• Published 20th Jan 2012
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A New Point of View - Cyber V

A boy and a girl recieves a mysterious message, and finds themselves in a new reality.

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Chapter c54: Retelling a Long Tale

Crossover: part III
Omnius' Travels
(a crossover with Nathan Traveler's 'Omnius' travels')
This is the last part of this crossover, so I hope you all enjoyed this crossover.


Wow, on Fanfiction the last chapter had helped my story reach over one thousand hits that is a new record for the number of hits on a story in one day. Well enough chitchat on with the story.

End A/N

"What the Buck?" I called out as I saw Omnius in front of me just turn into a human as I scrambled in my chair.

"Boo," the now human Omnius said to me in a deadpanned tone and then a smile formed on his face as he saw mine from the shock he gave me.

"Alright, come on now," he said, as I scrambled backwards in my seat, falling over as I did so.

"What are you?" I asked in surprise. I noticed that I had released myself from the last bond as I saw him change right in front of me.

He sighed, and offered me a hand to help me up. "I'm the guy who's gonna help you get home. Now come on, on your hooves."

I accepted his offered hand and put my hoof into his hand, which then he gripped and pulled me back up unto my hooves, and then I started dust myself off. "Thanks, I guess," I muttered to him as I heard scratching noises coming from him.

"No problem," he said as I looked up and saw him scratching his beard, "now, the sooner we can get you back to your world, the sooner you can see Arcana, right?" I nodded in respond, and saw him clapped his hands, "excellent, right, now…I need you to tell me everything about what you were doing before you warped here, and something tells me that holds the answer to this," he said as he pointed towards my element marking on my arm.

"Alright then, but if you have to know, I will have to start from the beginning then," I saw him nod his head in agreement, "okay then, it all started back on Earth, Brittney and I were a brony and a pegasister and we were creating our personal ponies…" I then told them what happened from the moment we woke up in the hospital to the hydra attack that caused our cutie marks, having adventures with everypony else, and then when I mentioned Trixie things started to get a little… heated.

"No matter what different version of Trixie," Applejack said, "she is still the same braggart as ever."

"Now Applejack," Omnius said to her, "even though there are different versions of her that are braggers, there are some that are not and some might be even very good friends with you and the others in that universe," he pointed out, getting a slight blush from Applejack.

I resumed and told them how Trixie gained a master and challenged Twilight into a magical duel and insulted Arcana when Arcana told her that Twilight wouldn't do it. I explained the duel and how Arcana created a pair of crystal wings from a mixture of Equestria magic and hers that she has that isn't Equestrian, and gained an upper advantage in the duel, but Trixie decided to play dirty and attack Arcana, but she was able to defect Trixie's attack and thus winning the duel, "… after Trixie disappeared and Arcana meet back up with us, we all latter found out that the spell she used to make her wings wasn't completed so they are now stuck on her."

"Did she say she was inspired by Victoria Secret?" Omnius said with a cheeky grin.

"Shaddup," I said to him, with a slight blush, "… yes, she did…" I muttered as I added getting a laugh from him, "shaddup," I repeated.

"I don't get it," Applejack said confused.

"Me too," Pinkie added equally confused as Applejack, "like who's Victoria and what's the secret?"

"Anyway…" I said quickly stopping where that conversation is going, "… let me continue my tale here," then I told them how I won the Best Young Flier competition and discovered my warping abilities to how Arcana got mistakenly ponynapped by a father dragon to what I did for Arcana's birthday, leaving out the part when every mare in Ponyville was in heat. When I mentioned what I did for Arcana's birthday, I got aw's from Pinkie and Applejack.

When I told them about what Arcana I did on Heart and Hooves day, I once more gotten aw's from Pinkie and Applejack, but when I mentioned what Prince Blueblood did to Arcana, I saw their expression become that one of annoyance, and then what I did to him, Omnius started to chuckle earning a glare from Applejack. I continue my tale when Arcana and I were invited along to the grand galloping gala and a wonderful evening, as I explaining the part where I was about to kiss Arcana, I saw Pinkie and Applejack leaning in closer, anticipating what was going to happen next, but I shocked them when I told them about the attack Trixie made at Canterlot earning gasps from everyone.

I them told them how we found out that Nightmare had somehow survived from the blast that the Elements of Harmony gave to it, and somehow possessed Trixie. I told them how Arcana and I confronted Nightmare as soon as the hall was cleared, and then I added when we defeated Nightmare, Nightmare released some kind of built up energy, causing a large shockwave to be created, which then afterwards Nightmare vanishes and we lost consciousness, "… now this next part is two sided," I told them, "when we woke in the hospital and conversed with the others at what happened when they evacuated the ball room. We stayed at the hospital for a few more hours after they left, but then Arcana received a letter from Princess Luna about a discovery in the hall that they were repairing from Nightmare's attack, and that she thought Arcana might make sense off, due to her unique expertise," I explained to them.

