• Published 20th Jan 2012
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A New Point of View - Cyber V

A boy and a girl recieves a mysterious message, and finds themselves in a new reality.

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Chapter 28: A New Breeze


Wow a lot of positive reviews from my last chapter, thank you all for those, and now for the usual, please read and review, thank you.

End A/N

I felt tears forming as I finished reading the letter, I wiped the tears away with a hoof and turned towards her and asked, “can I keep this please?”

Celestia nodded and said, “yes you can, because it is written for you.”

“Thank you, princess, “I said, and then I let out a audible yawn, indicating that it was late and that I am really tried, “um, not to be a bother or anything, but can you transport me to my room. I am very tired and I haven’t showered in about two weeks.”

Celestia nodded, “of course Arcana, I am sorry that I kept you for this long, “with that her horn glowed pink again, and created a pink flash, momentarily blinded me.

When the spots from my eyes disappeared, I found myself in a luxurious room with a two pony size bed that looked soft and inviting, no not right now, I commanded myself, I have been gone for two weeks, even though I have been missing from here for five hours, I need to take a shower.

And with that I located the bathroom and turned on the shower and left the bathroom to undress as the water warmed it up. As I was taking off the cloak, it started to rip and fall apart in my hooves. As the pieces of cloth fell, I heard a thud as something hit the floor.

I looked down and saw that it was the black box that Starswirl gave to me before I left. I had completely forgotten about that box, from all of the things that happened, I picked up the box in my magic and examine it. It was just a solid piece of black material that felt like metal, but sounds like wood as I tapped it with a hoof, as indicating that it was hollow inside. I turned it over and saw that it had no seals, seams or clasps, saying that it could be opened; I shook it and heard something rattle inside.

I am not going to bother, I am dirty and tired, and so I will get back to this problem in the morning, and then I remembered that the shower is still going. I put the box on the nightstand and rushed into the shower.

Thirty minutes later

I walked out the bathroom all dry, feeling cleaner and lighter, than I had felt in weeks. I walked to the bed and settled in it. As soon as my body had settled in the bed, I felt all the aches and cramps melt away. From sleeping on hay stuffed mattress on my time trip to a nice soft cloud bed, I soon fell asleep.

Star’s POV

As soon as I woke up and started moving around in the room I was staying, which is pretty fancy, to fancy for me, I mean there are ten different kinds of soap, and don’t get me started on the shampoos. I heard a knock on the door; I walked up to the door and opened it, revealing the same mare that had served me food when I was in state of sadness.

“It’s Platter, right?”

“Indeed sir, I am here to guide you to the banquet hall, “she said giving a small bow to me.

“Well thank you Platter, “I thanked her, “please lead on.”

She nodded and started walking down the hallway and I followed her. After following her down through halls and stairways, we eventually came upon the banquet hall’s double door.

Platter turned to me and said, “Twilight and her friends had already arrived and Miss Arcana will be here shortly, ”I thanked her for the information. Platter accepted the thanks and turned her attention back to the banquet hall doors. She pushed it opened and stepped to the side letting me pass.

I entered the hall, with the doors silently closing. I saw Twilight and the others sitting at a long table, waiting for me and Arcana and having a conversation. I looked farther down the table and saw Princess Celestia and Luna, I looked across them and I saw what made me give a wicked smile. For sitting there, across the princesses was Prince Blueblood himself reading a book, and the best thing is he didn’t notice me entering the hall.

I made my way past him and sat next to his right, he still hasn’t noticed me, but that was going change, “hi there bluey, having a wonderful morning?”

I saw him tense immediately when I called him Bluey. He slowly put the book, which I got a good look at, How to be a strong and fearless leader for dummies. I nearly sputtered in laughter, really, a for dummies book on how to be a leader. Blueblood then looked at me, if he wasn’t white; I think he would’ve gone shades paler, “what are you doing here?”

