• Published 21st Dec 2012
  • 22,544 Views, 815 Comments

Love is Blind - RaijingtheClockworkPony

Back from their honeymoon Shining Armor and Princess Cadence find a strange guest in their quarters

  • ...

Thunder and Lighting. Very, Very Frighting

Rose awoke sometime after the large white creature had tossed her into the air. She didn't know how much time had passed but the room was now filled with an orangish light from the large window. She yawned and stretched her legs and stood up on the soft mattress. She walked to the edge of the bed and slid her hind legs off of it until the touched the floor. She walked over to the bathroom door and found that it was open.

She walked inside the room and looked at the white porcelain bowl that sat in the corner of the room. She walked up to it and looked at it for a brief moment and wondered how such a strangely shaped thing could ever have been thought up. She shrugged and jumped up on top of it. She had seen on of the ponies in the funny black clothes use it and it had saved her from being discovered.

Cadance lay on the couch next to Shining Armor with a smile on her face. She loved Shining with all of her heart but was worried about the anger he had shown. She didn't want him to hurt Rose but she knew that the events of the wedding had really shaken the stallion. She nuzzled his neck and chest as she snuggled closer to him. She closed her eyes as the sound of a flushing toilet reached her ears.

Wait... Shining is right here and I'm lying next to him. So... who just flushed the... NO! She couldn't have.

Cadance got up from the couch, and Shining's loving embrace, as fast as she could without disturbing his slumber. She placed a quick kiss on Shining's forehead and took a brief moment to adore the goof smile on his face. Cadance walked slowly to the bedroom door and opened it up to see Rose walking out of the bathroom and into the bedroom. Rose froze in place when she noticed Cadance standing there. Rose's ears pinned to her head and she lowered herself to the ground.

Cadance walked over and sat down next to Rose. "Hey, it's okay. Did you just use the toilet?"

Even as the words left her mouth Cadance felt silly. There was no way that a small changeling filly could know how to use a toilet. Her calm and soothing words helped Rose relax and she stood back up. Cadance pointed to the bathroom for a moment and put on a curious face. "Did you make the *Whooosh*"

Now Cadance really felt silly. She was sitting on the floor making a passable impression to a filly in the hopes that she would get an answer. Rose however looked into the bathroom for a moment then walked inside of it. Cadance watched in surprise as Rose walked up to the toilet bowl, hopped up onto the lid and pulled the silver handle down.

As the toilet flushed again Rose looked back at a rather stunned Cadance and looked at her expectantly. Cadance just smiled for a moment and laughed. She had thought that she might have to, for lack of a better term, potty train Rose but from what she could tell Rose already knew how to.

"How in the name of Equestira did you learn to use a toilet?"

The changeling smiled at her and walked over to her. Cadance hugged the small filly and lifted her up onto her back. Cadance walked over to the sink and placed Rose on the counter.

Cadance spoke in a motherly voice. "We must wash our hooves if we want to be a good filly."

The pink alicorn used her magic to turn on the faucet as she reached for the small bar of soap. Cadance glanced over and couldn't help but giggle at Rose. The small changeling was smacking the stream of water with a mystified look on her face. Cadance tapped the filly on her shoulder gently, which caused the filly to look up at her and imitated the smile on Cadance's own face.

Cadance gently took one of Rose's hooves and got it wet. "First we rinse off anything nasty." She took the bar of soap and lathered it on the changeling's carapace. "Then we use the soap to kill any mean germs." After a few moments of lathering the hoof and foreleg Cadance rinsed it off. "And now it's clean and good."

Rose looked at Cadance for a moment then at her hoof. The filly sniffed her hoof and smiled again. She reached for the stream of water with the unclean hoof and rinsed it for a moment and made some chittering noises.

Cadance was confused by the chittering for a moment before she realized that Rose was trying to imitate her words. "Very good." She moved the soap near over to Rose's hoof and they recounted the small phrase together, Cadance in a motherly voice and Rose in a chittery tone.

"Then we use soap to kill any mean germs."

Rose placed her hoof under the running water as a deeper voice reached the pair. "And now it's clean and good."

Cadance and Rose turned and spotted Shining standing in the door way with a small smile as he looked at both of them. Rose went back to rinsing her hoof as Cadance walked over to him.

"How long have you been standing there?"

