• Published 20th Jan 2012
  • 9,562 Views, 1,352 Comments

A New Point of View - Cyber V

A boy and a girl recieves a mysterious message, and finds themselves in a new reality.

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Chapter 30: Tornado Week


Wow that last episode is awesome, well anyway onto the story.

End A/N

Star POV

The past month has been nothing but weirdness and more weirdness coming, Twilight receiving a message from her future self, nearly got peed on by a Cerberus, saw a great dragon migration and got crispy from dragon fire along with Dash and Spike participating in it, and then he got back home in possession of a phoenix egg, which hatched hours later.

Now that baby phoenix is now my new alarm clock and it doesn't come with a snooze button.

I walked downstairs rubbing my nose from the pecking I got this morning, I swear one of these days I am going to get back at that bird.

I stepped outside and made my way to the market district, when I got there I stretched, enjoying the nice and warm sun that was rising over the horizon. I yawned and then took a deep inhale, but I then felt something being sucked into my mouth, causing me to choke and to cough up whatever it was I inhaled onto ground.

I saw that it was a flyer, but before I can read it I heard yelling above me. I looked up and saw Dash in the flying around in the sky dropping flyers from a bag and saying, "Calling all pegasus ponies, meeting tonight."

I looked at the flyer that I had inhaled, "Mandatory meeting for all Ponyville pegasi, library tonight."

"Be cool or be a mule," Dash announced and with that she dumped the rest of the flyers out of her saddlebag, I looked down and saw that she had dumped them on top of a mule that came out of nowhere, what the…? Where did he come from?"

Dash flew up to him and said, "No offense," and with that she zipped away with the mule saying none taken.

Hours later

I am walking down the stairs to join the meeting from napping in my room, but my forehead was aching from its recent encounter with a beak, why does that baby bird dislike me so much? It nuzzles Arcana awake, but with me it would peck me to death.

"Dang that's a lot of pegasi," I said as I reached the bottom of the steps and saw the sight there. The entire entrance to the library looked like it was filled with every pegasi in Ponyville. They were talking with each other and with barely any room to move at all. In the back I saw Spike fiddling with what looked like a movie projection; huh they have movies here, go figure.

I made my way through the crowd of my fellow feathered brethren and sisters and sat down near the front with Derpy and another pegasus her coat gray and her mane sliver with her cutie mark as a silver bow and saw her talking with another pony, mentioning that the pegasus I am sitting next to name is Silverspeed.

As I got comfortable, RD quickly flew to the front of the crowd, where a movie screen is set up behind her, and then I barely heard her say above the sound of everypony talking, "Attention please, attention," but nopony heard her above the talking they were making.

I started to get annoyed when everypony was still walking. I stood up and took a deep breath, "HAY," I yelled gaining everypony's attention in the room, "Pay attention, Rainbow Dash is talking to all of you."

"Thank you Star, you can sit down now," Dash thanked me and I nodded and saw down, waiting for whatever this meeting is about to start.

"Now before we can start this meeting, we all need to watch something," Dash said to us, and then she pointed to Spike in the back and said to him, "Alright Spike, cue the movie," and flew off to the side of the room and flipped the light switch there, making darkness fall on us.

Spike got the movie projection started and the movie started playing on the screen. It is showing one of those old fashion countdowns they had indicating when the movie is about to start, when the countdown ended the movie started.

And then nineteen-fifty style P.S.A. music started up and a black and white movie started playing and an announcer spoke up:

"Every living thing depends on the life giving nourishment of rainwater and it is up to Cloudsdale to provide rain-filled clouds to every corner in Equestria."

We watched the fifty style cartoon explaining that it takes a large team of pegasi to create a tornado, large enough to suck water out of the reservoir and that it need the power of eight-hundred wing power, whatever that is, to create a massive tornado, as the movie was about to move into the next scene it all of sudden burns out and the lights were flicked on. We all turned to the back and saw Spike covered from head to toe in the movie film with the movie projection smoking, he looked at us embarrassed, "uh intermission?" he said giving us a sheepish grin.