"Soon Arcana, was then teleported out of her bed, a few minutes later I received news that Arcana went missing due to the cause of the discovery, so I immediately warped out of the hospital and caused a lot of panic at the castle due to my own panic attack," and then I told them how I was led to the ball room and saw that the floor had been ripped up and underneath it was a large transmutation circle and was told by Princess Luna that Arcana had disappeared when it suddenly became active and vanished, "I think I waited in that room for hours worried about her," I recounted, "as the others came to get me, cause they were worried for me, the transmutation on the floor started to glow, there was a big pillar of light. When the pillar of light faded away, we saw all saw Arcana standing there in the middle of the transmutation circle, wearing some kind of cloak and looking as if she has been living in a dark age of some kind."

"Now what I am about to say might sound crazy to you at first, but it is the truth," I said to them as I stopped the story.

"Seriously?" Applejack questioned, "We have seen a lot of crazy things ever since he showed up and most of them are caused by him," she said pointing at Omnius, "no offense," she quickly added.

"None taken," he said looking a bit proud.

"Will anyway continuing, Arcana looked as if she has been living in the dark ages for weeks, when in fact she has been missing for hours, she then told us that she had traveled back in time to when Equestria was just formed and Canterlot was just a small village, and even meet your ancestors," when I said that I got a few limp jaws from Applejack and Pinkie, but got a impressed look from Omnius. I told them what Arcana explained what happened to her, saving Canterlot and the others from a windigoe spirit.

I took deep breath and was about to continue, but then I felt a pang of hunger coming from my stomach, reminding me that I haven't eaten anything this morning, "can we go and get something to eat? I haven't eaten anything since I woke up this morning."

"I agree, after all my breakfast was interrupted so I am a bit hungry," Omnius agrees, "so let's go to Sugarcube Corner, because I am in the mood for some banana nut muffins right now," at the mention of muffins, I saw Omnius' started to drool a bit and I heard him mutter, "hm muffins," and then I saw him moving towards the barn doors, forgetting that he is in his human form.

"Um Omnius," Pinkie said him, shaken him out of his stomach's commandeering, "you're still in your human form."

He looked up and down and said, "oh yeah," and then I saw that he got a puzzling look on his face, "let me see, I feel like being a pegasus right now," and then I felt a slight ting in my wings and then I saw him shift into the same colored pony from before, but this time with a pair of wings attached to his sides, "alright, now that I am appropriately dressed let's go get something to eat." I got up from the chair and followed him just as he opened the barn's doors and walked outside.

I'm right, this guy is slightly nuts, I thought as Applejack, Pinkie and I walked out of the barn and into the blinding sun, "now let's see here, what's the shortest route to Sugarcube Corner?" I heard Omnius ask himself as we all gathered around him.

"While you are thinking that over," Applejack said to him, "Pinkie and I are going ahead, you keep watch on him, I still don't trust him," she said to him, while glaring at me.

"Yes ma'am," Omnius said her as she and Pinkie started walking back into town. Omnius looks back to me, "Even though I have to keep an eye on you, it doesn't mean that we can't be friends," he said with a smile as he held out a hoof in anticipation of a new friendship.

"Sigh, even though what you said earlier is true, I still think you are nuts," I said to him, getting a slight frown from him, and then I surprised him by doing something he least expected; I reached out and shook his hoof, "but I am slightly nuts as well."

"Excellent," Omnius said happily as he broke the hoof shake, "so now that we are friends, do you know how to get to Sugarcube Corner quick?"

"Do you let your stomach think for you sometime?" I questioned as I put down my hoof.

"Nope," he said, putting the thought of his insanity out of my head, "I sometimes let the little person that lives in my hoof make some decisions," he said as he waved his hoof jokingly, making me facehoof myself in annoyance with the thought of his insanity coming back.

"You know what…" I started to say to him, but then my stomach reminded me of its lack of food, "forget about it, let's just go to Sugarcube Corner," I said as I removed my hoof from my face and draped it over his shoulder. I concentrated to be at Sugarcube Corner and with a flash of light we both disappeared in a flash and reappeared in front of the sweet shop, but then I was hit with the feeling of fatigue, causing me to drop to my knees.

"Whoa, are you ok Star?" Omnius asked as he helped me up back unto my hooves as the fatigue went away.

"Yeah, but I don't get it. I can warp without any problems at all, but now I get tired every time I do though."

