• Published 20th Jan 2012
  • 9,562 Views, 1,352 Comments

A New Point of View - Cyber V

A boy and a girl recieves a mysterious message, and finds themselves in a new reality.

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Chapter 65: Los Pegasus PT1


Well folks, I finally did it, I had gotten my 100th favorite on Fanfiction. Now on with the story or as known as to you readers; Shadow's bachelor party.

End A/N

Aceiro's POV

Shining, Star, Shadow and I observed the city of Los Pegasus as it pass by through our train as the train pulls up into the station, "so what do you have plan for us Star?" Shadow asked as the train finally came to a complete stop and ponies around started to get up from their seats and move about in the cabin.

"Nothing," he answered causally as he got up from his seat.

"Wait, what do you mean nothing?" Shining asked as he too got out of his seat and then followed by me and Shadow getting up from our seats.

"It means exactly as it sounds," he answered as he started making his way towards one of the exits.

"So basically you just go with the flow and let something happens," I clarified for everypony to understand as we followed him.

"Yup," he established, "because usually, if I plan or have plans for something for the day, it ends with some form of ancient or once thought destroyed or else revived evil in some form to appear and cause havoc and ruin my planned day," he explained as he exited the train

"Are you serious?" Shining asked him as we stepped off the train and onto a barely deserted platform.

"Oh quite serious," he said as he stopped and looked back at us, "and I can give a few examples; one, I had planned a trip to Canterlot for Arcana and I for Heart and Hooves day and it ended with Arcana crying and with me beating up Blueblood; two, when Arcana and I went to our first Grand Galloping Gala, Nightmare Moon made an appearance and put Arcana and I in the hospital; three, I planned a nice picnic for Arcana and I for the eclipse and made an unexpected trip to another world when the eclipse messed with our abilities, but something good came out of that one."

"Really, what was it?" Shadow asked.

"Me," I answered him and gained his attention, "I found them both in my basement and after a few actions that happened afterwards I went with them when they were brought back to this world."

"Four…" Star continuing his list of bad luck, "when I was being taught by Princess Luna to learn how to use my star, I sat on a cacti," this earned him a series of laughter from me and the others, "quiet; five, your wedding Shining, Arcana, Aceiro and I were pony-napped by a shape shifter creature and I died protecting Arcana," and he was received looks of worry and surprise from Shadow and Shining, "and was brought back to life thanks to her, but some good things came out of it in the end though, Arcana and I are now a couple as well as Aceiro and Fe; and six, when Shadow and I planned to hang out at the deer tribe's campsite and we accidently ticked off their special birds and the very next day, we were pranked, hoaxed and harmed by them."

"Don't remind me," Shadow added his comment to Star's explanation and then shudder as he remembered some horrible experience he had suffered that day.

"And that's why I don't usually plan for things ahead, because with my bad luck, something is bound to happen, so that's why I only planned the trip to Los Pegasus and nothing else, and that's just the planned days, the list of my unplanned days is about five times as long and just as worse."

"Wow, your bad luck is just as or maybe even worse than a regiment we have in the royal guards," Shining spoke, "how are you even alive after what you been through?" he asked amazed from Star's good health.

He just shrugged, "I don't even know myself, either I'm one tough and strong willed Pegasus or the universe just wants to keep me around and healthy, so it can hurt me later on for kicks and giggles, and I am starting to think it is because of the second reason."

"Well this has been a very interesting session and all," Shining declared, "but I think we should get going now."

"Why do you say that?" Star asked him.

"Because of him," he said as he pointed to the left. We turn our gazes to where he is pointing and there standing a little away is a slightly annoyed conductor looking at us and then to a pocket watch that he is holding in his hoof.

"If you'll all please be kind to move away from the train, because we have a tight schedule to keep here and we can't leave with you all next to the train," he requested, slightly annoyed of our longing presence on the train platform and next to the waiting train.

"Oops, sorry sir, we'll leave right now," Star answered back to him and was replied back with a nod from the conductor as he made his way back into the train. We quickly made our way away from the train and just as we walked ten feet the sound of a whistle went off and then the train slowly made its way from the station.

"So tell me Shining, do you know what there is to do in Los Pegasus?" Star asked the unicorn captain as we made our down the steps of the station and onto the bustling streets of L.P., but as soon as we stepped into the city streets, I saw a few ponies look at us and they started whispering to each other, why am I getting a feeling that we are going to do some running soon?

"Well I had never visited this city as well, so I don't know a lot about it, but hear that there are some excellent museums and clubs that some of the palace guards said when they went here for vacation."

"Well then let's go see some artifacts of the past and go clubbing," Star suggested with a smile.

Shining looked at Star, amazed at what he said, "That actually sounds to… normal, for a bachelor party."

