and destroyed him.

"Huh," Daring said amazed as Star finished, "I actually have records that mentions that even before our ancestors even moved to the land before coming to Equestria, they all lived in a land called Ponyland, this could possibly increase my department's exploration funds to look into this," and then Daring looked back at Star, "but the way you described the story, it sounded to be a little to… ugh, cutesy."

"Yeah I agree, actually found myself gagging on a few parts, but my babysitter was an elderly folk, so she didn't know what was what and thought it was good idea at the time," Star explained, "so where are the other artifacts anyway?"

"The crystal heart is in the Canterlot Archives," Daring answered him, "Princess Celestia and Luna actually arrived here as soon as I arrived with them, they said that they need to take it to protect others from the unstable magic it contains, at least I now know that reason."

"What about the magic crowns?" Shining asked.

"Now this part confuses me, when they took the crowns, they said that they will return them to their rightful owners," Daring answered, "to a species of creatures called Bushwoolies," I saw Star wince, as if he was in pain.

"I've never heard of Bushwoolies," Shadow acknowledged, "and I traveled all around Equestria."

"Same here as well," Daring agreed, "but I believe that they were also residents of Ponyland along side of our ancestors."

I felt a yawn forming on my face, compelling me let it out, and then I looked around for anything that can tell me what the current time is. I finally spotted one hanging on the wall to my left and saw that we have been at the museum for more than a couple of hours, "ah excuse me," I spoke up, gaining everypony's attention in the room, "I know that this is all interesting, but it is getting late, so can you tell us why you have us here? Because it is clearly that it wasn't to exchange notes about ancient history."

"Oh right sorry," Daring apologized, embarrassed about the off topic, "it's the professor profession inside me, when I learn something new, I want to know more," she's like the rule sixty-third pony version of Indiana Jones.

"Perfectly understandable," Star assured her, "I have a friend back at home that flips if she is as much a day late for an assignment or project."

"Alright as I was saying before we got sidetracked there, as soon as I arrived back home with the artifacts, I had gotten an invite to a private party. But I always dread these kinds of things, so I saw you all entering the museum and I recognized two of the Unsung Heroes as well as the captain of the Unicorn Division of the Royal Guards from a newspaper article about the wedding, an idea formed in my head; surely they can liven up this boring party? Now I know this sounds selfish and rude on my part, but I was wondering if you-"

"Sure we would," Star suddenly agreed, getting 'uh' of surprises from all of us, "hey, you know how I like to help others, so we're going to help her surprising her friends and on an added note, this will be a great activity to finish this bachelor trip on."

"A bachelor trip," Daring repeated what Star said, "then which of you three is getting married?" she asked as she motioned towards me, Star and Shadow, "because I know he's married," she added as she pointed at Shining.

"This guy here," I said as I shoulder checked Shadow, "but we are also giving Shining here a proper one, because he never got one due to the changeling invading and attacking the city, and being mind wiped by a changeling didn't help as well."

"Wow, you two are very lucky ponies to have these two as for your friends," the golden yellow professor said to Shining and Shadow, "so who's the lucky mare that's marrying such a handsome stallion?"

I saw Shadow blush from Daring's compliment, "well I am sure that you probably don't know her, but her name is Fluttershy."

A look of amazement appeared on the golden yellow Pegasus, "Fluttershy, as in the onetime wonder fashion model Fluttershy?"

"Ah yes."

Daring gave an impressed whistle, "you sir must be one lucky pony to get her attention."

"T-t-thank you," Shadow stuttered from the praise that he's getting lately, "but I had help in meeting her," I said Star wince in pain again.

"Okay now," I spoke up, "since it appears that through some weird coincidences and odd chances, we all have agreed to be your plus guests Daring and since we don't know when the party starts or even where it is going to be," I pointed at the clock, "I suggest that we should get going to wherever this welcome party is."

