• Published 20th Jan 2012
  • 9,564 Views, 1,352 Comments

A New Point of View - Cyber V

A boy and a girl recieves a mysterious message, and finds themselves in a new reality.

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Chapter 42: Snapped


Wow, a lot of good comments about my last chapter, that is what I what to see, well enough of this author notes, unto the story, and remember, leave reviews and comments behind cause I want to know what you all think.

End A/N

Aceiro's POV

Star, Shadow and I appeared in the throne of the royal sisters with a flash of light, but soon as we appeared, I hear something hitting the marble floor with a thud. I looked down and saw a passed out Star on the ground, lying on his back with his tongue hanging out of his mouth.

"He passed out from exhaustion," Shadow observed as he made sure Star is ok.

"Oh don't worry about him Shadow. He can take a lot more hits, this is nothing compared to those time," I said as I looked around and there sitting on their respective thrones were the royal sisters, and they were staring at us wide-eyed, probable due to our sudden appearance, "um hi," I greeted them waving my hoof at them.

And then Celestia's expression went to one of exasperation, "let me guess, you were chased around Ponyville when the mare are currently in heat, I thought I send him a letter about the heat season about to start."

And then Star bolted up and looked at Celestia, "which you did, but I had to rescue these two before they had children, now if you'll excuse me I am going to sleep now," and with that he fell back to the floor once again asleep.

"Ya what he said, I mean come on, in case you have forgotten, I have only been in Equestria for six days, how was I suppose to know when mares go into heat?," I said crossing me forelegs in annoyance.

And then Luna started to chuckle at the position I am in, "hehe, Tia, he is repeating what Star did like last time."

"Yes, yes, yes I know that dear sister, sigh, since you know so much about the big things in Equestria, I forget that you don't know the small thing about this world, Aceiro."

SMALL THINGS, this count as a big thing, "Um excuse me Princesses," Shadow speaking up, "but what do you mean that Aceiro here, has only been in Equestria for six days and why are you in heat like the other mares, if you don't mind me asking?"

"Sigh, just like last year," Celestia tired at the question.

"You see young pegasus," Luna taking over for her sister, "my sister and I learned to control our heat over the years and as for the case of Aceiro's well it is not in my position to reveal that information, that is for Aceiro to decide," and then she turns to me.

Might as well, since Lyra already knows, "well Shadow, have you ever heard of humans?"

He nodded in confirmation and added, "creatures of legends that are rarely seen, why do you ask?"

"Well Aceiro here used to be one," Luna announced, Shadow looked at me with wonder and then he looked at the sleeping form of Star, but before he can say anything else, "and yes he is one as well," Luna added, Shadow opened his mouth, and Luna quickly interrupted him, "and yes Arcana is one as well, and also do you think you can not mention this, it is bad already that the media is calling them the Unsung Heroes."

Shadow silently nodded. "Excellent then," Celestia verified, "but I suggest that you all should go to sleep, as it is nearing sundown," I looked outside and saw that she is correct as it is almost sundown, "and I see that Star is already doing that," Celestia yarned as Star let out a hearty snore.

"Guards," Celestia called out towards the doors, which leads to the throne room. The doors opened and a standard white pegasus came in, and with a bow he asked, "what is it your highness?"

"I would like you and another guard, to see these guests to the guest quarters," Celestia instructed.

"As you wish your highness," the guard complied, he gave a quick whistle and another pegasus guard walked in and the first guard filled him in on what is happening, after the guard was fully informed, they lifted the still asleep Star onto the second guard's back, and mentioned for us to follow them, "thank you, princesses," I thanked them, before I left the throne room, they nodded their heads in confirmation.

Shadow and I follow our escorts till they lead us to a series of doors. The one with Star draped across his back entered one room, and then I hear the sound of springs of a mattress straining as something was placed on it and then the guard exited the room, "alright," the first guard said gaining Shadow's and mine attention, "you," he points to Shadow, "are going to sleeping in this room," he points to the room to his left and then he points to the room to his right and says to me, "while you are going to be sleeping in this one."

"Thank you sirs," Shadow thanked them, they nodded and then walked back to where we came down from, Shadow looked at me and said, "good night Aceiro."