"So here's the scoop," Dash called out, causing us to look forward and saw that she is once again in the front of the room, "Cloudsdale chosen our own hiland reservoir as the source of the rainwater that they need for all of Equestria and you know what that means," she said pointing to us.

"It means that it is up to Ponyville pegasi to bring up that water to Cloudsdale," the sounds of amazement went through the crowd when we heard that.

"Not only that, "Dash continues, "But Spitfire, captain of the Wonderbolts," pulling down a slide with a Spitfire poster on it, "Will be here to overseer the water transfer and record our top tornado wind speed. Now last year, Fillydelphia, "she pulls downs a slide that looks like a bar graph stats, "Broke the wind speed record with the top speed of nine hundred and ten wing power, but I think we can do better. I think we can a top speed of over a thousand."

Once again the sounds of amazement went through the crowd, "If…," Dash added, "each and everypony trains and trains hard to get their wing power numbers up, "she finished leaving the feel of intimidate, but that was quickly stopped by somepony coughing.

Dash looked around and quickly pinpointed where it was coming from and pointed turning all of our attention to a black pegasus with white mane a tail, giving us all an embarrassed looks, "That coughing better be from a popcorn kernel Thunderlane, nopony is getting sick on my watch."

When did she become a drill sergeant?

"So are we gonna to train hard?"

"Yeah," everypony called out.

"Are we gonna to be strong?"

"Yeah. "

"Are we gonna be fast?"

"Yeah! "

"Record smashing fast?" Dash yelled into a face of serious beefed up pegasus, ah, that explains the drill sergeant role… wait a minute, where did that beefed up pegasus even come from? And second he's a pegasus?

Then the beefed up pegasus yelled out, "YEAH!"

"WHO'S WITH ME?" Dash asked loudly.

We all cheered in agreement, causing Dash to stand (or fly in this case) proudly, after a while she raised her hoof silencing us and said with a annoyed tone that came from nowhere, "Alright everypony, we all will meet at the track outside of Ponyville now go and get some sleep, cause we all have a lot of work tomorrow, you all are dismissed."

And with that everypony start filing out of the library to go and get some sleep for tomorrow.

The next day

Arcana's POV

I felt something rubbing my cheek, causing me to wake up from my sleep, when my vision cleared I saw that it was Pee-Wee the baby phoenix had once again woke me up.

"Good morning Pee-Wee, did you have a nice sleep?" I asked the phoenix chick.

Pee-wee nodded, "Thanks for the nice wake up call, is Star still asleep?" nodded once again. I felt a smile coming, "Good, why don't you wake him up with the usual."

Pee-Wee gave me a salute and jumped off my bed and were out of the door in seconds. I got out of bed, fixing up my mane and tail, that had became bed headed. As I opened the door fully, I heard Star cry out, with Pee-Wee running out of his room with what the bird sounding like laughter, "Damn bird, you nearly poke my eye out, I am going to get you for that," he ranted, a moment later I heard him again, "What the hay? It's only six in the morning, stupid bird, stop poking me and waking me up early in the day."

And then Star came out of his room and there I saw red marks above his right eye, "how was your sleep Arcana?"

"Oh it was fine, how about yours?"

"It was nice until Pee-Wee pecked me awake, again," he grumbled.

"Ah come on Star, let's go and get some breakfast, after all you still have that training you need to do this morning."

"Sigh, fine let's go and get something to eat," and with that we walked downstairs to get breakfast.

Hours later

Star's POV

I see the racetrack outside in the distance after I had breakfast at Sugarcube Corner, and I can still taste the taste that cinnamon roll, but I soon as I neared the track Twilight came over to me with a spray can levitating nearby.

"Hay Twilight, um what is up with the can?"

"Hello Star, and this is disinfect," she answer and then she started spraying me, causing me to cough and hack with my eyes burning.

"Whoa Twilight, cough, easy with the disinfectant. Why did you do that anyway?"

"Sorry Star, it is just that we want a clean environment and that we don't want anypony getting sick," she answer, and then she rushed off to another group of pegasi and started spraying them too.