This caused Daring to quickly look at the clock on the wall, "ah jeez, it's nearly time for the party to start," Daring observed. She then looked back at us, "we need to go, but let me quickly get ready first," she walked back behind her desk and opens a drawer and pulls out her signature headgear; a tan pith helmet. Daring flipped the hat into the air and onto her head, "there, now I'm ready."

"But wait, we don't have any invitations," Shadow said.

"Don't worry, on the invite, it said I can invite up to four plus," Daring explained as she walked towards the door, "now come on, we're going to be late," she added and my friends started to follow her, why do I have a feeling that this party is going to end like a normal evening? I asked myself as I follow the Indiana Jones homage through the doorway of her office.


Arcana, Fe and Fluttershy had spent the evening with nomadic deer tribe, learning about them and their navigational Murphy birds, while feeding them and getting a colorful feather each for thanks from the birds, which are now resting behind their ears, but as they passed the outermost tents and heading towards home to Ponyville, Fe let out a shudder, even though it is a nice and warm evening, "are you okay Fe?" Fluttershy worriedly asked.

"Yeah, I'm okay Fluttershy," Fe answered her, "just got a feeling that something is going to happen to the others on their trip."

"With Star's luck, that's a possibility," Arcana stated.

"It's not that, I'm getting a feeling that something is going to happen to Aceiro," Fe clarified.

"I hope that Shadow is going to be okay with them," Fluttershy added as they entered Ponyville.

Daring Do leaded us through the now empty museum's foyer and towards the front doors, with the sound of hooves hitting the tiled floor echoing around us in the empty space. "Hold on, I need to lock up," Daring then detoured towards a light panel next to the door and started flipping switches on it, causing the lights to go dark and quickly blanketing the museum in darkness. Daring walked back to us and we then proceeded to exit the now dark museum and into the evening filled outside. As soon as we stepped across the doorway, Daring turned around and lifted her hoof up to the wall next to the door and pressed it into a recess, which then started to glow.

"Is that the new state of the art security spell network?" Shining asked Daring, amazed for some reason, "The one that won't allow unicorns to teleport inside it and that is was inspired after my shield spell that I used to protect Canterlot?"

"Yup the very same," Daring answered as the glow now encased her whole hoof.

"But it was still in the final developing stages when I last saw it."

"There was a breakthrough and since this is one the museums that's housing priceless artifacts, the museum gets one, while I get one of the keys," Daring said, "well technically, I'm one of the keys," she added as the glow around her hoof finally ceased, causing daring to remove her hoof from it, "there, all locked for the night, now let's get going." We followed Daring away from the closed museum and down streets, with the sun setting in the sky, causing the street lights to light up to illuminate the streets. We passed by buildings light up with lights like Christmas and ponies giving Daring and us looks of surprise.

"Um, Daring," Star spoke up as he walked up to Daring, "how far away is this nightclub? Because I am starting to feel slightly uncomfortable with us being right in the open, and it doesn't help that there's also a swarm of paparazzi ponies lurking around for us."

"Don't worry, it's just around this corner," Daring assured him, "so don't get your feathers into a bunch," she added as we turned around a corner and sure enough is a building that practically screams a place that you can go clubbing at, "well here we are gents, one of the famous nightclubs in Los Pegasus; The Bass Bunker," Daring announces when it came into view. The nightclub that we are heading towards to is a two story building, with a long line of ponies standing in front of it, waiting to get inside. I looked up and there I saw a couple of lamps aimed at the name of the place; Bass Bunker. As we neared the nightclub, I can faintly feel the air around me vibrating with the music that can now be faintly heard coming from the nightclub.

As we walked past the long line of ponies, I saw some of them started lean close to each other and whisper, occasionally I'll catch a fragments of what they're saying, "Hey is that Daring Do?"

"I thought she wasn't into these kinds of things."

"Are those two of the Unsung Heroes with her?"

We walked farther down the line, until I overheard two ponies talking, "I don't know. It doesn't seem like that they do these kinds of things."

"You're not suggesting that they're fakes."