“Am I guest here, bluey old pal, “I said patting him on the shoulder; I felt him tense his shoulder, oh man, he’s afraid of me. I felt bad so I leaned in and whispered, “don’t worry I won’t do anything anymore to you, ” I promised; this calmed him down immensely.

The doors opened up again and Platter walked in and up to Celestia and whispered something in her ear, she said something to Platter, which she then gave a nod and walked out of the room closeing the doors behind her, Princess Celestia spoke up silencing all conversations in the room, “alright everypony, since Arcana was still sleeping when one of the maid went to get her, she will be slightly late, “I saw Blueblood giving an annoyed look at that, “so we will start without her.”

As if on some hidden cue, a pair of side doors opened and servants came out holding or levitating food on platters. Minutes later the table was filled with assortments of food to pick from and eat, as we are about to dig in the door slammed opened, I looked past Blueblood and saw Arcana rushed in saying, “I’m so sorry everypony I didn’t meant to sleep in.”

“Excuses, excuses, “Blueblood said, “you need to learn to be more time management with your time, “I felt myself getting mad, but he looked at me and said also giving me a smirk, “now don’t do anything you might regret, after all we are in presence of royalty after all.”

Why that son of a- , and he’s right I can’t do anything as long as I am in front of the Princesses, I looked back at Arcana and saw that she had a evil grin on her face. Next thing I knew she disappeared and then in a blink of an eye, Blueblood had a apple stuffed in to his mouth, with orange slices over his eyes, and grapes stuffed up his nose.

Blueblood started panicking and spitted, sniffed out, and removed the fruit off his face and took in breaths of air, “how’s that for time management, “somepony said to my right. I looked over and jumped when saw Arcana sitting there, and that she already had food on her plate and was about halfway done.

Blueblood looked at Arcana, frightened, “h-h-how d-d-did y-y-you j-j-just d-d-do? “he asked stuttering with scooting over more to his left, away from Arcana and me.

“You said, that I need learn to be more time management with my time, so that’s what I did Bluey, “she said giving him a troll like smile, and then I looked back at her just as she disappeared and then she reappeared in a blink of a eye later, with a fork already in her mouth.

And then I heard a scream coming from my left. I looked over and saw that Blueblood had a bowl of salad over his head with salad dressing dripping down and hitting the floor, “oh my mane, oh my beautiful mane, “he cried out getting up and rushing out of the hall in a rush.

“Sorry about that your highnesses, “Arcana said to the royal sisters, “but Celestia your nephew has been nothing but trouble for me, and I just have to get back at him.”

“It’s alright Arcana, “Celestia said giving her a wink, “even I think that my nephew needs a lesson in humility.”

After we all got over that… whatever that was, I turned towards Arcana and asked, “you are doing great on the time move thing.”

Arcana halted a fork that had a piece of fruit on it, “and as for that, I think I will be calling it Time Slipping, because of me slipping through time.

We all agreed that that name is perfect for her abilities.

“Now Arcana, Star, “we turned our attention to Luna who had spoken, “would you care to tell us what is up with the name Bluey? “Arcana and I looked at each other and we turned back to them and gave a sheepish smile, “Will you see, “I started, “it all started at the gala…”

Hours later

Location: on the train towards Ponyville.

We all sat in the back car and I sat near the window hearing Rarity praise Arcana for taking on Blueblood. I looked around and saw Pinkie mouthing something bring her hooves up like she was counting something, she had all of her hooves up, and all of a sudden four more pink hooves appeared out of nowhere, grouping themselves along with Pinkie’s hooves.

I shook my head and rubbed my eyes and looked back at her and saw that she was now waving her hoof around and just stared at it, ok that was just weird.

The train car door opened and a shaded gray coated pegasus, with his mane and tail colored black with a blue streak running through it. I also saw that he was also carrying some bags with him, he walked up to me, ”um , is this seat taken? Because all the other train cars are full, “he asked nervously.