"Well, I find that the idea for a bachelor party is to go out and get drunk, wake up in a hotel that is completely trashed with signs that something else had happened besides a party, with no memory of the night before what so ever and then go explore the city to remember what we did with little clues we have, just cliché and frankly stupid," Star explained as we walked past another group of whispering group of ponies, "but with my luck, there might be a small chance that might happen, small but there."

"I hope not," Shadow hoped, "because I'm loyal only to Fluttershy."

"That's a great thing to have in a relationship," Shining concurred with the black Pegasus, "but don't forget about trust and love as well, that's what keeps mine and Cadence's relationship together."

"Maybe that's one of the reasons why the changeling queen wanted to keep you," I pointed out and then I realized something, "wait if she was impersonating Cadence for what, about a week? Did you two ever, you know did-"

"Finish that question and I'll put a shield bubble around you and kick you down the largest hill I can find," he threatened me, "and trust me, I did it before and I can do it again."

"Alright no more questions about if Shining and Chrysalis ever bow chica wow wowed," Star stated from behind Shining and was rewarded with an angry glare from him as his horn started to glow in a red-pink glow, "hey hey hey, it could mean anything, you're just the one who thinks that it might be something else," he quickly added.

The glow around his horn faded away when Star explained, "ugh, you know that you're one lucky pony, right?"

"Nah, I think he is more of an unlucky pony," Shadow commented and got laughter from me and Shining.

"Whoa, did Shadow just make a zinger?" Star asked impressed as he looked around me and at Shadow, who winced under his gaze.

"Oh did I? I'm sorry then," Shadow quickly apologized.

"Hey don't be like that Shadow," I said to him as I pat him on the back, "it's alright to make remarks like that among friends and besides, I think he is used it to by now," I added as I pointed towards him.

"It's true."

"Now let's go and enjoy the rest of your bachelor party," I finished and we continue our way down the street.

But just as we took a few steps, I saw a little Pegasus colt approaching towards our group, "excuse me sirs," he said a little nervous about something, "but can I ask you something?"

"Of course little one, what is it?" Shining queried.

"Well actually, it is to you two I wanted to ask," he said as pointed to me and Star, oh no, I'm have a bad feeling about this whole thing.

"Okay, what do you want to ask us?" Star asked the colt all of a sudden weary, probably sensing what I'm feeling about this whole situation.

"Well I have seen pictures of you two in the newspapers," oh crap, "and well I was wondering if you two are really two of the three Unsung Heroes."

"Ah dung beetles," I heard Star whisper under his breath and saw Shining give Star a confused look about his odd choice of words in the corner of my eye. Star let out a sigh and said, "Yeah we are them, why do you ask?"

But the colt didn't hear Star's question, for he was jumping up and down in absolute glee, "oh wow, two of the three Unsung Heroes are in my hometown, this is the greatest day of my life," he stopped bouncing and looked at us, "hey can I get your autographs?" he optimistically asked as he reached around and into his wing and pulled out a notepad and pencil from the folds of his feathers and held them out for us to possibly sign them.

"Well I don't know…" I started but then he gave me the saddest puppy eye look that could probably give Applebloom a run for her money, "ugh fine, give me those," I demanded as I took the notepad from him. I flipped open the pad and grasped the eraser end of the pencil and slid it out of the ring bindings and carefully wrote my name in it, as his sad look disappeared and was replaced with a happy one.

I finished writing my name and spat out the pencil and then held it out for Star to sign it next. He stared at the pad for a few seconds and then looked at me, "if you're thinking that I should use the pencil that you just used, you can forget-"

"Just sign it," I ordered.

"Alright, alright, don't get your wings in a bunch," he answers back and then looks at the pad and pencil again. I then saw him focus on the objects in my hoof and with slight tingling feeling in my hoof, the pad and pencil floated off of it and in front of him. This earned him surprised looks from Shining, Shadow and the Pegasus colt, and then their mouths drop open when Star jerked his head the pencil right itself up and started writing his name underneath mine.

"There go kid," a now sweating and exhausted Star said as he floated over the notepad back to the still shocked colt.

"How did you do that?" the colt asked him as he took the notepad back and got over the surprising panorama that just happened.

"Yeah, how did you do that?" Shining repeated, "Because I thought only unicorns can levitate items and such."

"Oh come on Shining, you saw me do other things that a normal Pegasus couldn't or shouldn't be able to do," he said to the white unicorn and then he noticed that the colt was still staring at him and looked back at him, "well to answer your question, the reason I am to do what I just did is because I'm not your typical everyday Pegasus."

"Then what are you?"

"Let's just say, I am a very special pony."

"You got that right mister," the colt said, he then look down at the notepad in his hooves and realized what he's holding, "whoa, I have two of the three signatures of the Unsung Heroes, these are going straight to my collection of signatures," he then looked up at us, "um not to sound ungrateful or anything, but the third Unsung Hero wouldn't be happened to be in the area so I can get her signature too."

"Sorry kid, but she isn't here right now, but I'll see if she can give one you some other day though," Star promised.

"Can you really do that?" the colt asked astonished.