"It isn't that hard; just get some accessories and dye and bang instant…"

I quickly ignored the rest of their whispering conversation and turned my attention towards ahead of me as we all walked up to the front door with the pony bouncer that I remember seeing him in the episode when Fluttershy was a model and stopped Rarity from following her and Photo Finish, huh, small world.

"Name, invite," the light grey bouncer inquired the professor as we stepped up to him.

"Professor Do," Daring supplied her profession and name, "and as for my invite," she added as she started to pat her vest pockets and even in the inside of her hat, searching for it, "come on, where is it?" the bouncer raised an eyebrow when she said that. Daring looked up at him when she finally stopped searching for it, "it appears that I may have left it back in my office," she enlightened, "so do you think you can, let me and my friends here slide just this once?"

"Sorry ma'am, but no," the bouncer denied.

"Oh come on Twilight Sky, why won't you let me in just this once? You know me."

"Sorry Miss Do," Twilight the bouncer apologized, "but rules and policies says that I can only let you in if you have an invite and if I let you in without an invite, how would those idiots that are standing in line feel because they weren't invited, but apparently have some reason to be out there."

"Hey, we can hear you, you know," A random pony called out from the line.

"So I'm sorry," Twilight continues, ignoring the outburst from the crowd, "but I can't let you in unless you have an invite."

"Sorry guys," Daring said as she turns towards us, "because of my excitement of what I recently learned about the artifacts from you, I forgot to get the invite as I was getting my hat."

"Hold on a sec, where exactly is the invite?" Star asked.

"It's in the top drawer of my desk back in my office," Daring answered, "why do you ask?"

"Because I am going to get it," Star responded back as he lowered his goggles over his eyes, warning the rest of our group of what he's about to do next. One by one, we closed our eyes as Daring and Star continues their conversation.

"But you need me to unlock the security network," Daring explained, "and my wings are still sore from my travels, so flying is not an option."

"Who said anything about flying?" he asked, "now don't move," and that I saw a flash of light behind my eyelids and cries of surprise. I opened my eyes and looked around and I saw everypony from Daring Do to the bouncer to the ponies in line rubbing their eyes of the blindness that Star gave them.

"What the…? Where is he?" Daring questioned as she looked at the now empty spot where Star was seconds ago, "and what was that he just did?"

"He warped."

"Warped?" Daring confused by what I said.

"Yeah, it's his type of teleportation and he just teleported into your office to get the invite," I explained more.

"But the security network at the museum…"

"Wouldn't stop him," I finished her, "I seen him get passed a high classed shield without even breaking a sweat and as you can see, he's a Pegasus not a unicorn, so the museum's security network won't affect him."

"That's amazing."

"But there's also something very annoying about his technique."

"And what is that?" as soon as she said that there was another flash of light, causing Daring to let out another, but luckily I had my eyes closed at the time.

"The bright flash that goes along with it," I opened my eyes and saw Daring rubbing her eyes, while standing in front of her is an out of breath Star with an invite in his hoof.

"Whew, I really hope that there's food inside, because these warps these warps are making me hungry," Star said as Daring got over her second blindness, which he then stuck out his hoof with the invite, "well here you go Daring, found this in the top drawer, just as you said."

Daring looked at the invite in his hoof with amazement written on her face, "but but, how did you do that?" she asked as she took the invite from him.

"I can bend the fabrics of space at my whim to do things that is impossible for a normal Pegasus," Star answered her as he pushed up his goggles onto his forehead, but instead of getting her question answered, I saw that more questions beginning to form in the professor's head. Star must have seen it was, for he raised his hoof and stopping her prematurely, "look here, as much as I would like to answer the questions that are swimming around in that head of yours, we're outside with stunned ponies around us, probably with questions of their own."

"Oh right, sorry," Daring apologized, "it's the inner professor," she then walked up to a still stunned Twilight and held out the invite, "here you go Twilight and these four are my plus guests, so can we go in now?"

