• Published 20th Jan 2012
  • 9,562 Views, 1,352 Comments

A New Point of View - Cyber V

A boy and a girl recieves a mysterious message, and finds themselves in a new reality.

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Chapter 44: The Rising of a New Star PT1


Well everyone, three chapters in three days in a row took a toll on me, so I am sorry that you all were expecting this on Wednesday.

Also let me say this, the name Fe was completely random, until some of my readers told me that her name means iron.

Now for the reason why this wasn't posted on Wednesday, these next two chapters are going to be a 2 Part special, for this is what I call an event chapter, so I hope you all would enjoy, and I would like you to send in your comments and reviews when you are done reading this part 1 chapter, well enough talking, on to the event.

End A/N

Star's POV

It has been a week since Aceiro sent the letter saying that he got a job in Canterlot, but not without mentioning how he uppercut Blueblood with a table, and then a few days later after that, another letter arrived saying how he meet a mare named Fe and how they are becoming great friends, but not without fighting a few teenage punk dragons with other two ponies, he also mentioned how she came from a different region, one that is filled with an odd culture; nopony can't make contact with each other, because that is a taboo to them, unless they are close friends or lovers, the mares do all the cooking and cleaning, and if you tried to help them, they will take it as an insult.

Now what is this breakthrough about, I thought as I stepped off the train and unto the train station, I took another look at the letter Aceiro recently send.

Dear Star

Yesterday Fe and I made a breakthrough that might benefit other ponies, but we need to make an assessment on it, and we need your help if anything goes wrong, so please meet us in the castle courtyards, so we can explain more and also have you meet Fe.


P.S. I think I might have an understanding on how my abilities work.

"Well let's see this Fe that Aceiro talks so much about," I said to myself as I made my way to the castle.

I finally made it to the castle courtyard where I found Aceiro and a mare that fits Aceiro description of Fe, standing next to something that is big and covered in a cloth, hiding whatever is underneath from view, "hay what's up?" I asked as I drew closer to them.

Aceiro smiled and meet me halfway, "Hay Star glad you can come, but um… why didn't you warp here?"

"Oh you know, you got to slow down sometime, am I right?"

"Whatever," Aceiro said rolling his eyes at me, and then we heard a voice said, "Hello, Aceiro is this Star you talk so much about?" and then Fe walked next to Aceiro.

"Yes I am, please to meet you," I greeted as I stuck out a hoof forgetting all about Fe's customs.

"Bad Star," Aceiro said in a disappointed tone like I am some kind of bad dog, "what did I say? No touching the mare, she doesn't like to made contact, heck even I am not allowed to make contact with her."

Fe started to giggle at Aceiro's behavior and walked back to the covered structure, "okay, now that we are done with introductions, can we get this ordeal over with."

"Dude, why did you have to slap me like that?" I whispered to Aceiro as we followed Fe, "it was totally unnecessary."

"Sorry, but as I said, she is really not comfortable with anypony being near her, in fact I think I am so far the closest that anypony got close to her, without her trying to scurrying away in fright," Aceiro whispered back to me, he then picked up his speed and meet Fe at the structure and started talking about something to her.

When I got to them, Aceiro went behind the structure and Fe spoke to me, "now Star, the reason you are here is because we need an overseer with what we are about to do. Aceiro recommended you for this post is because that he said you have a unique ability to be able to move through space," she then walked to the structure and grasped a corner in her mouth.

"I am honored that I am an overseer, but what exactly am I overseer-," Fe quickly pulled the cloth away from the structure revealing what was hidden underneath, "holy cupcakes, are you serious?" I asked as I tried to understand at what I am seeing, for it appeared to be a giant launch platform.

"Yup pretty serious," Aceiro answered as he walked back to us from behind the launch platform, wearing a cloak," and I am going to be launched off of it."

I felt my mouth drop when he said that, "once again, are you serious? You don't even have any wings, how are going to fly?"

"And once again, pretty serious, as for wings and how I am going to fly, well I have these," Aceiro reached down and bit on the cloth and dragged it off of his body, and what I saw gave me a confused looked, for on his body appeared to be a pair wings, but made out of metal and with what looks like the controls going to his front hooves.

