• Published 20th Jan 2012
  • 9,562 Views, 1,352 Comments

A New Point of View - Cyber V

A boy and a girl recieves a mysterious message, and finds themselves in a new reality.

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Chapter 62: Show and Tell


Well folks, I have to say, I would have never thought that this story would have evolved to this point, and I have noticed something about my story. No it is not that I messed up with my story, what I saw that this story is still evolving and into something that could possible blow all of your minds.

Also I had finally past the 300 mark of the number of reviews on Fanfiction… I am so happy.

End A/N

I wander blindly through a sea of darkness that I had somehow found myself in, while getting a sense of loneliness as the darkness around me seems to be closing in on me, "hello, is there anypony here?" I called out to darkness, but I then soon collided with a barrier that was being hidden by the darkness, "ow," I moaned as I rubbed my nose from the impact.

I stepped away from the invisible obstruction and made my way in the opposite direction, but as I took a few steps, my hoof made contact with another darkness enshrouded obstruction, causing me to face plant into the shadowy ground. I pulled my face off of the ground and spit out dirt and grit that gotten into my mouth when I hit the ground, "what's going on here? Where am I?" I frustratingly asked to the darkness as I pulled myself up from the ground.

When I finally stood up straight, a white light started to generate from my Will Element. The light peeled the darkness away and I saw that I am standing on a paved road, but it was in terrible condition, for they were cracked and upturned as well as large pits in the road. I noticed that the shadows are still receding around me, causing me to look around and at the now revealed surroundings.

I felt my heart skip a beat when I saw what the shadows were hiding; the ruins of Canterlot. I looked around the remains of the once magnificent city, getting the feeling of distress as I saw the hollow shells of the buildings above my head and the destroyed road underneath my hooves, with bits and pieces of gold armor of the Celestial guards as well as the midnight armor from the Night guards, "what happened here, what going on?" I called out in fright.

I was answered by a low laughter that was coming from behind me, I whirled around and there I saw that the shadows that hidden the ruins from me before, had gathered into a shadowy entity and that was quickly solidifying into a form of that of a pony. The shadows completely formed into a solid form of a stallion and wearing a clad of black armor, the stallion was looking down at the pavement, so I couldn't see his facial features through the visor of the helmet, but the noticeable feature about the pony is the set of wings at his sides; for they were made out of metal, all the while still laughing.

"Who are you?" I asked the mysterious pony, feeling scared for I might know the answer, but all I got was just the same laughter. I took a couple of steps back to get away from the unnerving pony, but I hear the sound of metal as I stepped back, I looked downwards and saw that I am wearing the shining white armor that I had somehow made during my and my fellow Reality Elements' fight with Nightmare, and that is when I noticed that the laughter has stopped.

I looked up and towards the pony and then I heard him spoke in a low voice, "so the Reality Element of Will has finally shown itself," and then he started walking towards me, causing me to back away from him, "now we can finally determine which of us are going to be the heart of our bearer."

"Who are you, what are you?" I asked him as I continue to back away from him, but then I felt my rear end hit a wall behind me, preventing me from escaping for the crazed pony in front of me anymore.

"Well you should know me by now," he said as he stopped about a foot away from me, all the while still looking down at the ground, "after all, I do currently rest on your left arm," he then looks up at me and confirmed what I was fearing, for staring at me like a mirror would, is me, "I am Entropy," he then raises his left arm chest high, "but mostly importantly of all, I am you," he added as a black blade quickly formed on his raised arm, "now let me into your heart!" he yells as he thrust forward and stabbed into my chest plate, though my chest and into my heart… and then I opened my eyes.

I look around in a blind panic, expecting to see the ruins of Canterlot, but I only saw a normal looking living room and the couch I was just sleeping on. When I saw that I am not at the ruins of Canterlot, I looked down at my chest and felt around it for an opening from a knife all the while felt my heart beating a couple of miles per hour. When I didn't see or feel any signs of a stab wound on my chest, I let out a breath of relief and felt my heartbeat finally slow down, "it was just a dream," I said as I plopped myself back onto the couch.