This stirred the bouncer back into reality, "oh yeah, sure," he said as he stepped aside and pushing open the front door with a back leg, causing the music that was being held back the door to be let out and filling up the night air with music, and also clearing up the path and now letting us enter the club. We all then made our way pass by the bouncer and into the club and just as we all passed through the doorway, the bouncer removed the doorstopper that is his back leg. When the door was closing, I heard the pony that was talking to the other pony that thought we were fakes speak up, "see I told you they're the real deal."

As soon as we entered the club, I saw a few heads turn towards us to see who entered and then turning back to whatever they were doing before, "Daring Do, I'm so glad to see that you're able to make it," a voice sang in an African American accent. I looked ahead and saw a pale, light grayish gold Earth pony walking towards us that looks really familiar.

"Hi Sapphire," Daring returned the greeting as the pony walked up to us. Daring looked at us and raised a hoof at the new pony, "everypony, this is Sapphire Shores..."

"The Pony of Pop," Shadow finishing Daring's introduction.

This caused Sapphire to smile at Shadow's awe, "yes I am."

"As I was saying," Daring continuing, "Sapphire Shores these are my plus guests; Star and Aceiro, two of the Unsung Heroes, Shining Armor captain of the unicorns in the royal guards, and the black Pegasus is Shadow and he's engaged to the one time wonder fashion model Fluttershy."

"Wow," Sapphire clearly impressed just as Daring was when she learned that piece of information, "how did you ever get her attention? She's always shy."

"There was a… situation that kind of brought me and Fluttershy together," Shadow replied back to her and in the corner of my vision, I saw Star rubbing his jaw as if making sure that all of his teeth are there.

"Well congratulation," Sapphire inserted, "but answer me this, why did you chose Los Pegasus for your bachelor trip, because wouldn't Las Pegasus be more suited for this kind of stuff?"


"I'll answer that Shadow," Star interceded, "because you see here Miss Shores, I think that most common thought that when somepony hears a bachelor trip is to go to Las Pegasus and get drunk. So I thought to break that common thought by coming here and enjoy the city sights and locations."

"So did you enjoy them then?" Sapphire asked.

"Oh yes," Shadow answered, "this has been the second best day of my life."

"What's the first?" Shining acquired.

"Meeting Fluttershy," he answered, and was rewarded with awes from Daring and Sapphire.

"That's so sweet," Daring said to him and he blushed, "well, as much as I would love to keep this conversation going, the night is young and we're wasting it and your last day of being a bachelor by standing here talking," she stated and then she turns towards Star, "but first you're going to tell me what you mean by bending the fabrics of space at your whim?"

The next forty minutes were spent meeting ponies of various statuses and listening to an assortment of different music that strangely sounds similar to fan made ones back on earth, "man I'm tired," Star stated as he sat down next to me at the bar, "Daring is like Twilight and Rainbow mixed together, she wants to know everything of what I can do like Twilight and she persistent like Dash," all of a sudden I heard his stomach starting to growl. I looked at him with a raised eyebrow, "and hungry too," he added with a sheepish grin.

"What can I get you two?" a bar pony asked as he walked towards us and pulls out a notepad.

"What do you have to eat?"

"We have nachos, chili cheese fries, hay and cheese Panini sandwiches and ceasar salads," the bar pony listed.

"The Panini, please," I requested.

"And I'll have the chili cheese fries," Star giving his.

"Alrighty then," he said as wrote down our orders, "do you want any drinks with that?"

"Just water please."

The bar pony looked at Star funny when he said, "really just water," Star nodded, "what are you, a lightweight?" the bar pony questioned him.

"I don't know," Star answered, "but I don't want to find out if I am with my luck as bad as it is."

"Suit yourself," the bar pony then looks at me, "and what would you like to drink or do you just want water as well like your lightweight friend here?" he said as he motioned at Star.

"Do you have apple cider?" the bar pony gave me a confirmation nod, "I would have that then," the bar pony wrote it down and then walked away to get our orders.