"How are you going to fly with those?" I asked as I point to them, "and how does this thing benefit others, like you said in the letter?"

"Well these have a flight spell weaved through them, thus giving earth ponies like Fe or me here flying capabilities," he explains, "but we all know that the spell wears off in three days, but remember this is just a prototype, so there are bound to be some drawbacks, but also gives it room for improvement, now enough chit chat, let the testing begin."

Aceiro's POV

After I made sure that everything is in order, I got on top of the launch platform and strapped myself into the launch pad, "alright Star, if this doesn't works, you are my safety line, so I am counting on you," I called out to Star that was waiting in the air, "got it," I hear him call back.

"Alright Fe," I said looking down at her, "let it rip."

"Just be careful Aceiro," Fe said as she went to the back of the launcher. I heard clicks and with a hiss of releasing air, I was immediately shot forward, feeling the Gs being pressed on me as I was rocketed along the launch way, all of a sudden, I felt the launch pad underneath me disappeared and saw that I am in the sky.

As I felt the wind blowing through my mane and coat, I felt exhilarated and free, so this is what pegasi feels every time they're in the air, "Aceiro, fly you fool," I heard Star yell which snapped me out of my thoughts, I turn to look and saw Star flying next to me with a worried look, "the ground is coming up and fast."

"What?" I looked around and saw that he is right, for I already pass the arch of my launch and starting to fall, "oh shoot," I said as I saw the ground coming up. I quickly hit the release button on my shoulder, causing the wings to unfurl from my body with a snap and straight away I felt myself being raised into the air. I brought my front legs up and tuck them in, "alright let see what this baby can do," I twisted my front legs to the left and right away I started to lean towards the left.

"Wow, I am surprised that these actually work," I saw Star flying upside-down below me, so that he was staring at me, with a cheeky smile plastered on his face, with the city passing us below.

"Showoff," I said to him, causing him to laugh, he then righted himself and flew a little away doing loop de loops and barrel rolls, "ok now you really are being a showoff," I yelled to him as I can feel the wings occasionally make a wing beat, keeping me in the air. I circled around and headed back to courtyard to say it was a success to Fe, as I was making my way back to the courtyard, a ball of fire shot out from nowhere and headed straight towards me.

Oh shit, I banked trying to dodge it, but I wasn't fast enough, for the ball of fire hit me right between the wings and felt intense burning pain in my back, I then started to lose consciousness as I saw the ground coming up and I heard my name being called out, "Aceiro!" and then nothing.

Third POV

On a building that was not far from Aceiro's assault, Garble happily grin as smoke slowly drifted out of mouth from his recent use of his dragon fire, "I told you pony, you'll pay for messing with my fun," he said out loud as he saw Aceiro go down behind some buildings.

This morning, Garble had overheard Fe and Aceiro talking about testing a pair of flight wings, he then thought that will be the perfect opportunity to get his revenge for making him the laughing stock among the other dragons that works in The Iron Heart. Garble walked away unaware that he was being followed.

Garble flew down from the building and into a alleyway, he then started walking away as if he did nothing wrong, but before he exited the alleyway a voice called out, "I saw what you did to my friend you jerk," Garble turned around and saw Subtle there with a burning fury in his eyes, "and I am going to make you pay," he said as he took a step forward towards Garble.

Star's POV

Moments earlier

After I had fly a bit away from Aceiro, I started to do loop de loops and barrel rolls, immediately I heard Aceiro yell at me, "ok now you really are being a showoff," I laughed at that and ceased with the stunts and I saw Aceiro starting to make his way back to the castle courtyard, probably to announce that the test is a success, but if I didn't know better I say that Aceiro is developing feelings for Fe. I followed Aceiro a little behind.

I saw a flash of light in the corner of my eye, but before I see what is was, a fireball shot across the sky… and towards Aceiro. Aceiro must have seen it, for he tried to evade the fireball, but since the wings was just a prototype, it moved too slowly allowing the fire to struck right between the wings, where they are connect to his back, I heard him scream and then he started to fall into the courtyard below.