"Night Shadow," he then entered his room and closed the door and I followed his example and entered the room, as soon I closed the door I looked around the room, it was almost like the room that Rarity stayed in that episode when she meet Fancypants.

I took off the saddlebag, which had somehow stayed on after all the ordeal I went through today, laid them near the door and went into the bathroom and took a shower to wash off the sweat, dirt and a strange scent the seems like to perfume, and it seems to linger around me. As the warm water ran down my back relaxing the back muscles, I can't help but think, I need to get a job, because I want to help my dad, and I can't keep on smooching off Star, Arcana, or the others, I stepped out of shower and dried myself with a customary towel, after I am completely dry and did my personal hygiene, I went back into the main room and made my way to the bed, I soon fell asleep as soon as I got comfortable with the though lingering in my to ask Celestia if there is a job for me to do.

I woke up to the sound of something pounding my bedroom door, forcing me to up from my bed and made for the door where something on the other side was still pounding on it. I opened it and there I saw Star and Shadow standing there looking refreshed, especially Star, "good morning Aceiro, how did you sleep?"

"I slept fine," I answered as I picked made a move to get my saddlebags from besides the door, "how about you two?"

"I slept fine," Shadow answered first.

"I slept great, best I had in days," Star answered with a stretch, "it must have something to do with all that warping I did yesterday, but now I am insanely hungry," he then saw me strapped on my saddlebag, "I meant to ask you this yesterday, what's in the bag?" he asked.

"Spinach and iron supplements," I answered him as I stepped out of the room and closing the doors, "I used my abilities yesterday, after I had enough of the reporters."

"Wait you're the reason the reporters left us alone," Star said in amazement, "I got to thank you, bur first…" as if on cue his stomach let out a angry growl, "… my stomach says it need something to eat," he said with a grin, causing us to laugh. We followed Star as he seems to know this place really well, and we all soon arrived at a set of doors and he opened them and strolled right in, Shadow am I followed him and we saw that we had arrived in a dining hall with a long table running down the middle of it full of food, and I also saw that we weren't the only ones in it, for there were the princesses and the snobbish prince himself: Blueblood.

"Hello Celestia, Luna, Bluey," Star greeted out to them, also giving Blueblood a nickname. I saw Blueblood wince as he heard Star, ok whatever Star did to him, I wish I could've saw it.

"Hello Star, Aceiro and Shadow, did thou sleep fare little ones?" Luna asked us.

"Luna you are talking in old speech again," Celestia pointed out.

"Sorry dear sister, for it is thus too new in the day, for us to give thought at what we say," Luna tiredly replied, and then she turned back to us and added, "now come, and fill thou selves with nourishment with thou cooks have spent time to prepare."

We took upon Luna's suggestion and sat down on the table with Star sitting by Luna and Shadow next to Star, with me ending up sitting across from Blueblood and started to serve ourselves some breakfast, "so we repeat ourselves, did thou sleep fare little ones?" Luna asked in old speech.

"Oh sorry Luna, yes I slept fine, in fact it was the best sleep I had in days," Star answered as he took a bit out of an apple.

"I slept just fine as well," Shadow nervously answered as he grabbed some rolls from a plate and started to munch on them.

"I slept ok," I answered and then I added, "it is just that I had a lot on my mind last night so I didn't get a geed rest then I thought."

"What is it Aceiro?" Celestia asked.

"Well I am thinking that about my dad and how I want to help him without smooching off of my friends, and I don't know what to do."

"What happened to thou father?" Luna asked.

"Well he was in an accident and well the results are now that he is in the hospital barely able to move," I explained as I fiddled with the orange slices on my plate, "I just want to make sure he gets better."

I saw in the corner of my eye Celestia and Luna nod in understanding, and then a guard walked in came up to Celestia and whispered in her ear, "are you sure?" she asked the guard, who nodded in confirmation, "sigh, very well, come dear sister," she mentions towards Luna, "we have a group of reporters to talk to about our recently arrived guests, but I would like to talk to you Aceiro, about your situation," and with that she and Luna stood up from the table and left the room.