As we waited for our meal to arrive, the music that was playing ever since we arrived suddenly stopped, causing the club to fall silent for the first time in the evening, "hello everypony," a pony call out from the speaker system, causing everypony to look at the stage at a dark blue coated earth pony wearing a pair of shades standing in front of a microphone, "I would like to thank the ponies that organized this party and asked me to be the DJ for it," he brushed away his neon orange, yellow streaked mane away from his shades, "and for those that don't know me, I'm Scratchy the DJ. Now without any more introductions, let's get this party back up running again," with that he stepped away from the mic and towards some DJ equipment. Soon then the music resumed and ponies started dancing to it.

"Here you go gents," we turned around and there we saw that the bar pony is now back with our food and drinks laid out in front of us, "and don't worry about paying for it," he added as Star was taking out his bag of bits, "all of the food and drinks are free for patrons of the party," he explained the free food, "now enjoy," he then walked away and towards other ponies to assist them.

The smell that our foods are giving off made our stomachs growl in hunger, reminding us that the pizza we had was the only thing that we have eaten that day and compelling us to dig into our food. After we quickly finished our meals, we were now leaning against the bar, drinking our drinks and observing the ponies dancing, especially Shining Armor and his crazy dancing, "apparently rhythm doesn't exist in that family," I jokingly commented as I took a drink of cider while Shining stomped his front hooves while swinging his head randomly around with his eye closed, completely unaware of ponies ducking around him to avoid being impaled by his horn.

"Have you noticed that Twilight and Shining dance differently with their eyes closed than when they dance with their eyes open?" Star asked as he took a sip of water.

"Yeah I've noticed that, it's like they're different ponies entirely," I concluded, "Do you think they're parents dance like as well?"

"I don't know, but I don't want to test out that theory, because I already gotten my share of crazy dancing and ended up through the wall as the price."

"Let me guess, Pinkie Pie?"

"Yup," Star confirmed, "all she had to do was to swing her hip and the next thing I know, I'm through the wall of Sugarcube Corner, but it did get Shadow and Fluttershy together though," Star told me as I took another sip of the cider, "so is that cider any good?"

"It's good actually, it tastes like sparkling apple juice, but frothier like a soda," I described it, "why are you asking? Didn't you have some cider from the day that Flim and Flam came to town?"

"I did, but it wasn't the Apple family's cider," he gave details of that day, "it was the Flim Flam brothers'" I saw Star gag a bit, "it was the most horrible thing I had ever tasted, it caused me to puke my guts into a lucky and unfortunate nearby bush. It was like they made the cider out of rotting fruits and then let it bake under the sun for months."

When he described the taste of the bad cider, I started to feel a little queasy and set the half empty mug of cider on the bar, "well I think it is time that we should get home," Star announces as he set his empty glass on the bar, "now while you round up the natural disaster that is a dancing Shining and Shadow, I'll be using the bathroom," and then Star's stomach growled, not out of hunger, but like you ate something bad, "oh, there must have been something in the chili cheese fries, because right now it isn't agreeing with me," he added and then left looking for a bathroom.

I glanced around and saw Shining still dancing on the dance floor, causing panic around him, okay, I know where Shining is, now where's Shadow? I looked around the club for the familiar black Pegasus until I finally spotted him sitting at a table, talking to another pony with a smile on his face. Glad to see that he's having a great time and getting over that timidity of his, I thought as I stood up from my stool and walked towards him. As I near Shadow and the other pony, I saw that the other pony is a mare and I can hear some of what they're saying, "… and if you also feed him regularly, he should stay in your yard and not leap over the fence and go through other ponies trash cans."

"Oh thank you Mr. Breeze," the mare thanked him as she rested a hoof on his, causing him to blush from the contact.

"Y-y-you're welcome," he thanked her, "but remember, one needs to have a lot of responsibility to take care of a pet, especially first time owners."

"Thanks for the tip," the mare thanked Shadow again, "now I better get going before my coltfriend-"

"HEY YOU!" A voice yelled behind me, making me jump from the sudden noise, "GET AWAY FROM MY MAREFRIEND!"