I raised my left arm and looked at the Element of Entropy,"what was that dream about?" I questioned the Element, but all I got was confusion from it, telling me that it doesn't know as well, okay that was seriously one weird dream. I started to feel uncomfortable in my chest, telling me that I should either, roll onto my stomach and try to go back to sleep or get up and meet the day.

I choose the last option and made myself to get off of the couch and was meet with a new ache and pain in my back as I stood up, "okay, no more sleeping on the couch," I moaned as I stretched and getting some pops in my back in response. As I was standing up straight, my nose was greeted by a delicious smell that seems to be coming from the kitchen. I followed the scent out of the living room, pass the hallway, and into the kitchen and there I saw Fe standing at the stove, cooking whatever was making that smell.

"Good morning Fe," I greeted as I made my way to the table and sat down at it, "how did you sleep?"

Fe turned around and I saw that she has a spatula in her mouth, and she saw me sitting at the table, "Oh good morning to you too as well Aceiro," she greeted me around the spatula as she turn her attention back to the stove, "I slept fine, how about you? Because it sounded as if you were having a nightmare."

"Oh, it wasn't a nightmare at all, just a really weird dream," I explained to her, a really weird dream. Then smell that got me into the kitchen before wafted into my nose again reminding me that I am hungry, "so what's cooking, because it smells delicious?"

"Oh I am just cooking a little something with what I found in the fridge and cabinets," Fe answered as she moved around the kitchen, revealing a large pan on the stove. I saw Fe found some plates and brought them to the pan, she moved the contents from the pan into the plates and I saw that it looks like pancakes. Fe carried the plates of pancakes to the table and set one of them in front of me, "I see that you are getting better at understanding my culture," she said as she sat down across from me.

"Well that is good to know and thank you for breakfast Fe," I said as I grasped a fork and knife and started cutting it up and took a cut off a piece from the pancake. As soon as I put the pancake-filled fork in my mouth, I was met with a parade of flavors, "Fe," I calmly said as I put down the fork and looked at her, who has a worried look on her face, "this is the most delicious pancake I ever had," I blissfully finished as I resumed my consumption on the pancake.

"Whew that is good to know that somepony likes my simple meal," Fe said as she started to eat her breakfast.

"Hmm, what smells delicious?" I heard Arcana asked as I saw her enter the kitchen in my peripheral vision as I am almost done with my breakfast.

"Breakfast," Fe answered her as Arcana sat down at the table and was soon served a plate of pancakes by Fe, "so where's Star?" Fe asked Arcana as she started to eat the pancakes, "because it is almost nine 'o'clock and you all have that presentation at those three's school."

"First though, this is the most delicious pancakes I have ever eaten; second, Star was asleep when I checked him, but don't worry, I opened some windows," she said with a wink as she went back to eating.

"What does opening some windows have anything to do with waking up Star?" Fe asked her.

Arcana looked towards a clock that is hanging on the wall behind me, "well if my calculations are correct, Star is going to wake in three, two, one, now," at that moment we were answered with a loud crash coming from upstairs.

"Leave me alone you damn dirty birds, you're more freaking annoying than Pee-Wee," we all heard Star yell from upstairs and was soon followed by another series of crashes, all of a sudden there was a flash of light in the kitchen. After the spots of light faded from our unexpected light show, we saw Star lying on the floor in the kitchen and that he is also appeared to be covered in whip cream, "okay I want to know something," he said as he got up from the floor and look towards us with an upset look, "who is the one that opened the windows?"

"Sorry Star," Arcana innocently said as she finished another bite of Fe's pancakes, "it was getting a bit stuffy in the house, so I opened a few windows to let some air in," she said as she took another bite of pancake.

"Oh okay then," Star said as he stood up, "but if you are going to open windows, make sure that my room doesn't have open access for those annoying birds," he instructed as he made his way to the table, "and can somepony get me a towel please?"

"Sure Star," Arcana asked as she levitated a towel from the kitchen and towards him. He grabbed the towel and started to wipe the whip cream off of him.

"There much better," Star said as he removed all of the whip cream, "now that I got rid of the birds' cream pie, what smells good?"

"Your breakfast," Arcana answered as she put down her fork and knife on her now empty plate, "now hurry, because your breakfast might disappear and we all also need to leave soon, so we can make it on time for the presentation at the schoolhouse."