This snapped me out of my daze, "Aceiro!" and I immediately rushed in to save my friend, as I drew near him, I saw that we both were getting to close to the ground, it is to close for me to warp us out of danger in time, and then I saw in the corner of my eye I saw the large pond that are around the castle, I grabbed Aceiro, feeling the still hot metal, and steered us towards the pond.

We both hit the pond with a large splash and sank down, I grabbed my unconscious friend, and I then pulled us both to the surface. I surfaced with a gasp and then pulled Aceiro up along to the surface, and there I saw steam coming off of his wings, and what I saw almost made me toss up my lunch, for there on his back was a pair of melted metal jutting out of his and it seems that it had fused with his back as well.

"Oh Celestia, Aceiro are you ok?" a voice called out. I looked towards to the edge of the pond and saw there a worried Fe.

"No he's not, but he's unconscious," I answered her, "don't worry, I am taking him the hospital," I added to reassure her. I concentrated at the hospital where we all once stayed in, and disappeared in a flash and reappeared in the foyer of the hospital, I must have taken some water with me, for every square feet of the foyer's floor.

"Somepony help," I yelled trying to get some form of help, "somepony help, my friend is injured here," several doctors appear and saw me with my injured friend lying on the floor in front of me, "please somepony help," I cried out, this immediately stirred the doctors from the sight of us and rushed in, with one of them, pushing a gurney. They put Aceiro on it and rolled him down the hallway, till they all ran out of my sight, a couple doctors stayed and asked me questions, but I didn't hear them for one thought ran through my head, I need to be stronger to protect my friends.

Third POV

Garble was now leaning against a wall, all beaten up and constricted in crystals, after Subtle finished giving him a piece of his mind, "now you listen hear punk," Subtle said as he bend down to the beat up dragon's eye level, "if you hurt my friend ever again, I am going to rip you to pieces," he threatened. Subtle then pulled back a hoof, where it started to be coated in diamonds, he then hit Garble right in the head, causing Garble to become unconscious, "not to find that hospital Aceiro is in," he said to himself as he used his magic to drag the dragon towards the hospital that his friend currently resides in.

Star's POV

An hour later

I have spent an hour in the hospital, waiting in the waiting room for any news on how Aceiro is doing, later on Fe arrived at the hospital and sat a few seats away from me, crying at what happened to Aceiro. We both waited there for about a half an hour, but we still haven't received word on how Aceiro is doing. I was planning to stay there all night waiting to hear that Aceiro is going to be ok, but then Celestia came entered the waiting room and told me that all medical professionals are doing their best to help Aceiro, she then told me to go home and be reassure that Aceiro will be ok.

I wasn't in the mood to fight, so I complied to what she asked me to do, but as I was leaving with Celestia guiding me to the front doors, we both saw that confused us, for there lying on the floor was a beaten up dragon, that Aceiro described as Garble, tied up and muffled in what looks like, crystals? And was desperately trying to get away and there pinned on Garble's scales was a letter saying:

This is the punk that put our friend in the hospital. I already had my… talk with him, so now it is up to you with what you are to do with him next.


When Celestia read the letter she said to him in a calm and emotionless tone, that it is scares me, "Garble, you have gone too far this time, you have seriously injured one my subjects and close friend," when Garble heard this, his eyes widen and tried to say something, but the crystals help his mouth shut, "your parents and I are going to discuss about this detrimental act you just did," and with that she lifted him up in her magic and made her way to the door.

She stopped short and looks back at me, "I am sorry Star, but I am business to do, are you sure you are alright to go home all by yourself?" I nodded to stunned to speak, "good, see you around Star and with that Celestia exited the hospital and took off into the air and vanished into the twilight of the sky, oh boy I hope I don't piss her off, to the point she becomes like that, I thought to myself as I too left the hospital and concentrated to warp to Ponyville to tell the others about what happened to Aceiro, and I disappeared in a flash.

I reappeared in the library, startling Twilight, Spike and Arcana with my sudden appearance, "Star...," Arcana being the first to recover from the shock, "… what happened? Why are you late? Why do you look horrible?"

I explained what happened yesterday, after I finished, Twilight, Spike and Arcana looked disheartened after they heard that Aceiro, "but don't worry, guys Princess Celestia said that she has the experts in the medical professions, helping in making sure that Aceiro is ok."