"-sees us," the mare finished her interrupted sentence. I felt a presence behind me, causing me to look back and to see a large Earth pony that can probably match Big Mac's size maybe even bigger, holy moly he's HUGE!

The burly pony walked past me and towards Shadow and the mare, "what are you doing with my marefriend?" he asked Shadow, who was now stunned like a deer caught in headlights. I then noticed that it is now silent, I looked around and saw that everypony is just staring at the scene in front of them, "and why are you holding her hooves?"

At that question, Shadow looked down and saw that the mare hoof is still on his, "no wait, this isn't what it seems," Shadow quickly said as he removed his hoof from underneath the mare's.

"Then what does it seems?"

"I-I-I was j-j-just giving your special somepony here some tips on how to control her pet," Shadow stuttered.

"So you were giving her lessons on how to make me into a pet then?" the brawny pony concluded, completely off from what Shadow was trying to explain about.


"Shut it," the large pony interrupted him, which he's now completely frightened at this point, I better stop this, I then started to make my way between them, "how about I give you some lessons to see how much pain you can handle at once," he then raised his hoof to slam into Shadow, I quickly got between them and raised my right hoof and willed the Will Element into its' true form and then into a shield and intercepted the attack. I felt the impact of the pony hitting my element, nearly causing me to stagger and then my arm started to throb, but ignored it as I willed the shield back into its' bracer form and lowered my hoof back to the ground, "who are you punk and why are you getting in my way?"

"I'm Aceiro and as for why I stopped you from beating on my friend… well it is because I don't want you beating on my friend here," I answered him, which caused him to snort in response to my answer.

"Stop it Brawl," the mare demanded as she stood up from the table and walked over to her coltfriend, "leave him alone."

"No Sweet Heart," he then points at Shadow, "I want to teach this one here a lesson in what happen to those that talks with my marefriend."

"I'm my own pony," Sweet Heart stated, "so that doesn't mean that you own me."

"Just be quiet," he then proceeded to roughly push her aside, which she gave a cry of pain as she was slammed into another table, causing some of the plates that were on it to fall off and shatter as they hit the ground. When I saw this mindless act of violence, I felt my hot anger rise as a cold feeling settled on my heart, but Brawl didn't noticed all of this as he proceeded to walk around my left and towards Shadow, which I can hear him saying sorry repetitively.

I just stared ahead as I quickly raised my left front leg up in front of him and blocked him from going any farther with the black marking of Entropy, "so does the wimp want a lesson in pain as well?" he asked me as I saw him look at me in the corner of my vision. I slowly glanced up at him and stared straight into his eyes and there I saw a flash of fear in his eyes as he took a few nervous steps back, "what's up with stare of yours?"

"Apologize to her," I ordered, ignoring his question.


"I said, apologized to her," I repeated as I pointed my hoof towards the mare he shoved, whom was now being looked at by Shining for any injuries.

"And why should I?" Brawl demanded as his bravery is returning.

"Or you might get hurt," I heard myself darkly said, wait, hold on, what am I saying?

The large pony just started laughing at that, "oh that's rich, I don't know what trick you just pulled there, but for a minute there I thought I was actually afraid of you, but tell me though how did you do it?" I didn't answer but just stared at him with an expressionless face, "no answer huh, well no matter, because I am going to beat in that face of yours and that trick of yours isn't going to work again," he then pull back his hoof to strike me.

I saw Shining's horn started to glow in preparation to defend me, but Brawl struck first. However, I saw it coming and moved the arm wielding the true form of the Element of Entropy in front of his slowed assault as if time around us had just changed… or broke, allowing me to move faster than him. Just as his hoof connected with the bracer, I felt a surge of energy that felt alien, but at the same time exhilarating, with one word forming in my head, compelling me to say it in thought, break!