"Well, we have to get going," star announces as he too then stood up from the table and walked a little away and stood there, "see you later back in Ponyville Aceiro, come on let's go Shadow, Fluttershy is probably worried for you right now."

"Oh gosh you're right," Shadow replied worried, he was then up from the table and next to Star so fast that it might have impressed Rainbow Dash herself, "see you later Aceiro," Shadow added and with that he and Star disappeared in a flash.

I turned back to my breakfast and started to take bites out of it, "I don't understand," Blueblood speaking up finally gaining my attention, "what makes that brute of a pegasus, an uncontrolled magic abusive unicorn so special, that my aunts greet you like friends every time they see you? They should have more class then this spending time with freaks of life," he asked taking a sip of juice, calmly.

I got a little upset at what he said about my friends, "hay, don't talk like that about my friends."

"Oh they're your friends, does that make you a freak like them as well?"

"Stop it," I yelled as I shook my hooves in hidden anger.

"What are you going to do about it? You are just a normal Earth pony with a deadbeat of a father in a hospital, like a vegetable, but what about your mother? Did she run away cause of your dad?"

When he mentioned my mom, I clenched my teeth and said in a barely controlled anger, "I said stop it."

"Or maybe she ran away from you? I mean I can't blame her why she would," Blueblood taunted me with false accusations of my mom.

"Don't you ever talk about her like that," I said with my anger rising, and the Element marking on me started to glow white, "she loved me and I loved her back, and I will not stand by and let some punk talk about her like this."

"Ooh," Blueblood said intrigued at what I said, "past tense, then that means your mother is dead, good riddance, one less Earth pony in Equestria then," he said as he levitated a fork of salad to his mouth and chew, "such a lowly bunch."

I felt something snap when he said that about my mom, I stood up quickly causing the chair I was sitting on crash to floor, I raised my front legs up, "I said shut up," I slammed my front hooves on the table and there was a series of small lightings as they made contact with the table. The table started to buckle and heave and all of a suddenly a pillar shot out of the table and made contact with Blueblood's lower jaw, causing him to fly upward and land on the ground.

I froze at what I just did to Blueblood, oh god I kill Blueblood, and then I saw his chest rise and fall indicating that he is still alive, "oh thank Celestia he's still alive," I said as I dropped to the remains of the table.

"Holy moonshine, what happened here?" I looked over and saw Luna standing there in the doorway with a shocked look on her face, and then she saw Blueblood on the floor unconscious and got the look of disappointment.

Oh shit I am going to be sent to the moon, "I am so sorry Luna, I didn't know what happened, I just did, oh please don't send me to the moon," I begged as I fell the floor and braced for something to happen.

But instead I got this, "not again, he really needs to learn not to mess with other ponies, but this might drill this into the thick skull of his, come with me Aceiro, I think I might have found you a employment that suits your abilities really well," and with that she walked out of the room.

I became confused and followed her, leaving an unconscious snobbish prince and a messed up table. I followed the princess of the night out of the castle and lead across the castle grounds, till we came upon what looks like the face of the mountain that Canterlot is built upon, and there set on the surface, is a giant set of steel doors. Luna walked up to it and turns to me and said, "Aceiro, I welcome you to the inner workings of Canterlot since this city has been built a thousand of years ago," and with that her horn glowed and the doors opened, revealing a giant warehouse like room with ponies and, holy crap dragons!, I thought as I saw some dragons walking by and waved at us.

Luna walked inside the structure and I followed her, stepping into the cool structure and out of the warm sun, and looking at everything in awe as I followed her, "princess, where are we?"

"Have you ever wondered why there are not that many Earth ponies around in Canterlot?" she asked as she looked back at me, I nodded, "well this is where most of them are."

"But what's up with the dragons?"

"We never turn down those who wants to work, and plus dragons are excellent blacksmiths," she added with a wink, and continue her way to someplace that only she knows. Luna led me to an empty station that looks like a forge and that it hasn't been used for a while.

"So why am I here?"

"Why Aceiro, this is a job opportunity," Luna answered with a smile, "So welcome to what they call this place The Iron Heart of Canterlot."


I hope you all enjoyed this chapter, so leave me comments and reviews, because I love to know what you all think.

End A/N

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