• Published 20th Jan 2012
  • 9,562 Views, 1,352 Comments

A New Point of View - Cyber V

A boy and a girl recieves a mysterious message, and finds themselves in a new reality.

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Chapter 39: New Info


Yay, I just got my fiftieth favoriter on Fanfiction, I hope you all will like this chapter, now go and read this chapter, and I am sorry that out there think that the last chapter is a mary sue, but I always have a reason.

End A/N

Aceiro POV




I became conscious, due to the cause of the annoying beeping sound, I tried to open my eyes but I feel too drained to even get them opened.



I am going to crazy from continuing to listen to that beeping, it is more annoying than my alarm clock, I thought as I tried to move, feeling started to return to me and first thing I noticed is that I appeared to be in a soft bed, and that there seems to be something attached to my right foreleg, what is this?

Then the next thing that came back was my sense of smell. I smell the signature aroma of anesthetic; I must be in a hospital, but why? I tried to remember how I got in the hospital, but it was all a blur, with the only thing I can remember is the hearing, and then my hearing came back, "I think he's waking up," I heard Pinkie said.

I tried once more to open my eyes and found that I can now, but as soon I opened them, I was blinded by the bright lights of the room, I quickly shut my eyes from the pain that had lanced through my head, I groaned in pain, "careful there sugarcube," I heard Applejack cautioned.

"The doctor said, your body has been through so much," Twilight added.

"What happened?" I asked as I tried to push myself up on my bed, but as soon as I was sitting up, I was hit by the wave of dizziness, and I flopped back down, "and where am I?"

"Well, we were all wondering you can tell us that," Rarity said as I slowly opened my eyes and let them adjusted to the brightness of the room, "and you are in Canterlot Hospial."

"I can't remember," I said as I fully opened my eyes and saw the mane six standing around me, while I am in a hospital bed, wrapped in a nice and comfortable blanket. I looked around in the room and saw Star and Arcana in similar beds as me as well, "ok what really happened, because all I can remember was being in Arcana hearing."

"Oh you poor dear," Fluttershy said uneasy at my predicament, "what happened?"

"I can explain that," a doctor, wearing the traditional doctor apparel, answered Fluttershy as he entered the room, with a clipboard levitating besides him, "but first, I need to asked some questions," the doctor glances my way.

"Okay then."

"Alright, first question," the doctor said bring out a pen from his coat and brought them to the clipboard, "What is your name?"

"Aceiro," the doctor wrote it down on the clipboard.

"Do you have any parents and if so, then what are their names?"

"My dad's name is Numeral, and my mom passed away."

When I mentioned my mom, the doctor got a look of sadness, "oh terribly sorry, alright then," he said as he wrote down the answer to his question before, "do you recognize those in the other beds?" he asked as he pointed to my friends that were also in the hospital beds.

"Ya the pegasus is Star Streak, and the unicorn is Arcana, now is there a reason for these questions?" I asked as I answered the doctor's questions.

"Yes there is," he answered as he wrote down the information on the clipboard, "okay now last question; what can you remember?"

"All I remember is a hearing, but I know that there is supposed to be more after that, though."

Whatever I said made the doctor nod his head in some kind of understanding, "ah just as I thought, you see Aceiro, when you and your friends were brought to the hospital, you three were in pretty rough shape," he then walks towards Star's bed and removed the chart that was hanging on the foot of the bed, "Star here had three broken ribs, and multiple fractures in the wings."

He placed the chart back and then proceeded to Arcana's bed, "Arcana here showed signs of over exhort on her horn and almost frying her nervous system from magic overdose," he placed the chart and made his back to me, "but you," the doctor said levitating the chart to him, "you were in extremely rough shape, you had four broken ribs and fractures in your legs, and we also noticed that you had trouble breathing, so when the doctors did tests on you, we found out that you iron count in your blood was dangerously low, in fact so low that I am surprise to see you up already, you should be in fact still sleeping."

"Why is that?" Dash asked.

"Because Aceiro here suffers or now suffered from Iron Deficiency Anemia or IDA," the doctor answered Dash, but only raises a confused look from her, "you see Iron is the key ingredient in the body to absorb and carry oxygen, without Iron one will be extremely tired, having trouble concentrating and thinking, and headaches, which can sometimes lead to amnesia, thus your memory loss, but it will return," he explained. The doctor then turn his attention back to me, "I may not know the cause of you recovery, but I think it has something to do with that item you have on.

"Huh?" I looked down and removed the blanket that was covering me, and there I saw that puzzled me and possible a few doctors, on my right foreleg was a bracer like those that knights wear to protect their arms.

"Do you know what that is?" Twilight asked as she came in close to examine it.

"If I do, then I have forgotten then," I said confused.