The area around us both were suddenly consumed in darkness as if the light in the club went out in once, with the temperature suddenly dropping, and then I heard a cracking sound which was quickly followed by a scream of pain. The darkness faded away and saw that I am still holding up my left arm up in a defensive position with the Entropy Element now in its marking form, making me thought that nothing had happened, but then I noticed that Brawl is now in the floor, whimpering in pain hold his leg close to his chest. I was confused at this, until I saw that his leg was bent in a different position, which a leg shouldn't be able to or at least not naturally.

"Oh god," I said in panic as the spell that had held me lifted, making me realize what I have just done to him. I made a move towards the now broken brawly pony, "I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to do what I just did," I explained to him, "please let me help you," but he responded to me by scooting away from me.

"Stay away from me you freak," Brawl demanded, but I ignored him and moved closer to him and examined his injury that I caused by accident and then an idea formed in my head.

"Shining," I said towards the shocked unicorn, "get him up and place him at the table," I ordered him as I pointed at the pony on floor and then at the table. This shook Shining out of his shocked state and then lifted Brawl from the floor and to the table just as I ordered. I then turn towards the crowd of ponies that are still standing there, "quick, get me some metal here."

But I didn't get any response and just as I was about to repeat my appeal, there was a flash of light and suddenly Star is standing next to me, "what happened here?" he asked shocked as he looked around at the scene around him.

"I had somehow triggered the Entropy Element and broke this pony's leg when he was about to hit me," I quickly explained the situation to him, "now hurry, I need metal; silverware, trays, anything," I specifically demanded, "Just hurry."

"Gotcha," he said as he heard the panic in my voice, "alright folks you heard the pony, he needs metal so get him some," ponies then started to stir and move about to get the medal I request. Soon enough I have a pile of forks, knives, spoons and a tray on the table Brawl is sitting at, "alright you got your metal, now what?"

"I'm going to make him a brace, but first, Shining," I looked at him, "lay out his leg and hold it down, I don't want him to hurt himself anymore than need to," he gave me a nod and turned his focus at the weak pain filled pony and carefully removed Brawl's hoof away and out on the table for all of those to see what I did and making me feel regret for doing it.

"Shadow, do you know how to set bone?" I asked Shadow who is now looking over Brawl's broken leg, even though he was just being threatened by the same pony minutes ago.

"Yeah, I have done it a few times," he answered and that is just what I was hoping for, "why do you ask?"

"Because I want you to set his leg straight while I'm making a brace for it," I explained my reason to him, as I quickly laid out the utensils around Brawl's leg as it was being held in place by Shining's magic.

"I'm sorry, but this is going to hurt… a lot," Shadow warned Brawl as he placed his fore hooves on Brawl's leg and then, with a few sickening snaps and cracks, Shadow quickly forced the leg back into its proper position. Brawl let out a scream of pain as Shadow corrected the damage and then proceeded to faint on the spot, still being held up in Shining's magical grasp. I heard a thuds coming from behind me, indicating that Brawl wasn't the only one that fainted.

I ignored all of that and just focused on what I'm doing and soon had all of the metal things placed around the unconscious pony's leg, "alright here we go," I place my right arm wielding the Will Element on the strategically placed pieces of metal and concentrated. I felt surges of energy pulse through the white element and into the metal, causing them to glow white and suddenly to start shifting over the pony's set leg, completely encasing it. I then willed the light into the needed object I pictured in thought.

When the light infused metal finally stopped moving, the light started to fade away, revealing what I had created with the metal I asked for; a metal brace holding the broken leg in place, "there that should it properly until he gets real medical help," I stated as I stepped back, feeling drained from using the two polar elements of mine.

I saw Sweet Heart get up from the ground and walk over to Shadow, "I'm so sorry," Sweet Heart apologized to him as her head hung low, not daring to look at him in the eyes.

"What for?" Shadow questioned.

"If I hadn't been going around asking for advice on taking care of a pet, none of this wouldn't have happened," Sweet Heart enlightened the reason of her apology.

"It wasn't your fault, for I saw it all," Shining pointed out, "and I saw that it was just him overreacting for no reason and started swinging hooves around at other ponies for those wrong reasons."