"No need to tell me twice," Star said as he sat down and took a sniff of the pancake, "oh my gosh, it even smells good up close and it looks it is still warm to boot, score," he happily said as he made a move towards the pancake, but as soon as his knife cut into the pancake, there was series of flapping wings and then a rainbow whirlwind blew into the kitchen and then surround Star. The rainbow whirlwind quickly left as soon as it appeared.

"What was that?" I asked out loud as we looked around to see what the odd windstorm was.

"I don't know, but I am going to go back to my- what the heck?" he cried out shocked as he saw that his plate is now empty, "what happened to my pancake?"

"Dude, you just got robbed from a rainbow," I bluntly pointed out.

"Ah guys, I don't think it was a rainbow," Arcana assumed.

"What was it then?" Fe asked.

"Well, look in your mane and you'll see," she said as she pointed to Fe's head. I turn my gaze towards her and there I saw, tucked in between behind her ear, is a colorful feather, which belongs to a particular species of bird that loves Star.

"Oh come on," Star exclaimed when he saw the feather, "those dirty birds stole my breakfast, and if one didn't know better, one would think that they're out to kill me."

"Oh quit being a crybaby," Fe said to him, "I am sure that those clean birds were just hungry and they thought that you weren't going to eat your breakfast."

"But…" Star started to complain, but was interrupted by Fe.

"No buts, just leave it alone," she ordered Star, "and as well as the birds," she added as she stared at him.

"Okay fine," Star reluctantly agreed, defeated.

"Good," Fe lessening her staring on him, "alright now, since the birds took your breakfast, I guess I can make more," she suggested as she got up from the table.

"No time," Arcana said as she quickly stood up from the table, "we are going to be late for the Cutie Mark Crusaders' presentation at the schoolhouse."

"But Arcana, I am hungry here," Star whined, "I am going to die here".

"Oh suck it up Star," Arcana talked back, "you went through a lot more worse things than hunger and besides, you might had a few bites out of the cream pie the birds woke you up with, now enough bickering let's go."

"Fine," Star said as he stood up from the table as well, "but let me get my goggles first, I hope those birds didn't do anything to them," he then quickly made his way out of the kitchen.

"What's so special about those goggles?" I asked Arcana, "Because I haven't seen him without them."

"And is he always like this in the morning?" Fe added.

"Oh that's right you weren't there," Arcana comprehended and then crashing sounds was heard from upstairs, "well you see…" Arcana started, ignoring the battle that Star is having with the birds above our heads, "… he got them from the captain of the Wonderbolts after he won the Best Flier Competition and gave the prize to Rainbow Dash," she told us, "and yes Fe, he is sometimes like this in the morning."

A few moments later of hearing thuds, yelling and birds tolling, we heard Star walking down the stairs, "sorry everypony, but the birds had commandeered my room and I had to get them out quickly," he apologized as he walked into the kitchen with his goggles now in their place in the middle of his forehead.

"Well good for you, but now we are going to be late," Arcana pointed out as she pointed towards the clock behind. I look behind and saw that it is almost ten to nine, "because it will take us about twenty minutes to get to the schoolhouse," she explained.

"Don't worry about it," Star says casually, "we will just take a shortcut."

"What shortcut?" I asked him.

"Did you just really ask me that?" Star said disbelieved at what I said, "Sigh, I am going to warp us there, so now quicklygather around everypony."

"Oh right," we gathered around him with Arcana on his right and me on his left, and with Fe on mine.

"Alright everypony," Star announces, "hold on to me and make sure that all personal items and your hooves are to yourself."

"Star, are you brain damaged or something?" I asked him in a deadpanned tone as I put a hoof on his shoulder and Fe putting hers around my neck.

"That is a distinct possibility with all of the things happening to me," he answered as he looked at me.

"Ugh seriously Star," Arcana responded sounding annoyed, "let's just go already," she then put a hoof on his other shoulder.

"Alright, alright we're going now" Star said getting serious, "now I suggest that you all should close your eyes," and with that he lowered the goggles and I closed my eyes. As soon as I closed my eyes, I felt a slight tingling feeling and then felt the hard wood floor beneath my hooves disappeared and replaced with the feeling of grass. I opened my eyes and saw that we are now just outside of the school grounds and then I hear moaning coming from besides me.