“Sure, “I answered and then I scooted over for him to sit and place is stuff. When he was about to sit down I saw that his cutie mark was a black heart with a white dove in it, when he had settled I asked, “So… what’s your name?”

“I’m sh…”he said trailing off nervously.

Great another shy pony, I looked at his bags for any clues to who this pony is, and there on a tag on was two words; Shadow Breeze.

“Is your name shadow Breeze?”

Instead of speaking, he answered with a nod, confirming that that it is his name, “where are you heading?”

“I’m heading to…”once again he trailed off.

“Once again please.”

“I’m heading to Ponyville.”

“Oh cool are you moving there or what is also something else?”

He must be getting comfortable around me for he said, “I am going there to see if I can get a job at the animal hospital.”

“So you are good with animals then, “he nodded, “that’s awesome, because I know somepony else that loves to take of animals, in fact she is my friend Fluttershy and she's right over there, “I pointed to the butter yellow colored pegasus that was sitting a few seats a way, Fluttershy, whom was sitting next Dash, who was sleeping with her head on the window giving off small snores, I also saw Arcana fiddling with a black box.

I saw Shadow look to where I was pointing and immediately I saw something change in his eyes, oh boy, I think somepony has a crush already, and then I heard him said, “I think I will like it there in Ponyville.”

“Why, are you moving there?”

He turned back to his seat and said, “I am, now.”

As if he had said a summoning, we were immediately covered in streamers and party-ppopers as Pinkie came up to Shadow and spoke to him very quickly, causing him to grab the nearest thing, which unfortunately was me.

As Shadow kept me in a bear like hug, Pinkie said, “I have to happen to heard that you are moving to Ponyville, I am happy, ooh I have to plan for your welcome to Ponyville party right now, “she was about to take off, when she remembered something, “oh I need to give this to you.”

She put up her forelegs and said, “nothing up my sleeves, “and then she started showing us that she isn’t hiding anything, even though she wasn’t wearing any clothes, and with a flick of her wrists she pulled out an eight invites out of nowhere and gave me and Shadow an invite, she zipped off leaving an invite to surprised ponies in the car (she left a invite in Dash’s mouth, forcing her to wake up). Pinkie then rushed to the door that leads to the back of the train, she opened filling the car with noise from outside and went through it and slammed it with a bang, silencing the car.

“Who was that? “Shadow asked looking at the invite.

“I could tell you, “I said to him strained from the grip he has, “but you’re kind of choking me at the moment.”

He realized that I was still in his embrace. He let me go with sorry and me taking in deep breaths, dang for a meek pony, he’s strong. After a regained my air I said, “ok Shadow, that is Pinkie Pie, the self promoted part pony of Ponyville.”

“How is she able to do all of those things, though? “he asked.

“Nopony knows how she does that, “I answered truthfully, “she seems to able to break the laws of reality with ease.”

“Isn’t that dangerous through?”

“Maybe not for her, ”I then looked at the piece of paper that Pinkie gave me:

You are invited to a welcome party for a new pony on Ponyville.

The party starts at six p.m.

“Hay Twilight, what time is it? ”I asked to her.

“It’s five, and we will be arriving at Ponyville in twenty minutes, “Twilight answered, “Not even Pinkie will be able to set a party in that short amount of time, ”she got up from her seat and went to the door that Pinkie left through, Twilight opened it and looked around , she then came back in with a skeptical look on her face, “she’s not there anymore and there is isn’t anywhere for her to go.”

Shadow looks at me and looked like he was about ask me something, but I quickly put up my front hooves in a hold it fashion and said, “don’t ask me, I don’t know ether.”

We sat in silence for about fifteen minutes, with Ponyville within sight in the distance, when all of sudden the back door slammed opened and Pinkie came rushed, making Shadow ‘eep’ and give me another bear hug, not again.

After Shadow had released me from his squeeze and another ‘that’s impossible’ speech from Twilight at Pinkie and a ‘not for me’ from Pinkie, we arrived in Ponyville just as Twilight said and walked out of the train station stretching and moving from the train ride.