When I reached the track I saw that I wasn't the first one there this morning, for there was already a few pegasus doing warm-ups and stretches and and a pegasus lifting a thousand pound dumbbell… with her wings, dayum, with Dash barking out praises and advices, "Stretch those glutes Flitter, nice flexibility Cloud Chaser, a little to much flexibility Blossomforth, uh somepony give Blossomforth a hoof, let's see some faster trotting Thunderlane, good pace Silverspeed."

And then Dash walked up to me and demanded up to my face, "Where were you? You are late by thirty minutes."

"Um?" my mind blanked out.

She sniffed the air and then she said to me, "I smell cinnamon rolls, you been to Sugarcube Corner have you?"

I was intimated by her so I just nodded.

I saw her frown, "I am sorry Star, but you can't eat anymore of that sugary stuff while Rainy Season is in effect, because we need fit pegasi to beat that top wind power record."

I was about to complain, but she saw that coming, "Don't, not now, but I promise I will buy you a dozen cinnamon rolls after all of this is over."

"Fine," I finally agreed, "but I am making you keep that promise."

"Alright then, now go and do some wing-ups."

"Wing-ups? " I asked confused.

"Ah jeez I jeep forgetting that you weren't always a pegasus, well wing-ups are like pushups, but with wings instead."

I gave an 'oh' in understanding, and Dash walked a little away and blew into her whistle gaining all of our attention, "Listen up we're gonna need all the wind power we can get to break that record."

I felt a huge presence behind me and was startled when I heard a loud, "YEAH!" I looked behind me and saw that it was that same beefed up pegasus from last night snorting, seriously how can a big pony like him, move so quietly? It's freaky.

"Good work everypony," she said praising all of us and then she said something to herself, and then took off and flew to somewhere.

After hours of stretch outs and workouts, Twilight and Spike approached the track field with what looked like a fan floating near Twilight. They sat down in the middle of the field and started making adjustments on the fan. We all approached her to see what she is doing.

"What exactly does this machine do?" Cloud Chaser asked as she approached Twilight.

"This is an anemometer. It measures your accelerative velocity and translates it into wing power, thus gauging your cumulative H2O anti-gravitational potential, any other questions? "Twilight answered tapping her hooves together.

Wait huh? That just raised more questions.

Cloud Chaser and Flitter looked at each other and then Flitter said, "Ya," and then she turned towards Spike and asked, "What exactly does this machine do?"

"It tells you how fast you are flying and how strong your wings are," Spike answered her, resulting a lot of 'ohs and 'ahs' to come from the crowd. Twilight looked annoyed at that, and then we all heard coughing, thus gaining Twilight's attention.

She quickly stood up and peered over the sea of pegasi, until she know where it came from, "Is that you again Thunderlane?" she asked bring up another can of disinfect, how many of those does she have, and brought it near Thunderlane, causing him to duck down and then said towards Twilight.

"It wasn't me, it was Blossomforth," he said accusing her.

Twilight was about to say something to him, but Dash dropped out of the sky and said to her, "Don't worry Twilight, Thunderlane is just cooking up an excuse to spend Tornado Day in bed, why don't ya get over and be our first test flyer, Thunderlane," she motioned to come forth.

I looked at him and saw that was mad at Blossomforth and quickly took off and flew to the starting line on the track. He relaxed and then his wings started flapping becoming a blur and shot forward. He pass the anemometer, making the fan on it to spin Twilight looked at the gauge on it and announced, "We have nine point three wing-power."

We all cheered as Thunderlane walked up to us, and once again I felt a huge presence behind me and was startled when I saw it was that beefed up pegasus yelling out, "YEAH!"

While Spike was writing down Thunderlane's wing-power, Dash looked over his shoulder and said, "Not bad, not bad," and then a confident smile appeared on her face as she flew towards the starting line. She started limbering up and started cracking joints even those I didn't know you can crack, and as Thunderlane did before, she flapped her wings until they became blur and shot of, somehow leaving the hat and whistle behind.

She gained a lot of speed and passed the anemometer and a rainbow blur, but then all of sudden a gush of wind started blowing, causing a lot of pegasus to brace themselves to avoid being blow back, but I wasn't fast enough to brace myself. For the wind blow me back, making tumble head over wings over hooves into a couple of bushes, the results of me stopping with my hind legs hanging in the air.