"Maybe it has something to do about your arrival," Omnius suggested and then my stomach let out a growl, "or maybe you are just hungry. Come on let's get you something to eat," and with that he pulled me inside the shop.

When Omnius and I entered the store, I saw Mrs. Cake looking towards the door to see who entered the store, and when she saw me, she immediately became nervous, "its okay Mrs. Cake," Omnius reassuring her, "my friend here just had a very stress-filled morning, but everything is alright now, and he is sorry about the scene he made earlier today."

Mrs. Cake calmed down from hearing his simple explanation of my predicament, "oh good to know that your friend is okay," she said at peace and then she looked back at us, "ok now that your friend is nice and calm, what would you two like?"

"I would like some of your delicious banana nut muffins…" Omnius placed his order and then he turns towards me, "what would you like?"

"I would like some cinnamon rolls."

"… and some cinnamon rolls," Omnius finished with my order.

After we received our orders and paid for them, we took them to a table that is far away from other ponies. Viewing a messy combination of Omnius and a banana nut muffin, and savoring the sweet taste of the sweet roll, "alright, now that we had our stomach filled, care to continue from our session from the barn," this got a few confused looks from ponies that had drifted in close, "not what you think," he said those ponies, who then shrugged and walked away.

"Ok then, where was I?"

"When Arcana finished her time traveling," Omnius answered.

"Alright continuing on my story…" I then told him what happened the morning after and how Arcana, I and the others were invited for breakfast with the princesses and Prince Blueblood, but Arcana was late to the breakfast and Blueblood insulted her for her lateness and told her to be more time management with her time. Omnius was intrigued when I told him how Arcana just disappeared and suddenly appeared sitting next to me, already eating and he started laughing when I told him what Arcana did to Blueblood.

I told him about the arrival of Shadow Breeze and how he had immediately had a crush on Fluttershy to my encounter with a bushwooly and the mystery well to the eclipse that forced Arcana's and mine abilities together and caused an explosion to occur. I then told him how we woken up in a basement and just as we were about to explore the door opened and we saw a human standing there, whom then fainted from the shock of seeing us.

After I told him the prank we did on him making him think that he was just dreaming the whole thing and Arcana eating his pizza, we found out that he was a brony as well and that his name was Jace, and then I told them how Arcana and I later found out the next day that our families have disappeared when we disappeared and the bad news didn't stop there, because hours later, we learned that Jace's dad died in a plane crash.

I mentioned the arrival of a strange letter that told us to go on the computer to check out a message," … well short story later, he came into Equestria and turned into a earth pony, because he learned that his dad was saved from a mysterious being called Fate."

I told him about how Jace changed his name into Aceiro and his first day of Equestria and his trolling that he got, and then I felt my emotions grow dark when I started recalling what happened the next day. I told him that Arcana was arrested for stealing a dangerous spell from the Royal Canterlot Archives and then I told him that a servant of Nightmare's was behind all of it, by impersonating Arcana and framing her. Arcana was then subjected into a trial, but about halfway, Canterlot started to be attacked, we all confronted the servant, "but then the servant released some kind of blast that hit us all, resulting Arcana and I to be badly injured and fall unconscious, but Aceiro was still conscious, but barely."

I took a breath and another bite out of a cinnamon roll and continue, "This is the part where he filled us in at what happened, because we then woke up in the hospital. Aceiro told us that he heard a kid crying and found a kid hiding in an alcove, but Nightmare's servant saw the kid as well and released another blast at the kid. Aceiro told us that he immediately rushed towards the kid and protected the foal with his body, but just as the servant's spell was about to hit him the foal, he had willed the iron in his body to form into wings to protect him and the child," I told Omnius at how he had brought along a bag full of Arcana's stuff so he can prove her innocence and among this things were a black box, which she had picked up from her time traveling escapade.

"He said that when the box opened, he looked inside and saw three armor-like bracers, one white, the other gold and the last silver," I explained to him, "he said the white one jumped out of the box and onto his arm, and then the other two did the same and flew out of the box and latched onto us as well."

"So what exactly is that marking on your arm there?" he asked as he pointed to my element marking.

"I am getting there, hold on," I then told him what Aceiro told us at how he defeated Nightmare's servant, but suffered a case of amnesia, caused from the lack of iron in his body. I told him then about the arrival of the mystery being named Fate and how explained that the bracers that attached themselves to each of us are something he created a long time ago, called the Elements of Reality.

"Elements of Reality?" he said slightly confused, "what are those?"

"Four objects that holds power similar to which makes up reality, but at the time we thought that there was only three," I added to make clear, "Fate told us what we represent the Elements of Reality."