"The strange thing is…" the doctor said baffled, "…that we tried to remove it, but it won't just come off, it isn't attached to your skin, it won't come off, and you aren't the only that have it."

"Huh?" I asked once again confused.

He pointed to Star and Arcana and said, "They also have them as well, but they are all slightly different from each other," at this point Star and Arcana were stirring and groaning.

"Ah gosh," Star said sitting up and rubbing his head, "it feels like that I got smacked around by a building."

"You think that's bad," Arcana argued back, "it feels like I got hit by a train," and then Arcana noticed that she is wearing the bracer, "and what the hoof is this thing," she said as she started examining it.

"I have one too," Star finally noticed his.

"This is impossible," the doctor proclaimed as Star and Arcana came around, " it has been only a day, you two should be still be unconscious from the recovery stage, there is no way you should be up."

"Well these three aren't ordinary ponies' doctor," Celestia announced as she made herself known by entering the room, and being soon followed by Princess Luna.

"Princesses," everypony in the room bowed down for the royal sisters.

"Hello everypony," Luna greeted us, "now if you'll please doctor, can you leave, we would like to discuss past events with these three."

"Of course princesses," the doctor concur and left the room, after the doctor left the princesses turn their attention to the three of us in the hospital beds.

"Now will somepony care to explain why town square looks like a stampede of buffalos went through it, and followed by a demolition team?" Celestia asked us.

"Well believe it or not, it was Nightmare," Star answered causing gasps to be intake.

"What happened?" Luna asked concerned.

Star and Arcana explained what happened after we left the hearing, but for me that was as far I can for my memory is currently shot, "and then Nightmare fired at us and next thing we all wake up in the hospital," Arcana finished.

"With these weird bracers on us," Star added as he showed his.

"Did we win?" I asked them, "Because I can't remember squat."

"I don't see how, when we were unconscious," Arcana pointing out that flaw in the theory.

"I think I can clarify at what happened," a familiar voice called out from the hallway, and then walked in the unexpected being to see; the alicorn, Fate.

Everypony expect the royal sister, and the three of us, looked at him agape at the sight of another alicorn, "Holy freak, it's you," I heard Star called out in astonishment and then I saw him getting upset, "why?"

"What?" Fate asked confused at Star's question.

"Why in the world did you drop us off in the middle of the freaking sky?"

"Oh you see, I have no control were you appear, I can only give an general area, the rest is all up to fate."

"Ya right, fate up my bu-"

"Anyway…," Arcana interrupting Star before he can finish that sentence, "would you care to answer some of our questions please?"

"Ya, we have some questions as well," Applejack said, "and don't try to lie, because I can tell if you are lying."

"W-w-who are y-y-you?" Fluttershy nervously asked Fate.

"I am Fate, dear Fluttershy, bearer of Kindness," Fate answered Fluttershy's question with a small bow towards her, "and of course I will answered them, and truthfully Applejack, current bearer of the Element of Honesty," this surprised Applejack into silence, "but first, I have a repair job to do," he then stepped up to me and put a hoof on my forehead, and then I heard him whisper, "restore," as if a floodgate opened, my mind was quickly rushed with images, feelings, and senses, causing me to remember, Nightmare, a child crying, and a pair of metal wings.

I grasped my head from the sudden information.

"What did you do to him?" I heard Star cry out, and I hear him trying to get out of bed.

"Calm yourself young Space Bender," Fate quickly said to him, "all I did was restore his memory."

"Jeez talk about sensory overload," I at last said, as my memories finally settled themselves back into their proper place.

"Ooh sensory overload, I get that be eating ten sacks of sugar," Pinkie happily said.

Fate just looked at her, "you know, of all of the bearers of the Element of Laughter, I have never meet one that is just as… overenthusiastic as you Pinkie Pie," Fate nervously said to her.

"Ya that is, Pinkie for ya Fate," I said to him, "now if don't mind I would like some answers, the first is what the heck are these?" I said as I showed the bracer, "and why does Star and Arcana have one as well?"

"Well you Aceiro, those are the new Elements-."

"Really," Twilight said interrupting and also intrigued by Fate, "but there is only six Elements of Harmony though. Also are you like the princesses, if so then how come I have never seen or heard of you?"

Fate ignored that he was interrupted and answered her, "ah the Element of Magic, the bearers are always the most observant of them all, but not the most patient," this cause Twilight to blush in embarrassment, "but yes Twilight I am like your princesses, but the reason I am not known is because I choose to be not known, I am just an observer, and as I was saying, these are Elements but not of Harmony, but of Reality."

"What are the Elements of Reality?" Dash asked.

"Well you see Dash, there are three Elements of Reality not the usually six like the harmonies, they are Space, Time, and Will. Star represents the Element of Space, Arcana's Time, and Aceiro's Will."