"Sixteen point five wing-power," I heard Twilight call out inside the bushes.

I righted myself and spit out leaves that had made themselves into my mouth and cried out, "DAYUM!" with my mouth hanging out in wonder, and with cheering going on.

"Now listen up," I heard Dash as I walked back to the group, also while shaking leaves and twigs that are in my mane and tail, "If each of you can get your numbers up to at least ten point oh wing-power by end of the week, we will no doubt set a new tornado speed record, we'll be number one."

We all cheered and flew off to train, as I flew above I saw Fluttershy looking up with her wings flapping, she looked at them and they folded themselves back to her body, with her looking down trotted.

I hope she is ok.

Dash had all of us to line up and to do the course to see what our wing-power is, after hours of waiting in line it, the only ones left were a black pegasus with a star consolation for his cutie mark, Fluttershy and me.

We moved up in line, but Fluttershy seemed to have something on her mind, for she bumped into the pegasus in front of her. He looked back at her annoyed and then he got ready and took off. When he passed the anemometer and Spike recording the results, he showed it Dash who got a impressive look on her face, "Impressive, Fluttershy your turn, "and with that she clapped her hoofs together and blew into her whistle.

Fluttershy nervously stepped up to the line. She looked around and then took a breath and flew forward slowly. When she about two feet away from the end some ponies started laughing and then Fluttershy slowed down hardly moving the anemometer at all.

I saw Twilight and Dash look at each other troubled at what Fluttershy's score. I heard them talking to each other, but I couldn't understand what they were saying though, and then Dash spoke up, "Great job Fluttershy, you measure, uh, point five."

Fluttershy looked pleased… until Spike broke that, "Point five, isn't that like, like less than one," Twilight wacked him on the back of his head for that.

"Ow!" Spike said.

Not helping here Spike.

And then I saw Fluttershy looking at everypony and then started to hyperventilate, and then she started crying and to run off, "Fluttershy wait!" Dash called flying after her.

Dash started to talk with Fluttershy while she is flying and Fluttershy running, after a while Fluttershy stopped and looked back at Dash, from this distance it looked like she had rivers of tears flowing from her eyes. More words were exchanged and Fluttershy ran off leaving Dash to land and kick the ground in frustration and walked back to us.

"Alright Star, it is your turn, "Twilight said gaining my attention.

"Right here it goes," I said. I flapped my wings and took off, flapping as hard as I can. I passed the anemometer with a gust of wind.

I stopped flapping and was panting like I run a hundred yard dash, I probably just did, but with wings instead.

"Star, that's really impressive," Dash said, causing me to look back at her, "You're fast, but not as fast as me," Dash proudly stated, but I can see that Dash is still troubled by all of this.

"What's my score?"

"Thirteen point seven," Twilight answered, with Spike writing it down.

Dash flew into the air and called out, "Good work everypony, there are some of those that needs more training, and for those that did really well, don't fall behind on your training, no go home and relax and rest, because we still have three more days till tornado day," and with that she flew off, leaving us for us to go home.

I am going to be sore in the morning, I thought feeling my wings ache as I went home.

Three days later

It has been three days of nonstop training, and I was standing in front of Flitter to do the anemometer test again. I flapped my wings and took off, pushing myself to go faster. I passed the anemometer and also making a gust of wind that ruffled everypony's mane.

"Excellent work Star," Twilight said as Spike recorded my score, "You are getting faster and better."

"What's my score?"

"Fourteen point three," she said with a smile.

"That's not bad, now if you'll excuse me. I am going to take a break, "and with that I walked a little away and lay down and closed my eyes.

As I got comfortable I felt something poking me, I opened eyes and saw that it was a squirrel and it was chattering and squeaking at me, "Sorry buddy, but I don't speak rodent, why don't you try Twilight over there, "I said pointing to Twilight and the others.

The squirrel nodded and ran over to them. Before I can go back and rest I heard chatter of animals. I stood up and saw a pegasus flying towards the fields with the sun behind the pony, when the pegasus got closer I saw that it was Fluttershy with a bunch of woodland critters following her.