I looked down and saw the exhausted looking white and silver Pegasus panting on the grassy ground, "what's wrong with you?" I asked him as I put down my arm, which was getting tired from just holding it up in the air where he was standing a few moments ago.

"Just exhausted," Star panted.

"Really, you're exhausted?" I tauntingly asked him, "Maybe you should cut down on the number of your sweets intake."

"Hey, cut me some slack, do you know how hard it is to warp from one place to another with three other ponies coming along for the ride?" Star said as he pulled himself up from the ground, "and also nopony is going to take away my cinnamon rolls, nopony."

I was about to make a snarky comment, but then I was interrupted by Arcana, "stop it already you two, let's just go or we might still end up being late for the presentation," at that moment the bell above the schoolhouse started to ring, telling all of us that school is going to start very soon, "oh great we are going to late now."

"Then why are we all still standing around here for? " I raised, "let's go already," I then grasped Fe and started to run towards the schoolhouse with her beside me, after a short race with Arcana and Star, we finally made it to the entrance of the schoolhouse and saw that the door is wide open.

We walked inside and there we saw little fillies and colts mingling here and there talking to each other, probably waiting for school to officially start, because there are no signs of Miss Cheerilee anywhere, as well as other guest speakers, "huh, I guess we are the first ones here," I said out loud.

"You sure are," a voice responded to me from behind us, causing us to turn around and there standing behind us is Miss Cheerilee, "in fact you're early, and let me guess, you four are here for the presentation today," she guessed.

"That's right," Arcana confirmed.

"Excellent, now while we all wait for the other presenters, we don't you four go and sit at the back of the room," she suggested as she pointed to the row of chairs set upped against the back wall, Miss Cheerilee then made her way to her desk, sat in it and started to go through a stack of papers on her desk.

We made our way to the back row with Fe between me and the wall, to protect her from any accidental bumps from the kids, and with Star arguing with Arcana ahead of us on how there was time for him to get breakfast. We soon got to the back row and positioned ourselves so that Fe is sitting on the end of the row and I am sitting on her right and with the others sitting on my left.

We didn't have to wait there for long, for familiar ponies started to a walk inside; Filthy Rich, Colgate, Berry Punch, Lily, Rose, Daisy, Derpy Hooves, and even the most elusive of all Doctor Whooves, wow, I wonder who found him, I thought as I saw him take a seat next to Derpy. I turn my attention forward and just saw Miss Cheerilee remove herself from her desk and walked across the front of the room, while her students are still talking to each to each other, and calls out loud and clear voice, "let's quiet down please, we have quite special treat for you all."

This got every filly's and colt's attention immediately, "you must have noticed the ponies sitting in the back by now," Cheerilee mentioned, causing a few ponies to look back at us, "well those ponies are going to be your guest speakers today, and they were asked by your fellow classmates to see if they can spend some of their time to be here today to talk to you all, now let's all be polite and listen to what they have to say and remember," she said to her class and then she made her way to her desk, "don't be afraid to ask questions," she added as she took a seat at her desk.

"Now, let's see who goes first here…" the moderate cerise schoolteacher said out loud as she lift up a clipboard off the desk and took a quick look at it, "… ah here we go, Mr. Filthy- ah I mean, Mr. Rich would you be kind enough to come up here and give a presentation?"

"I will kindly do so," he answered as he stood up and made his way up front, but as he did so, I hear faint moaning sounds coming from Cheerilee's class. When Filthy Got up front he turned around and looks back at us, "now let me tell you about how Barnyard Bargains was founded by my grandfather Stinking Rich…"

After an hour of sleep-inducing tale from Stinking Rich on how his father taken Barnyard Bargains to the next level and to what it is today, to Colgate explaining how it is important to brush your teeth, so you won't be in so much pain when you make a visit to the dentist. Then it went onto how Berry Punch makes her non-alcoholic juices, but I suspected that she sells some in the back, due to her hiccupping and putting a hoof to her head now and then, like a results of a hangover. The Flower Trio where next and they described the process of natural selection, which their final results are better looking, smelling and tasting flowers. When the Flower Trio left, it was now Derpy's turn, she got and made her way up front, but occasionally she will bump into things like desks, cabinets and sometimes a foal, due to her poor depth perception. After we got through a lesson on how the post office runs, tips on baking muffins and giving her daughter, Dinky, a lunch bag filled with muffins, she left the schoolhouse saying something about making more muffins.

