• Published 20th Jan 2012
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A New Point of View - Cyber V

A boy and a girl recieves a mysterious message, and finds themselves in a new reality.

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Chapter 64: An Enlightening Trip


Okay folks, there are a few things I should clear up here, I said Los Pegasus as in Los Angeles not Las Vegas, because I am tired of reading related scenes that were inspired from "The Hangover" so that clarify things. Okay now that that is done with, on with the story.

End A/N

"You're taking us where?" I heard Shadow ask out loud, making me turn my gaze from the scenery that was quickly passing by the train's seat window and towards Shadow and Star that was sitting across from me and a sleeping Shining Armor.

"I told you, I'm taking you all to Los Pegasus for your bachelor party," Star repeated.

"That part you made clear Star," I finally spoke up and gained the white Pegasus's attention, "but answer me this; why are we taking the train to Los Pegasus, when you could've just warped us there?"

"Okay, there are three reasons why we're taking the train and not warping there," Star started, "the first is that I have never been there, which explains reason number two, if I were to randomly warp us to a location I never been to or seen it, we might up warping into a wall of building, or worse; into a spot that is currently being occupied by another pony."

I pictured what would that look like and shuddered from the grim thoughts, "that would not be a pretty sight."

"Exactly," Star said to Shining, "the reason that number reason two didn't happen in Ponyville is because it is a relatively small town, with not that many ponies about, so I can pretty much guesswork where they would be in town and not warp on or into them.

"What's the third reason?" Shadow asked, finally gotten over the fact that he had been just pony-napped.

"Oh, well the third reason is that it would cost me a lot if I warp all of us to an unknown location that is hundreds of miles away," he answered Shadow.

I looked away from them and turn my gaze back to the window and saw the forest of trees past by in a blur and remember what we did after Star told us where we are going and then made our way through town and to the train station and released him when the train left the station, and as well as getting odd looks from its residents along the way, but not much as one would think that a supposing pony-napping is happening in front of their eyes.

Maybe it is because they live in a town that is just a center point for weirdness, I theorized as I lean my head back onto the seat, and closed my eyes. As soon as I closed my eyes I felt myself getting sleepy and the vibrations from the train weren't helping and soon I was drifting off to sleep.

Arcana's POV

"So tell us Fluttershy, how does it feel like to be getting married?" I asked the bachelorette as Aloe poured a spoonful of water onto the hot rocks and filled the sauna with more steam.

"Well I have to say that there's a sense of nervousness and urgency that seems to hang around the air," Fluttershy thoughtfully answered, "but I am not sure if that is just me though."

"I am sure that is just a natural reaction," Fe supplied as she sat far away from me and Fluttershy, "I mean you are about to get married, and that's a big change in one pony's life."

"True," Fluttershy agreed, "well thank you both for taking me to the spa, I just hope that the others are okay on their activity, especially Shadow."

"Oh I am sure that they will be okay," I reassured Fluttershy, I hope.

Aceiro's POV

"Why won't you let me into your heart?" the shadow version of me questioned as he stepped towards me, as the sounds of metal hitting each other echoed off of his black armor and into the air of the ruin city of Canterlot, "why won't you let me into your heart?"

As he neared me while repeating the same question over, I felt my frustration and anger rise and raised my armored hoof up and slammed it down in the pavement, causing a thunderous boom to echo through the ruins as well as causing the shadow version of me to stop in its tracks, "listen, I don't know who or what you are," my voice being multiplied with help from the surrounding building as I stepped up to the nightmare of my dreams, "But I am tired of you stabbing me in the chest every time I have a dream, so let's get something clear here, I am never, for any reason, going to let you in my heart," I stated as I am now staring into the eyes of my tormentor.

We stood there, staring at each other and not backing down for what seems like hours, until finally the shadow version of me takes a few steps back, "very well, if you're not going to allow me into your heart then I will have to find another," with that he turned into wisps of shadows and started to fade away.

"Wait, what do you mean find another?" I questioned as the shadows completely faded away and leaving me alone in the ruins of Canterlot as my question hanged in the air, "tell me…"

"Aceiro wake up," a worried voice called out around me, and quickly jolted awake, alert for any trouble, but I saw that I am back on the train, and then I saw two sleeping forms of Star and Shining, "oh thank goodness you're awake," I looked ahead and there standing in front of me is a concern looking Shadow, "are you okay Aceiro?"

"Yeah, I'm okay Shadow," I answered him as I rubbed my face with my left hoof to get rid of any traces of sleep from my eyes, but as I pulled my hoof away I saw that the black marking of the Entropy Element had somehow shifted into its bracer form, why are you in your bracer form? I panicky thought as I concentrated and shifted it back into its marking.

"Are you sure, because it sounded like that you were having a terrible nightmare?"

"Yeah, I'm fine," I reassured him as I leaned back in my seat and stared out the window and saw a mountain in the distance, "I sometimes get those kinds of dreams, but it's nothing worry about much Shadow."

"Oh that is good to know," Shadow said relieved as he sat back down in his seat, "but what was up with that weird bracer?" he asked as he pointed to the black marking.

"Oh well, do you know about the Elements of Reality?"

"Yeah, Star told me all about them and how he's the bearer of Space, Arcana Time, and you Will."

"Well I am the bearer of two of the Reality Elements," I held up my right hoof so Shadow can see the Element of Will marking. "Now as you know, this is the Element of Will," I put down my right hoof and raised my left, "and this is the Element of Entropy," I lowered my left hoof and continue, "now I don't know much about these two elements and I had the Will Element longer than the other."

"What does the Will Element do?"

"Well, so far I know I can change the structure of metallic objects, but I don't know anything more besides that."