Fluttershy flew towards the starting line. The critters then started massaging her legs, like a coach does for his fighter, and then she flapped her wings until they became a blur and took off, visibly showing her improvement.

She passed the anemometer. Fluttershy looked at the results and said in an exclaimed toned, "Two point three, two point three, that has to be some mistake, I worked so hard," and then she started look depressed.

"Fluttershy," Twilight said lifting her mane out of the way, "That's a huge improvement."

"You did awesome Fluttershy," Dash said patting her on the back.

Fluttershy looked back at her and said, "No I didn't I thought I gotten over my nerves, but they still got the best of me," she said backing up, "there's no way I'll fly with ten point oh wing-power by tomorrow."

Dash landed and started to comfort her, "So you won't fly with ten point oh wing-power. Every little bit counts."

And then Fluttershy looked at her with a hurting look, "How would you feel f everypony you know was flying with ten point oh wing-power and you were flying with two point five."

Ah geez, now I feel terrible, I thought feeling my mood darken.

And Spike had once again unintentionally caused some grief, "Actually it was only two point three and-," but Twilight wacked him across the head bending the spikes on his head. Spike looked at her annoyed and Twilight did a 'zip it' motion.

"Well uh…," Dash said unsure what to say, twisting her hat, "I'll fell, um…"

But Fluttershy interrupted her, "Exactly, humiliated," and then she turn and started walking away, "I'm sorry Rainbow Dash, I just can't do it, "and with that she walked away with her furry friends following behind her.

"It's ok Rainbow Dash, "Spike said, "You still got plenty of wing-power for your tornado, "You'll be able to lift tons of water up to Cloudsdale," he said happily pointing to the air and Twilight used her magic to pick him up and carry him somewhere else.

Dash put her hat back on and said, "Sigh, if only there's a way to lift Fluttershy out of the dumps."

I didn't have anything to say so I left her staring in the direction where Fluttershy left and made my way back to the field, preparing for tomorrow.

The next day

I felt intense pain on my forehead, waking me up instantly. My vision was filled with yellow feathers and knew immediately who it is.

"Get off of me Pee-Wee," I said getting up and shaking my head flinging him across the room, but before he hit the ground, he opened his wings causing him to glide. When he landed he ran out of my room with what sound like laughter.

I looked at the clock that is one my bed stand and saw that it read six 'o' clock, "Damn bird. Stop waking me at these ungodly hours," I yelled at the bird and lay back down on my bed, but I couldn't fall asleep, because the area where Pee-Wee had peaked me; was still throbbing.

Might as well get ready for Tornado Day, I grumbled to myself as I got out of bed and made my way downstairs for breakfast.

I entered the kitchen and saw that Twilight and Arcana was already awake and eating pancakes, and it smelled really delicious.

"Good morning Star, how did you sleep?" Arcana asked with a knowing smile.

"It was fine, until Pee-Wee pecked me again," I answered her. I turned towards Twilight and asked, "So, what's for breakfast?"

"We are having cinnamon sprinkled pancakes with maple syrup and after that mixture of cinnamon and sugar sprinkled on top of buttered toasts, also accompanied with chocolate milk," she answered listing all the delicious sounding food, making my mouth water.

"Awesome, are there more?"

"Nope," Spike answered as he walked in the kitchen with plate of delicious food, and taking a bite out of a pancake.

"Then what can I have for breakfast?" I asked feeling famish.

"Well we have apples, pears, and celery, take you pick, "Arcana listed them.

"You know, I feel like that you are taunting and teasing me, because today is Tornado day," I complained. I went over to the counter, where a bowl of fruit sat, "I'll take an apple, because I dislike celery, and I hate pears, "I said as I pick up an apple, "See you at the reservoir Twilight, Spike."

"See ya at the reservoir too Star, "Spike said finished off the pancakes, "I hope nothing bad happens today."

I cringed when I hear that part, oh god I hope that doesn't come back and bite me, as I made my way to the door I heard snickering and giggling coming from the kitchen, when I opened the door and stepped out and stretched myself like a cat. When I looked up I saw what made me gasp, for there in the sky like a castle, sat Cloudsdale, holy freak, I didn't see that coming.