The Doctor quickly rushed up to the front of the class and started to give a confusing, well at least to the children, lesson on how he is the doctor that fixes "timey wimey" related stuff and how duct tape is strong enough to hold the fabric of space and time together, which earned him more confused looks, but it didn't even phase him. He quickly said goodbye to us and was out the door in a few seconds, "well that was surely interesting," Cheerilee said as she recovered from the sudden exit from The Doctor, "well anyway let's see who's next," she said as looked at her list, "ah yes, the ones that are called the Unsung Heroes."

I let out a small moan of annoyance along with Star and Arcana, as I was reminded what happened to me when I was called that, and as well as the results with Fe's dad. We all got up and made our way to the front of the room and look towards the class, "well class, my name is Arcana," Arcana greeted herself to them, "and as you all know by now," Arcana continued, "we are the Unsung Heroes, but to tell you all the truth, we don't like to be called by that title, you all understand?" She was answered back with nods from the children, "thank you, now what can I tell you about myself?" she said as she pondered what to say, "Well, I love to learn and study anything that involves magic."

"I'ma Star Streak," Star introduced himself to the children, "and I am pretty sure that you all have seen me here and there around town, due to me popping up with a light show before it, or being chased around town by some kind of creature, creatures, odd events and or other various kind of troubling misfortunes," he jokingly listed, "frankly I think the universe is out to get me for some reason, " he added, which caused most of the kids to laugh at that.

"As for me, I'm Aceiro," I greeted them, "now many of you might have not seen me around here in Ponyville before, well it is because I have been living in Canterlot," I explained, "and the reason I am here is because me and my marefriend…" I pointed to Fe and the class turned around and saw her and she waved at them, "… are on vacation and just have to happen to be in town when I was asked to be one of your guest speakers, and I guess that is all for me."

"Well thank you all for telling all of us about yourself," Miss Cheerilee thanked us and then she turns towards her class, "now before our guests leave, are there any questions for them?" as soon as she said that, a bunch of hooves shot up into the air, shaking them, hoping to get noticed so that they can ask their question first, "alright, what is your question Diamond Tiara?" Cheerilee asked her, as her fellow classmates moaned in disappointment.

"I was wondering, what is up with those wings?" she asked us, "Because they look ridiculous."

"Diamond Tiara, we don't judge ponies because of what they look like," Cheerilee told Diamond.

"That's okay Miss Cheerilee," Star reassured her, and then he looks at Diamond, "now whose wings are you talking about, because my friend here also has a set of wings as well?"

"Aceiro's," Diamond answered, "because it looks like his wings are pieces of metal attached to his backside."

"Diamond Tiara," Cheerilee warned.

"Well Diamond Tiara," I spoke up earning her attention, "they are in fact pieces of metal attached to my backside."

"Ha, I was right," she proudly declared.

"So wait, does that mean you're an Earth pony?" a pony asked from the crowd of listeners.

"Yes it does, because you see I got them when Fe and I were testing out a pair of flight wings for non-pegasus ponies…" I then told them how during in the middle of the test a dragon attacked me with its fire and hit me and causing me to black to when I woke up and found that my body had integrated the flight wings, "and results are that they are now part of me," I finished.

"I don't believe you," Diamond confesses, "because it sounds just plain ridiculous and I bet you can't even move them."

"Well it's true, and in fact I can move them, here let me show you," I then opened them and was rewarded with gasps of amazement, "but there are some downside though," I continue, "even though I have a pair of wings, I can't fly with them, due to them being made out of metal and such."

"So you are just a freak of a pony that has metal growing out of his back," Diamond concluded as she laughs to herself while I frown at that reply.