"Sure, after all she is my marefriend," he stated his relation, "but I can't promise anything though."

I saw the hope in his eyes drop, but not by much, "oh well, two out of three isn't so bad," he dejectedly said as he tuck the notepad back into the feathers of his wing, "Well thank you for the autographs, but I have to get going now."

"No problem," I said as he turned around and started walking away, and then I realized something, "hold on minute kid," I called out to him, which caused him to stop and look back at me, "you know our names, but we never got yours."

"Oh yeah, sorry about that," he apologized, "my name is Warning," as soon as he said his name, I tensed up, and also sensed Star next to me tense up as well. "Well, see you around," Warning then walked up the street, but then he stopped when he walked a few yards. He looked back at us and said with a grin, "oh and here's a tip for celebrities like you two; look around corners before you turn them because you might never know what's going to be behind it and try to avoid large crowds," he advised and then continue on his way up the street and disappeared around a corner.

"What do you think he means when he said that?" Shadow asked.

"I don't know Shadow, but I am getting a feeling that something big is coming though," Star proclaimed, "and I don't like it."

"Can't you just sense it coming like what you did before we pony-napped Shadow?" Shining asked him.

"Sorry, but it doesn't work like that."

"How come?"

Star looked at him with a bemused look, "you know something Shining, even though you're the captain of the unicorn division of the Royal Guards and hold a great amount of powerful magic, enough to temporary hold back an entire army of changelings while you were in a zombie like state, you can sometimes be a little dense," Star said to him and was rewarded with a very angry look from the unicorn captain.

"There was no need for that insult," Shining replied angrily.

"Now let me explain why it won't work," Star continues, ignoring what he said as well as the look that he getting from Shining, "first, I can only get small feelings here and there that something is coming, but can't see it coming, like seeing the future, that's up Arcana's alley, I think; second, I can only sense living things and were surround by other ponies, so I wouldn't be able to sense where it might be coming from; and third, it's the middle of the day, so my embodiment is probably on the other side of the world by now and my sixth sense wouldn't fully work."

"Well I'm sorry, because I'm not the one with one of the mysterious objects of power that is capable extraordinary feats tattooed on my leg, so I have no idea on how your abilities work and I am also not a human turned pony to boot as well," Shining retorted.

"That is true, sorry about that Shining," Star apologized him and then a puzzling looked appeared on his face, "what a minute, how did you that I was once a human?"

"Not just you, him as well," he added as he pointed at me, "as well as Arcana, and for how I know, Princess Celestia and Luna told only to a few ponies that they trust about yours, Aceiro's and Arcana's origins," and then a perplexed look formed on his face, "huh, they also added that the other reason that they are telling us about you three is because we'll become more involved with you three, how the princess know that, I'll never know and pretty sure nopony else either."

"Perfect, now there are ponies out there that know our secret, who else know about our secret?"

"I do," Shadow answered him.

"As well Lyra Heartstrings," I supplied my own, "but in my defense, you did kind of taunt her with the way you sat and got her all worked up."

"Isn't there anypony that doesn't know that we were once-"

"Will you shut up Star?" I quickly silenced him as I looked around and noticed ponies giving us odd looks and whispering to each other, "let's get out of here," we made our way up the street and away from the rumoring ponies. "Sorry about that Star," I apologized as we walked few yards, "but I don't want ponies to overhear that we were once apparently creatures of myth and possibly attracted the attention of another anthropologist."

"No problem, I perfectly understand," Star understood my intentions, "now let's stop this talk of humans and abnormal abilities, okay?" we all agreed with him on that, "alrighty then, let's go and enjoy the city sights."

We made our through the surprising mirror city of Los Angeles, Los Pegasus, it's remarkable, I commented as I looked around at the palm trees and familiar buildings, even though our worlds haven't interacted with each other, there are major similarities between them, and then my gaze settled on the giant Applewood sign on the side of mountain, well aside from the small differences here and there.

We enjoyed more of the city sights, sounds, but just as we walked past a building that looked just like the Grauman's Chinese Theatre back on Earth, we past a group of ponies gathered around the entrance of the building. However as we walked past them, one of the them looked back and saw us, at first her expression was disbelief, but then it turned into one of amazement, "are those the Unsung Heroes?"

As soon as she asked that, other ponies quickly looked our way with incredulously looks on their faces, which quickly changed into astonishment as soon as they saw me and Star and a few of them even pulled out cameras, and then I remembered Warning's warning about avoiding large crowds, "oh shit."

"Run!" Star cried out.

To be continued…


Well folks, after receiving a scare when I thought I had accidently deleted this chapter when my computer updated, nonstop working and interruptions from my family, I have finally finished this chapter, but since it has been to long since the last update and that this chapter is getting longer, I decided to make this into a two-part. So tell me what you think by leaving your comments and reviews, also leave any questions you have about my story, or stories and I'll answer them, thank you for reading.

End A/N

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