"Do you know what-"

"Leave me alone you damn dirty birds," Star suddenly spoke up interrupting Shadow. We look towards him and saw him fidgeting in his sleep and causing both of us to chuckle he then settled back down and was soon sleeping peacefully.

"Well anyway," Shadow continuing what he was saying, "Do you know what the other one does?"

"Now that's just it, I'm not exactly sure what it can do," I answered him, "so far it has just given me nightmares, but if it has anything to do with the abilities that Nightmare had when it held the element, then I don't want to get to involved with it," I finished worriedly, "I wonder why it chosen me to be its bearer."

"Do you have any clues why it did though?"

"Nope, not at all," I responded, "because when I was a human, I didn't do anything amazing that could have gotten noticed by anything at all, so I don't know why it chose me."

After that answer, Shadow and I sat there in silence and with Shadow now staring out of the window and watching the scenery pass by. I looked outside and saw that our train is now rounding the mountain, "so Shadow," I spoke up and gained the black Pegasus's attention, "have you ever been the Los Pegasus?"

"Once... twice when I was traveling around Equestria," he answered, "but they never ended well for me, because I once tried to sell tonics and other healing remedies the first time I was here, but the local enforcement thought I was selling meth and other dangerous drugs and confiscated them along with my money, because they suspected it was my 'drug' money. So I was penniless out on the streets for about a week, until I hitched on a train that was heading towards Vanhoover, where I got a job as a veterinarian."

"Wow, sounds like you had a rough life before you came to Ponyville," I commented on his tale.

"You have no idea," Shadow said as he looked out the window again, "it was the second time that helped make me into a nervous wreck, which that you see in front of you."

"What happened?" I wearily asked him.

"Well, first you have to know something though," Shadow stated, "you see I'm an orphan; left on a doorstep of an orphanage in Trottingham with a note pinned on me with my name on it when I was just a three month old foal or that was at least what the ponies that worked at the orphanage told me when I was a bit older."

This realization completely took me by surprise, "you're an orphan?"

"Yeah," he established, "but I try not to bring it a lot, because I don't want a lot of ponies to make a big fuss of this whole thing," he requested from me.

"Gotcha, don't talk about it," I agreed to his demand, "but will you tell me what happened to you during your second time in Los Pegasus?"

"Well…" he said a bit hesitant.

"You don't have to tell me right way," I quickly stated, not wanting to make him uncomfortable, "I was just wondering, that's all."

"No it's fine, I started something here and got you interested, so I guess I need to finish it," he stated. He took a breath and then started, "well you see, I decided to visit the city again and hope that I can get rid of the bad experience the first time I was there. So as I was exploring the sites of the city, the same local enforcement that confiscated my healing remedies thought I was back to sell some more "drugs" so they took me and held me in custody, where they said that they are now going to inform my family of my situation."

"But you don't have a family," I pointed out and then I realized of what I just said to him, "oops sorry about that Shadow."

"That's what I said too as well, and none taken," Shadow said waving off my last remark, "well hours after they had left they returned, but this time with a couple following them, saying that they are my parents and get this; I looked just like them, and let me tell you it was kind of freaky, but I felt a great joy as well," he admitted with a smile, but then his smile quickly dropped, "well at first the couple and I stared at each other for a while, until all of a sudden they started to freak out and panicking and scolding the officers and telling them that I am not their son and that their real son died soon after he was born and then stormed out of the station and I was released soon after."

Shadow then let out a sad filled sigh, "apparently, the officers found some medical records and saw my name in them and then saw the couple's names in the relations, but it seems that they didn't check the age of the report," Shadow explained, "I felt so hurt, because I thought I found my family, but only got a spiteful reject," I saw the hurt in his eye, "so that is why I am so nervous, because I'm afraid of being hurt like that from before."

"Oh man," a voice called out, startling me and Shadow. I looked over to the left of Shadow and saw a wide awake Star, "if I had known that, I wouldn't have planned this trip for you, I'm so sorry," he then proceeded to hit himself in the forehead with his hooves, "Star you stupid idiot, you should've known more about him."

"Please Star, don't beat yourself up," Shadow insisted, "You didn't know and how much have you heard anyway?"

Star stopped beating himself up and looked at him, "all of it, but I still should've known, because I'm your friend."

"Hey now," I said out loud, quickly gaining the two Pegasus's attention, "what's done is done…," I said to Star, "… and the past is in the past," I said as I looked towards Shadow, "so there is no point in making a big deal of this, and beside Shadow you have your friends here with you this time, so I am positive that you third time in Los Pegasus will be a lot better than your last visits."

"You're right," Shadow saw my points, "what's done is done and there's nothing that can't be done, but that doesn't mean that I can enjoy what the future holds," he finished with a smile and then the world around us went a few shades darker. We all gathered around the window on my right and there on the mountain side, written in the large white letterings is the name of the home of famous ponies; Applewood, which is currently located in the city of our set destination.

"Well everypony, we're finally here," Star announces as I was suddenly into a headlock by Star, I looked over and saw that Star had done the same with Shadow, "the city of the angels; Los Pegasus. The town will never know what hit it," he added with that statement, I hope it isn't us that's going to hit it.

And then heard Shining behind us suddenly snort awake, "ugh, what did I miss, did something just happened?"


Well I am sorry about the late update everyone, but let me explain why: my computer's charger decided to die on me, but after days of pony withdrawal, I went nuts and performed a Jesus Christ act on it and resurrected it; a few days after that, I got infected by a virus as well as my computer, so we both went through a complete reboot; and my dad coming to visit me and my family for the weekend; and writing another story; all they while working nonstop during the day all week before that, which didn't help my cold at all, and was only able to work on my stories mostly at night.

So please forgive me for letting real life get the jump on me and beating the crap out of me soon after. Well you know the deal, leave your comments, reviews and questions.

End A/N

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