An hour later

I stood in line of pegasi waiting for the preparations to finish see we can start the tornado required to start the rainy season.

Spike was coming up the line checking those who are here and carrying a box. After he checks me down, he gave me a pair and moves on to the next one in line, and then I heard a boom from above. We all looked up and saw that it was Spitfire doing a sonic boom, which caused a lot of cheering to be made.

I then saw Dash fly up into the air and announced, "Are you ready to do this?"

"Yeah!" I called out along with the others.

Dash landed and as she was about blow into her whistle Spike came up to her and showed something to her, "Look!"

Dash looked at it and then she got annoyed, "Lazy Thunderlane, where is he? He's been trying to get out of Tornado duty the whole time with his coughing and all."

"Rumble," Dash said to a colt that was standing a few ponies ahead, "Where's your lazy brother?"

"He was the feather flu, he is down at Ponyville hospital," he answered.

Whoa brother? He is like the opposite of Thunderlane, "What's the feather flu?" I asked to nopony in particular.

The pegasus in front of me turned around and said, "The feather flu only affects pegasus ponies, it causes their feathers to molt rapidly, and it spreads by contact with the diseased feather, thus called the feather flu, where have you been, living on another world," I felt my heart stop for a few seconds.

And then I heard spike said, "But he's not the only one," and showed Dash the list, and I saw her eyes widen.

Ten minutes later

After a calculation from Twilight she gasp, "Oh, no."

This caused Dash to panic and immediately rushed to her, "Don't tell me that we won't be able to break the wind-speed record."

"No, "Twilight said, getting Dash to calm down with a 'whew', I detect a downside coming.

"You might not have enough wing-power to create a tornado powerful enough to lift the water to Cloudsdale, "Twilight said explained, and there it is.

"Well," Spike said giving up hope, "Should we pack up?

"No, of course not, "Dash said lowering a pair of goggles over her eyes, "Forget the record Cloudsdale still needs water, "and then she took off with Spike and Twilight running to their stations.

"Ok everypony, "Dash said to everypony while in the air, "Let's give it all we've got."

Then everypony around me started putting on their goggles, as I lowered mine over my eye I heard Dash instructed, "On the sound of the horn," she said point to what looked like one of those Dutch wooden horns with a pegasus carved on it, "We take off."

After a few minutes to see that everything is in place, Twilight nodded and signaled to Spike, Spike nodded and blow into it creating a deep note to resonate in the air. I started to run along with the others as they too took off running, when I felt that I had enough speed I took to the early skies and started to fly in the circular motion required to make the tornado.

I felt the wind starting to move from my lower left and moving towards my higher right. I saw the air around us to darken as we all started flying faster and harder. I heard Twilight saying something, but I can't make out the words due to the wind blowing through my ears and then I felt drops of moisture hitting me. I looked down and saw that the water had started to rise into the air.

As I felt the wind velocity increase, I felt my wing flaps getting slower and harder by the minute. I took a look around and saw that some pegasi lost control and hitting into others, causing them to be fling out of the tornado. I felt a sudden updraft blast me from underneath, causing me to flung upwards into the eye of the tornado, but hitting others along the way though.

From the eye I saw the tornado dissipate and vanish with the water splashing back into the reservoir. I looked down and saw that I was about ten yards above the surface of the water and was falling towards it. I tried to flap my wings, but they were soaked and couldn't get them to generate enough lift.

As I neared the water only one thought crossed my mind, why Spike? Why? And hit the water.

I felt the most unbearable pain in my stomach and my family jewels as I made contact on the solid surface of the water with a belly flop, and sinking underneath the watery surface

As I was sinking I quickly got my bearings and made my way back to the surface, when I broke the surface I cried out, "Oh god the pain it hurts so much," for it felt that my lungs and skin are on fire, and stinging like that I inhaled something spicy and got slapped, if I didn't have a coat of fur, I am positively sure that my stomach will be angry red and kicking back at me more intensely, I thought as I made my way to the edge of the reservoir and lifted my left hoof over the edge.

I looked around and saw that I wasn't the only one to be taken down, I saw some pegasi shaking water out of their fur and feathers and others in trees and bushes, some just lying down on the ground, and then I saw that Dash had face plant into a tree, ok I know that Dash has a high immunity to crashes, but that has to hurt.