“Come on everypony, “Pinkie said in a hurry, “the party is going to start soon, ”and with that she zipped off towards Sugarcube Corner. We all looked at each other and shrugged and followed her towards the sweet shop.

We arrived at the shop and saw that the store’s lights were off, oh boy, here we go. We lead Shadow into the store, where of course we received a surprise from everypony in town, causing Shadow to faint from fright. After we were able to revive him, the party started back up and everypony was laughing and having fun.

After playing pin the tail on the pony, and get face sucked on by Gummy that was hiding in the apple bobbing tank, I made my way to the snack table to get something to eat. There I saw Shadow hanging by the snack table, looking nervous at something. I followed his gaze and saw that he was eyeing Fluttershy.

I walked up next to him, “why don’t you ask her for a dance? “I asked, causing him to jump a little.

He settled down quickly and said, “I don’t know what you are talking about.”

“Please, I saw you looking at Fluttershy there for minute’s non-stop.”

“Well I can’t you see I am to shy and a bit timid around mares, “Shadow said explaining the situation.

Hum, what can I do to get him and Fluttershy together? I asked myself looking around for a solution. I saw Pinkie dancing like crazy in the middle of the dance floor, swinging herself around, I also noticed that other ponies were giving her a wide space for her wild dancing, and this gave me and idea.

“Are you a good medic on other ponies, Shadow?”

He nodded, “good because what I am about to do can only be used once, so don’t waste this shot to get to know Fluttershy, “I instructed, but before he can say anything I walked up to Pinkie and asked, “hay Pinkie do you want to dance, ”and immediately I heard everypony in the gasp, is it really that bad?

I saw her eye lit up after I asked that and then she said, “Oh yes, I wanted to use a new dance move, but it only works with two ponies.”

“Them let’s see this dance move.”

She smiled and pulled me next to her and we begun to dance. I was able to follow the rhythm of her dance easily and was able to determine to put my plan in action. I saw the timing where she is going throw her hips around and I stopped dancing, time had seemed to slow down as I saw that pink rump heading towards me. The only thought I was able to form were, this is going to hurt.

I felt the party pony’s rear end made contact and I felt myself flew through the air and hit the wall, Pinkie must have been making a lot of force, for instead of just hitting the wall, I crashed right through it and land on the outside covered in dust and pieces of wall on me.

I lifted my head and saw Fluttershy and Shadow exit through the me shaped hole in the wall, but some reason, it was in the position, that old cartoons make when they run through something, how is that even possible?

Fluttershy and Shadow were now by my side, I heard Fluttershy asked, ”Star are you ok?”

I spit out some debris from my crash and said to her, “Sugarcube Corner doesn’t taste like sweets at all.”

I felt small spikes of pain as Shadow started prodding and poking areas on my body. After a while I heard Shadow sigh and said, “he’s ok, nothing broken, just bruising that’s all, but he is not going to feel good in the morning.”

And then I heard Fluttershy said, “oh thank um… sorry but I don’t know your name is.”

“It’s Shadow, nice to meet you.”

“I’m Fluttershy, nice to meet you too, ”she said smiling, success, it worked.

Then Fluttershy turned her attention back to me and said, “and you Star, you have to be more careful if you are going to be dancing with Pinkie Pie.”

“Yes ma’am, “I said smiling to her.

“Uh Star… “Fluttershy said tailing off worried.


“Um I don’t know how to saw this, but um…, ”Fluttershy trailing off again.

But Shadow finished what she is saying in a deadpanned toned, “you’re missing a tooth”. I felt in my mouth and sure enough, there’s a tooth missing, it’s even worse to know that it was the same one o lost before, oh that’s just GREAT.


Hello everypony just here to make a thing known:

Shadow Breeze belongs to AnonJ17.

Now please leave your reviews, thank you

End A/N

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