"He's right, but I should be the one to apologize to you," I spoke up, gaining her attention, "because of me, look at what I did to your coltfriend," I pointed at the now stirring pony lying halfway across on the table.

"Ugh, what happened?" the burly pony stirred back into conscious.

"Don't be, because truthfully, he was always asking for it, although nopony dared to teach him a lesson due to his large size," Sweet said, "but it was going to happen someday, because if it wasn't going to be you then it would've been somepony else, I hope this experience will teach him not to overreact and not to be so possessive," she hoped.

"Wha-what is this thing?" Brawl finally noticed the metal framework on his leg.

Sweet Heart walks over and leans down next to him, "that Brawl, is going to be a reminder to not overreact and start fights with other ponies," she said to him and then proceeded to start lifting him up and bracing him so he can stand without falling, "now let's go and get you to the hospital, so we can see if they set that leg of yours straight," she then helped him towards the exit with the crowd of ponies parting for them like a sea. When she reached the exit, she stopped and looked back at me, "thank you for helping my special somepony, even though you had no reason to help him," she then opened the door and left with the limping pony next to her.

"That Sweet Heart character sure lives up to her name," Star commented as he stepped up next to me, "I was expecting her to dump him right here and there," he speculated.

"Yup," I looked away from the door and at the crowd and saw that they all are staring at me, "I'm sorry everypony," I apologized to them, "thanks to me, I ruined everypony's evening."

"Are you kidding?" Scratchy the DJ called out from the stage, "this has been the best night ever," I saw most of the ponies in the crowd nod their heads in agreement at what he's saying, "you just can't plan random events like this, that's what makes them even more awesome."

"But I didn't mean-"

"Plus, what the mare said is true," a slightly overweight pony called out as he stepped out of the crowd, "Brawl is always causing trouble at this bar and scaring away costumers, and I should know because I'm Bass Bunker, the owner of this nightclub, and I'll would like to thank you for teaching that wrecking ball of a pony a lesson in humility," he was responded back with murmurs of agreement.

"But what about his injuries-"

"As well as giving us all a demonstration of what one of the Unsung Heroes can do," Another random pony called out, this time responded back with ponies stomping their hooves on the ground, their form of clapping.


"Forget about it," Star said to me as ponies around me are thanking me, completely forgetting about the violence act we just preformed right in front of them, "ponies around here, aren't exactly like the ponies back in Ponyville or Canterlot, so maybe what they just saw is everyday life here," he presumed.

"Maybe you're right," I agreed with him, I then looked at the black element on my left leg and didn't sense anything from it, "but what happened back there? Because it went dark and got cold," what's happening to me?

"I don't know, but I felt the space fields react violently to something when I was in the bathroom," Star explained as a random pony pat me on the back, "so whatever you did, you used some weird kind of power to disturb the space fields around you."

"Well whatever happened, I hope that I won't have to experience that anytime soon," I said just as Shadow and Shining made their way through the crowd of ponies and walked over to us.

"Um Star, even though this has been one weird day, but the best day nevertheless," Shadow said, "but don't you think we can go home now, I'm getting tired here and also before something else happens to us."

"I must agree with Shadow on that," Shining concurred, "today was great and all, but I want to go home now sleep."

"Yeah let's go home," Star then let out a yawn, "because it feels like I am going to fall over any second now," he added, "alright everypony, gather around near me, I'm going to warp us home, but first; Shadow, you get between me and Aceiro, don't want a repeat of that mishap like earlier today, especially since this one is going to be a long distant warp," Shadow nodded in understanding and positioned himself between me and Star, while Shining made us way on the other side of Star.

I put my left hoof of Shadow's shoulder wing whilst Star put his right on Shadow's, we both taking care not to touch each other's elements, and Shining putting his right on Star's, "alright here we go," Star acknowledged and then lowered his goggles over his eyes, "so long Los Angeles it has been fun," he announces causing several ponies to look at us just as we all disappeared in a flash of light, with the destination of home in mind.

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