I saw Dash free herself from the tree and said something to Twilight and took off, but Twilight used her magic to grasp Dash's tail and said something to her and pointed to use, I realized that I have water in my ears and couldn't make out what they were saying. I shook my head to get rid of the unwanted water in my ear canals, when I did I heard Dash said, "Come on ponies, let's make this happen," and with that she started to fly to create the tornado, we all cheered and I heard a distinctive voice coming from somewhere saying 'yeah.'

I heard the fog horn's low note and pegasi started to take off. Not to be left behind, I got out the water and shook myself as best as I can get to get rid of the water lodged into my wings. After I made sure that most of the water was gone, I took off and started flying in formation.

The tornado reformed and I felt the wind being sucked out of the middle, I heard Twilight announcing, but once again I couldn't hear due to the wind. Dash came up to me from behind and said, "Stay in position," and she flew ahead barking out orders.

"Come on, "Dash said as she observed in the eye of the storm looking down at the water reservoir, "Just a little harder, I can see the water trying to funnel through," I looked down and saw that she right as droplets of water started to rose, come on, faster, I prepped myself, and then all of sudden I saw a yellow blur tumble past me, was that Fluttershy?

The yellow blur righted itself and I saw that it was indeed Fluttershy, when Dash saw her flying next to her, she immediately shows happiness and then Dash turn her attention back to flying. I felt the wind being pulled more intensely as huge volumes of water started coming up.

I heard an angry voice call out 'no' and then I saw a yellow blur past me, whoa! I think that was that Fluttershy, and then heard a boom. I looked down and saw that water was finally being funnel through our tornado and shooting into the sky. We kept this up for about a minute or two until we all heard the horn, signaling that it is finished.

I broke off from everypony else and made my way to the ground, there I saw Arcana waiting for me with other pegasi cheering that we all completed the task. As I landed, I felt the ground tilting and swaying beneath me, and Arcana rushed to me and said, "That was amazing Star, and the way that water…um Star, are you feeling alright?" she asked noticing my uneasiness.

"Ya I am, just give me a minute for everything to stop spinning."

After my dizziness cleared we walked towards Dash and Fluttershy, "Good job Fluttershy," I said to her, "You did awesome."

And then in the corner of my eye I saw Spitfire flying towards us, "Hiya Spitfire," I greeted her.

She stopped in midair and replied back to me, "Hay Star, I didn't know that you were going to be here too."

"Well I wanted to help and all."

"That's good to know, now if you'll excuse me I have somepony to talk to, "and with that she flew the rest to Rainbow Dash, "Nice job Rainbow Dash," she said surprising Dash, she turned around and Spitfire continues, "You may not have set a new record, but you showed a lot of guts."

Dash looked so happy that she had been praised by her idol, "Thanks, but I you want to talk guts, then you got to give it to my number one flyer, Fluttershy," she said pointing to the said pony, who gave a shy wave and then Dash yelled out causing her to wince, "Let's hear it for Fluttershy."

A group of pegasi came up to Fluttershy and left her up and tossed her into the air, "Fluttershy, Fluttershy, Fluttershy can really fly."

I walked up to Dash and said with a smile, "Hay Dash, do you know what today is?"

"Today is tornado day, why?" she asked confused.

"No, that's not it."

"Then what is it?" Dash started to get annoyed.

"You owe me a dozen of cinnamon rolls, "I said with a cheerful smile, "After all this is all over."

She face hoof, "Really? You're kidding right?"

"Nope, you promised and I did say that I will make you keep your word, and besides I have been craving for a cinnamon roll all week."

"Fine, I will get them for you when we all get back to Ponyville," and with that she flew to where Spitfire is and made their way back to Ponyville with the crowd of pegasi still holding and cheering for Fluttershy, and Arcana and I walking behind them with Cloudsdale above already making the rainclouds for all of Equestria.


Hello everyone I should've gotten this chapter updated, but I have been busy lately, but don't worry I will try to post my next chapter in a few days.

Also please tell me what you think about this chapter

End A/N

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