"What do you three represent?"

"Fate said that Arcana represent the Reality Element of Time, Aceiro represents the Reality Element of Will, and I represent the Reality Element of Space," I explained.

"That will explain your arrival here, but that doesn't look like a bracer you said though," Omnius pointed out as he mentioned towards my marking again, "and you mention about a fourth Reality Element."

"This is just the Reality Element's failsafe feature," I pointed out, I looked at my marking and concentrated on it and then the Element phased into the bracer I described, and getting a surprised look from him, "as for the fourth element I will get to that, so let me continue…" I then told him about the mobbing of reporters and how Aceiro got rid of them and skipping over heat crazed moments involving me, Aceiro and Shadow to how Aceiro kicked Blueblood's ass after he insulted his mom to getting a job in Canterlot and saving a mare named Fe, with the help of a few friends, from a gang of dragons.

I then told him how a week later he invited to me to help with an experiment that he and Fe, which was a pair of flight-wings that can give wings to non-pegasus ponies, but in the middle of the testing, a dragon attack was made and it hit Aceiro, causing him to be placed into the hospital. "I was told by Princess Celestia to go back home in Ponyville and leave Aceiro in the hospital's care, so I diffidently went home and told everypony else at what happened to Aceiro," I told him as we all went to bed feeling all depressed, but I told him how as I was going to bed I felt something odd and when I investigate, I was attacked by a shadowy thing.

I told him how I woke up with Arcana next to me and how she told me that we defeated Nightmare, but with a curse placed on me, causing me to lose my memories, and she also added that we were also married. This got a surprised look from Omnius, "but I was able to figure out that it was just dream and break out of it," I told him what happened after I woke up and found the others and realized that Nightmare was the one behind all of it, and my confrontation with Nightmare.

I described the fight against Nightmare the best I can recollect to Omnius, "and then Nightmare put a spell on me that prohibited me from warping, and then formed a pool of shadows that it wanted me to drown in," I took a deep breath and tried to remember what I did to create the phenomenal that was going to happen next, "I am not sure what I exactly did here, but as I was drifting through the darkness, I became determine to protect my friends, I just… I guess you can say ignited the darkness, with the help of my Element, I felt a lot of energy flowing through me, at first it felt odd, but at the same time it felt like a part of me. I defeated Nightmare by releasing a lot of the energy that I felt and ripped Nightmare into pieces until only a passed out Trixie remained, but as I was going to see if she was okay, apparently Nightmare survived the energy release, because wisps of Nightmare started to form around her, and disappeared before I can save Trixie, but I was able weaken Nightmare to the point that I sure that we can defeat Nightmare the next time we meet."

"That is really interesting," Omnius said impressed.

"It gets more interesting," I said, I then stretched out my wings, revealing the wings' silvering coloring, "you must have by now noticed my wings odd coloring."

"Yeah, I have noticed that, I thought you used hair die on them."

"Well they weren't," I said as I snapped my wings back to my body, "it is a side effect from my fight during Nightmare, because you see, when I ignited the darkness, I had also somehow ignited a star in the night sky and it also changed the coloring of my wings, in fact I am able to sense my star…" and then I trailed off and thought of something, "hold on for minute," I said to him.

I closed my eyes and concentrated, I then felt the expansion of the sky, and grew confused, for immediately I sensed my star in the sky, but at the same time I felt it isn't there at the same time. I opened my eye and saw Omnius there with one of his eyebrows raised, "what was all that about?" he asked me, "It looked like you just stopped breathing."

"Oh I was sensing for my star, but it felt weird," I answered, "I can feel it there, but at the same time, not there," when I said that I saw his head nod in confirmation.

"That is what I thought, well anyway continue with this tale of yours," I nodded in agreement and continued my tale by telling him what happened after I woke up in the hospital and Aceiro wake up. I told him about how the princess of the night appeared in my room in the middle of the night, scaring me senseless, earning a laughing fit from Omnius, I then mentioned how she wanted me to teach to use my leading star and described what she had put me through, making Omnius to laugh again, but when I mentioned about the cactus kissing my but, he completely lost it, "ye gods," he said barely breathing as he just kept laughing, "it seems that the universe is out to get you, you must have done something in your past life."

"Shaddup," I said to him annoyed as the memory of the pain surfaced, I continue my tale, but skipping over my bad luck Friday I had and went straight to the wedding. I told him how Arcana and I were invited to a royal wedding of a niece of the princesses and Twilight's brother, and the day that we had before we meet up with Aceiro. I described what happened to me after we had meet up with Aceiro and spent the rest of the day and to how I wasn't able to go asleep, feeling anxious and went running into the city, "as I was running back to the castle, I heard a child crying coming from an alleyway and went to investigate it and soon enough I found a little foal crying for her mom, so I offered to help find her mom, but just as we were about to leave the alleyway, I felt a surge of electricity hit me in the back of my head, causing me to fall to the ground paralyzed, and then I blacked out."