"Yeah, but let's hope that he will be ok in the end though," Arcana said, "I am going to bed," she sadly added. Arcana went upstairs and then we heard hoof steps moving across the floor above, until we hear the sound of a closing door.

"See ya later Twilight," I said to Twilight with a hint f sadness lancing through my voice, "I am going to bed as well," as I walked up the stairs the same thought came to my head, I need to get stronger, I make it to the top of the stairs and entered my room, feeling down as ever. I was making my way to bed, when all of a suddenly I got a feeling that I was being watched. I quickly turned around to see if something is there, but I saw nothing there, and the feeling of being watched disappeared as soon as it appeared.

As I was staring at the area where I felt I was being watched, I gradually let down my guard and turn around, and saw a wisp of shadow there, as soon as I saw it, it fling itself right at my face, "AAAAHHH!" I yelled as I closed my eyes and put up my left arm to intercept its attack.

Third POV

Celestia arrived back from the dragon territory after she had a talk with Garble parents about his punishment. She landed on the balcony of the throne room, "greetings dear sister," Luna greeted as she stepped out to the balcony and toward her sister, "where were you? For I had to lower the sun and raise the moon, and let me tell you, your sun seems to be getter hotter and hotter for me."

"Sorry Luna that you had to that, but you see while Aceiro and a mare by the name Fe were testing out a prototype pair of wings for Earth ponies, a dragon breathed fire at Aceiro and hitting him," Celestia explained, "the results are now, that Aceiro is now in the hospital and Star seems to full of despair as he was also there."

When Luna heard that Aceiro is in the hospital due to a dragon attack, she started to speak in a cold tone that can be matched to the one the Celestia, "if I ever find the dragon that did this, I am going to send that dragon to the moon."

"Don't worry about it sister," Celestia said as she walked into the throne room, "the dragon was found and presented to me already wrapped, I took him to his parents in the dragon mountains and there we both discussed his punishment, that is where I have been," all of a sudden the doors to the throne room burst opened and a unicorn guard rushed in.

"Princesses, there are reports are coming in about Ponyville," the guard in an anxious tone, "and what they say doesn't make sense."

"What are the reports about?" Celestia asked.

"Well it appeared that Ponyville is shrouded in shadows," the guard replied, "and we can't get through it to the town inside, we just keep on reappearing ether in the spot we entered or on the other side."

"Leave us, please," Celestia said the guard. The guard bowed and then proceeded to leave the throne room.

When the doors shut with a small boom, Luna turns toward her sister, "is it what we think it is?" Luna asked.

Celestia looks back to her sister and replied, "it is dear sister, we need to get to Ponyville, for Nightmare has returned again."

Star's POV

When I didn't feel anything attacking me, I lowered my arm and open my eyes and saw that I am sitting on a hill, leaning against a tree. I looked around in surprise and confusion, what happened? And then I heard a moaning besides me.

I looked to my left and saw made me even more confused, for there leaning against me and wrapped in one of my wings was Arcana and she was waking up due to my movements. She fully woke and saw that I was awake as well, "hello honey, how did you sleep?" she asks with a look of joyful, be then she saw my confused look, and it grew to one of concern, "honey, are you alright?"

"What's going on? What happened? Where am I? Why are you calling me honey?" I immediately asked her as my mind is experiencing a slight panic attack.

"Oh dear not again," Arcana said as she righted herself and looked at me, "ok let me explain, Nightmare made an assault on Ponyville, but we both were able to stop it and destroy it and saving Trixie, but as a last ditch effort, Nightmare casted a spell on you, Nightmare's spell made you forget what you did from one day ago up to a month, but we don't know how it works, so you are cursed with it," she explained, "as for where we are, we are at the spot when the eclipse happened, and as for why I am calling you honey, well…" she moved a lock of hair that was covering the base of her horn and there I saw a ring resting at it, "… we're married," she said with a smile.

To be continued


I hope you all like part 1, cause I am already working on part 2, but I am sad to say that I am not able to post it over the weekend for I am going to Nevada to visit my dad, and I don't know when I will be able to post part 2, and as always, leave your comments and reviews behind so I can see what you all are thinking.

End A/N

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