"So now that you got your memories back," Applejack understood, "would you care to explain to us, how you got into those states?"

I then picked off from Nightmare's attack, I told them at what Nightmare was about to do to a child and how I was going to protect her, which somehow caused a pair of metal wings to appear on my back, then to how I fought with Nightmare and defeated it, but found out that it was some kind of creature called a changeling, and then turned in dust, "and then the wings just fell apart and turned into dust," I turned my attention to Fate, "Fate I heard you before I took upon the Element of Will, and since you seem to know a lot about these Elements of Reality, can you explain what happened to me?"

"Alright, I will explain, but I don't have much time to stay for long," he took a deep breath as if he is about to give a lecture, "you see Aceiro, the bearer of the Element of Will can will nearby objects to any shape and from, but they must be in contact though and it cannot be another living object, even though you had the will to protect the child you saved, it had cost you, since you were holding a child at the time, your will went to the next thing it could find…"

"The iron in my body," I said in realization.

"… Exactly," Fate confirmed, ", but there was some good news, it helped you rip apart Nightmare's barrier protecting the necklace and shaping that bracer into a blade."

"Since we are talking about the bracers," Arcana intervened, "can we take off our Elements?"

"Well they can be," Fate seems to be hesitant about this information, "but since they bonded with each of you, they can be rather… disagreeable with you."

"So you mean to tell us that we are stuck with these, because to tell you the truth I don't think that I can stand having this thing restricting my movements," Star complained, making his point by moving his hoof.

"Don't worry about that," Fate said full of blithe, "the Elements of Reality has a safety aspect to them, and all you have to do is think to them to be concealed."

I saw Star and Arcana close their eyes and I followed suite, alright let's see if I can do this, I pictured the bracer and thought, conceal, I heard gasps of surprise as I felt the grasp on my leg disappeared and to be replaced by a feeling like I am wearing a glove, I opened my eyes and looked at where the bracer is, "what the hoof?"

There on my foreleg where the bracer was, is now a complex looking marking on my leg, I then heard Star call out, "ah great, instead of having a restricting bracer I now have a tattoo."

"Well at least it is better than nothing Star," Arcana trying to see the good in this, "now quit your whining."

"I'm not whining, I'm making a complaint," Star countered.

"Well stop complaining then," Arcana corrected and then she turned towards Fate, "now I am wondering, why didn't that box that I received back in time open until now?"

"You see Arcana, the box had an enchantment on it, and it wouldn't open until the proper bearers for the Elements it contained inside appeared, and Aceiro was the last one to be required."

"Wait you mean I was a destined to hold the Element of Will?" I asked not understanding at what I am hearing.

"I don't know, destiny is always a mystery to me."

"But your Fate though," I responded.

"Yes, I am Fate, but fate and destiny are completely different from each other," Fate then looked out the window, I followed his gaze and saw that the sun is setting, "unfortunately my time here on this world is about to come to an end," he then looked back at us, "so I have to leave you all, goodbye for now," and with that he left the room.

"Well we also have to leave as well my little ponies," Celestia spoke up, "after all we have to talk to the public about yesterday's disaster, and we also have lower and rise the sun and the moon."

"So we both you all adieu," Luna added, and with that she and her sister left the room closing the door behind them.

Third POV

As Fate left the room containing the new Elements of Reality, he stopped in the hallway, and shortly after Celestia and Luna exited the room and closed the door.

"It has been a long time Fate," Celestia greeted him with a smile as she stopped in front of him.

"Yes it has, when was the last time we all gathered here like this?" Fate said greeting her with a smile as well.

"Around the fall of Discord," Luna thought it through, and then she asked Fate, "are you sure that it okay that the Elements of Reality to be brought back?"

"It has been far too long since the Elements of Reality went without bearers, dear sister Luna," Fate made his point to Luna, "they need to be bonded, or they will disappear, and who knows what will happen."

"It has been a while since you called me sister, brother, but I see you as a crazy uncle than a brother," Luna said giggling.

Fate chuckled and said, "True, so how is my daughter Cadence doing, can she fly yet?"

"She is doing very well Fate, and the farthest she got close to flying is gliding," Celestia answered, "and she has been seeing my student's brother, Shining Armor, for some time now, and I think I see a family about to be formed in the near future."

Fate looked happy, "well then she past me in the flying category, I can never get the hang of flying," he then suddenly looked poignant, "sigh, I wish I can see her, but she is never to see me, she still doesn't know who her real father is, right?

Celestia nodded an confirmation, Fate gave a sigh and added, "well I have to go now, my time here is about to run out, that and the mother and child that Aceiro is coming this way," Fate then started walking and then vanish like ghost, but not without saying, "take care dear sisters, and I hope that we will meet again soon."