"What happened?" Omnius asked.

"Well I heard a voice and then I came to," I explained. I told him how I woken up in a room, stuck to the wall by some kind of goop, with my other two friends. We had freed ourselves, but after we found out that I was restricted on my warping. I told him how we found ourselves in a structure that was located in a barren wasteland and that we heard whispers generating from a set of doors at the end of the hall we were in, "we all went inside and found that it was completely dark, with the whispering louder than ever, but when Arcana called out into the darkness, the whispers just suddenly stopped, and then we heard Nightmare's voice coming from the darkness," I said to him.

"All of sudden the doors shut closed and then Nightmare's voice was heard and then we were all of suddenly ambushed, with all of us bounded as the results in the end," I then told him how the darkness started to peel away and from into a fully restored Nightmare and how the queen of the changelings, Queen Chrysalis, was under Nightmare's service and that she was impersonating Princess Cadence and captured us and was also planning to take over Canterlot, "and when we asked Nightmare how it regained it power, so it told us that the reason it was able to get its' power fully restored, was because it held the fourth Reality Element, the Element of Entropy."

"A destruction element," Omnius realized what it meant.

"Nightmare was going to Canterlot to meet up with the changelings and take over, but before it was going to do that, Nightmare planned to take us out."

"Oh that's nice of Nightmare to take you three out, where did it take you three? Dinner, or was it a movie, or a walk in the park?" Omnius wittily joked.

"Oi, are you going to listen or not?" I asked him seriously.

"Okay, fine I will," Omnius giggly answered, "now can you please get on with your story."

"I will when you stop being a fantasist," when I didn't get anymore giggles from him, I continue with my story, I portray what Arcana did to Nightmare and the results afterwards, freeing us from our bounds and the fight we had against Nightmare, with Aceiro somehow making a armor from his Reality Element, but Nightmare played dirty and used Arcana as a shield to protect itself, which caused Aceiro to hesitant, with Nightmare taking advantage of that and released a spell, but he was able to block it, but he fainted. When I got to the part where I was badly hurt and Nightmare was making its' way to Arcana with full intent to finish her off, "as Nightmare just released a spell that was going to end her life, I wanted to protect her so much, because I love her that I broke Nightmare's curse that was placed on me and warped in front of the path of the spell. I quickly formed a barrier in front of me and Arcana, but my barrier didn't last long and took the hit that was meant for her."

"Wait that would mean…" Omnius said with a bit of shock in his eyes.

"Yeah it does, I died," I said bluntly, "I felt excruciating pain and then nothing," I described what it felt like and when I heard Arcana's voice call out to me and suddenly I was jolted up alive and kicking. I told him how Nightmare was stunned by this act and tried again to kill us, but I told him the arrival of another being that calls herself, D, "when Nightmare released the spell that killed me at D, she just waved a hoof the spell vanished, and she said that she came to retrieve the Element she created due to misuse, and she ripped off the Element off of Nightmare and mentioned it to come back to her, but instead of going to her, it went to Aceiro and latched onto his other arm, causing him to wake up immediately," I then described what happened afterwards and in the end were able to saved Trixie, but soon after we all fainted from the toll the fight took on us.

I told him how we all woke up in the hospital with the others there were we then told them what to us, with Fe also stating that she loved Aceiro, and then I talk about the wedding that happened later that day and the reception soon after, "and there you have it, the whole story that had happened to us to now," I said as I finally finished telling him the story, and feeling my mouth going numb from the long story I gave to him.

Omnius just sat there with a contemplating look, feeling a bit hungry I dug into the last cinnamon roll that have long since grown cold and a bit stale. As I chewing my sweet roll, all of sudden Omnius spoke up, "well I have to say that is a very interesting and complex tale, so there is no way you could've make up all of that, so here is what I am going to do," he then stood up and stretched and looked at me, "we're going to get you home, and I think your leading light is going to help us."


Well folks here you go, I am sorry that it took so long to get this part out, but with real life calling a lot more frequently and with Nathan Traveler's two week hiatus and with the nature of this chapter, it took me a long time to finish, but now I am done and with this crossover done, a series of events have now begun. Also be rest assure for the next chapter is coming along right now, and also for those that wants to know what a fantasist is, it is a term meaning a person with their head in the clouds.

End A/N

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