"Diamond Tiara," Cheerilee said out loud to her as she stood up from her chair, and silencing her "happy" moment at the same time, "one more comment like that and I will give you detention, and I am pretty sure that your father won't be happy to hear that you got detention, again, am I clear?" Diamond nervously nodded and put her head on her desk embarrassed, "good," Miss Cheerilee said as she went back to her cheerful mood, "now moving on, would anypony else like to know something more about them?"

"Ooh, ooh, I have a question," a lisp filled voice answered Miss Cheerilee.

"Alright Twist, what's your question?"

"Ah yes," Twist said with a hint of lisp strong in her voice, "um, I was wondering, what is up with those markings on your legs and why does your friend Aceiro have two of them?"

Uh oh, "well ah you see here…" I started to explain, but I couldn't think of anything to explain for our Elemental Markings.

"Well you see here," Star taking command of the situation, "these markings are our identifications for our special job that we sometimes get called on," he said as he bend the truth of our markings, "and for why Aceiro here have two, it is because he is a special case."

"Ooh, what's this special job?", "Can other ponies join?", "Is it dangerous?" the Cutie Mark Crusaders asked us with hopeful gleams in their eyes, possibly a new idea for them to get their cutie marks.

"Sorry girls, but it is too dangerous for you three," Arcana said to them, dumping cold water on the possibility of them getting their cutie mark in this particular profession, "as for joining, we all had, unintentionally volunteered for this job," Arcana putting a lot of emphasis on our type of recruitment, "so I don't know how one is to join in on this job."

"But what is this job though?" Scootaloo asked, wanting to know more.

"You all have heard tales of Nightmare Moon and Discord and other creatures, right?" Arcana asked them all, taking control this time. She was answered back with nods and yeah from the kids, "well you see, that's our job; to protect you and many others from things that lurks in the shadows," and this was rewarded with gasps of shock and scared this time, "but don't worry, there hasn't been any trouble with monsters and other things lately so you are safe to go out and have fun playing outside, in fact I believe that lunchtime is about to start in three, two, one, now!"

At that moment the bell above and behind our heads started to ring, signifying that it is now time to eat, but instead of everypony rushing outside to eat their lunches that their mothers had probably prepared, they all continue to sat there staring at Arcana in amazement at how she predicted when the bell is going to ring, "alright my little ponies," Miss Cheerilee said as she got up from her desk and walked in front of the class, "it is time for lunch and for our guest speakers to leave as well, because I am pretty sure that they have lives as well, which they would like to resume, now go on and enjoy your lunches," with that every child got up from their desk and started to make their way to the door in an orderly fashion, "and remember, after lunch time, we are to resume our lesson in proper etiquette, Diamond Tiara," Cheerilee added as the mentioned pony walked past her.

After every single filly and colt left the schoolhouse, Miss Cheerilee looked back at us, "I am terribly sorry about Diamond Tiara's behavior, especially to you Aceiro," she apologized to me.

"Nah, that's okay, I gotten used to the odd stares, whispering behind my back, and upturned noses that I got from living in Canterlot."

"Oh, that's good to know," Cheerilee said assured. She then made her way towards Arcana, "and how did you know when the school bell was going to ring, because it never rings on the same time with other days?"

"Oh, you see Miss Cheerilee, I can sort of predict that kind of stuff when it involves time," Arcana explained to her, hinting her relating with Time.

"Huh that is very interesting, well anyway thank you all for coming today and be our guest speakers," Miss Cheerilee once again thanked us, "I have to go now, I need to make sure that the children are playing nicely outside," and with that she left the schoolhouse and to the yard outside.

"Well that went expectantly well," Fe said as she walked up to us, soon after Miss Cheerilee left, "so what are we going to do now that we are done here?"

"Well I know what I am going to do," Star announces as he started to make his way to the door.

"And what is that?" I questioned.

"I am going to get something to eat," he answered me as he left the schoolhouse.


Sorry about the long wait and how it took almost two weeks just to write this chapter, but my life has gotten more complicated and are starting to pile on top of me, suffocating me with a lot of work and responsibilities.

Well, thank you all who has been faithful and decided to stay with this story, so leave your comments, reviews and questions behind and I will respond to them, once again thank you and sorry about the long wait you have to go through.

End A/N

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