"You know, I don't know how he can do that," Celestia said as Fate disappeared, and then she and Luna soon disappeared in a flash of light, right before a mother and a child turn around the corner and made their way to the room of the Elements of Reality.

Aceiro's POV

After Fate and the princesses left the room, Twilight started talking with Arcana about some tests to do, I saw Star started to look bothered about something, "Hay Star, is something wrong?" I asked concerned for my friend.

Star looked at me and answered, "What? Oh nothing," but I saw his left eye started to twitch, but didn't give much thought out it. I was about to go to asleep but then and then the door revealing a brown earth pony with tan mane and tail, and a child next to her and then it hit me, it's the kid I saved.

The kid rushed to my bed and started jumping up and down, "see mommy I told you he is here," the mother walked up to my bed with tears in her eyes.

"Oh thank you for saving my child sir, I don't know what will happen if I lose my little darling."

"Its okay mommy, mister angel here saved me from that mean pony," the child reassured her mom, the child looked back at me and got a puzzled look, "Mister Angel what happened to your wings."

"Oh… um well you see I borrowed them and I have to return them," I said to the child.

"Oh that makes a lot more sense," the child happily said.

"Come on dear let mister… um," the mother said not sure about my name.


She nodded, "alright then, let Mister Aceiro here get his sleep," she said to the kid and then they start walking towards the door, but she stopped short of it and looked back at me and said, "oh, I never gave you my name didn't I, my name is Mjölna."

"Well it is nice to meet you Miss Mjölna."

"Bye-bye mister angel Aceiro," the child said as she and her mother left the room.

I heard snickering coming from Star's bed, "what?" I asked towards Star.

"Oh nothing… Mister Angel."

"Shut up."

Third POV

Location: The Royal Archives

"Listen here and listen well," Captain Shining Armor demanded from his troops in front of the vault of forbidden magic with lit candles hanging from the walls, "even though the Time Distortion Spell was stolen, it was destroyed before it can be used anymore, so now we don't want any more thefts from the Royal Archives, got it?"

"Yes sir," the guard said and saluting in unison.

"Good," Shining Armor said in concurrence, "now go and make sure that nothing like yesterday happens ever again."

The guards lowered their salutes and left the room and on their way to start patrolling their grounds. Shining Armor left the room containing the vault, but as he was about to close seal the doors to the room, he felt a shiver ran down his spine as if he was being watched. He looked back at the room and saw nothing but the shifting shadows from the candles, I must be on my nerves ends here, I need a vacation, he thought as he used his magic to blow out the candles and then shutting the doors for the night.

As soon as the doors were closed and the sound of hoof steps getting fainter and fainter from the door, a wisp of shadow detach itself from the portrait of the defeat of Nightmare Moon. The wisp looked back at the portrait it was using to conceal itself, and if one was still there, they might feel the cold of resentment the wisp was giving off.

The wisp moved its' attention from the portrait to the vault containing forbidden magic. The wisp then started slithering across the floor like a snake, growing bigger and bigger as the distance to the vault grew smaller and smaller. When it finally reached the vault it almost now resembles Nightmare Moon in the portrait.

Nightmare looked at the vault's door and snorted in amusement and walked towards, but instead of hitting into it, it and faded through the steel and iron door, until it was in a dark room, but Nightmare can just see easily fine. The vault was filled with pedestals all in neat rows, with each of them containing a scroll or item of forbidden magic. Nightmare made its' way farther into the vault room looking at its' contents, searching for something in particular, it passed a empty pedestal that there in the outline made of dust, is a faint outline of a necklace, and there on it also is a plaque that reads; Time Distortion Spell.

Nightmare passed the empty pedestal and felt anger at the failure of yesterday's events, but it didn't stop as it continues searching for whatever it came for. For about an hour of searching through the vault's contents, it finally found what it came for. There, resting on the pedestal that is exactly like the others in the room, sat a bracer made of the blackest metal and gems.

Nightmare smiled as it will finally get its' revenge. Nightmare took the bracer from the pedestal and turned to leave, but before it left, Nightmare looked back at the now empty pedestal. Nightmare's horn started to glow in a color so black that it was only matched to a moonless and shadow filled night. On the pedestal, it started to shimmer like a sun does to create a mirage, after a few second the shimmering ended, with the result now an exact copy of the bracer that Nightmare just took resting where the real thing just sat. Nightmare then started to make its' way back to the vault's door with its prize, leaving the pedestal that holds the illusory item, with the plaque reading; The Element of Entropy.

Wow I wrote this one much faster, I hope you all enjoyed it, now stay tune for the next chapter, goodbye for now and see you all later.

End A/N

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