Shining glanced at Rose and the smile grew a little warmer. "Long enough to see you in the same light as the first time we met." He placed a kiss on Cadance's lips and smiled at her. "As a love filled mare that cares for everypony she meets. That's the mare I fell in love with."

Cadance blushed and glanced back to see Rose sitting in the sink, her wings buzzing playfully. Shining nudged her gently and she turned back to see him looking somewhat embarrassed. "I want to apologize to you for the way I reacted. I've just been worried about, well just about everything and I didn't mean to explode like that. I trust you and if you trust it... her then I trust her too."

Cadance kissed the stallion then led him to Rose. "I think she needs the apology more than I do."

Shining stopped in front of the sink as Rose turned and spotted him. She jumped a little and moved as far back in the sink as she could with her head lowered and ears pinned. Shining saw this and felt horrible as he realized that this tiny creature was terrified of him. He took a quick look over at Cadance and saw the reassuring smile and smiled at the small creature trying to hide behind the water coming down from the faucet.

"Hey there..." He glanced over at Cadance to see her mouthing the name 'Rose' at him. "Rose. I'm sorry for being mean and scary. I didn't mean to be so mad at you. Can we start over?"

Rose looked up at him and saw the warm smile and her ears perked. Shining took a small step closer. "I'm Shining Armor. Can I please see a smile?"

His gentle tone and relaxed posture made Rose move closer to him and nuzzle his chin. Shining was surprised by the feel of the carapace. It was smooth and almost squishy but had a much tougher layer underneath. As Rose nuzzled up to him he got the strong image of a certain purple pony that used to do the same when she wanted to butter him up.

"That's better. Now let's get something to eat now, okay?" Cadance walked up to the pair and lifted Rose gently onto her back. The three of them made their way into the small kitchen and settled down at the table. Shining went to the cupboards and started looking for food when a small cough from behind him reached his ears.


He turned and looked back to see Rose and Cadance sitting at the table. "Yeah?"

"Could you please get some food from the chefs? I don't think we have that much to cook with up here and I'm really hungry." A coy smile came onto her face. "You really took it out of me."

Shining smiled back but quickly stopped when he glanced over at Rose. "Not in front of the filly. You never flirted like that in front of Twilight."

Cadance smiled and turned to Rose. "That's because we weren't dating yet."

Shining shrugged as Cadance began to tickle the changeling. "Fair enough. I'll go get the food then. Make sure she doesn't get spotted."

Cadance waved her hoof at Shining. "Don't worry. Go get food."

Shining sighed as he began to walk towards the door out of the suite. He paused for a moment and looked back to see Rose giggling and Cadance laughing softly. A small smile forced itself on his lips as he walked out of the suite and into the hallways of the castle.

Shining looked at the random paintings and tables that were in the halls as he made his way to the kitchen. He sighed as his mind went back to Rose and Cadance back in the suite. This could go so wrong real quick. We could be in a load of trouble if even one of the news outlets hear about this, let alone the princess's.

"Never a dull moment."

Shining made it to the kitchens and was given the royal treatment, which he found amusing since he was now a prince, and was carrying a tray laden with hot plates and plenty of food and drinks back up to the suite. He was lost in thought when he reached the top of a flight of stairs when he nearly ran right into the princess of the sun.

"Captain Armor, I hope that you aren't this out of it when you return to duty."

Shining jumped slightly when he realized who was talking to him. He turned quickly and once he saw the amused face of the Celestia he felt his stomach drop. Crap.

"N-not at all your majesty. I was just, uhh... thinking about the new security procedures."

Shining swallowed hard and hoped that she bought it. Celestia nodded. "Yes, I understand that you might have felt some pressure from the nobles but I assure you that most of them see you and Cadance as heroes. No matter what happens in Equestria there is always one noble that complains. I suggest that you not worry about it."

Shining smiled and sighed. "Thank you but shouldn't you remain neutral? I mean you are the princess."

Celestia nodded with a matter of fact look on her face. "Yes but I would be a terrible aunt if I didn't help my newest nephew. Besides at the moment I was about to head up and visit you and Cadance. I hope I wasn't about to interrupt something. You are carrying a lot of food there."

Shining felt every alarm in his head go off. "Wuh... I mean no, er yes! I mean that I and Cadance, Cadance and I, I mean, were about to have a nice dinner and some talking about… uh, painting."

Shining smiled as best he could as he tried to walk down the hall while still facing the alicon princess and not dropping the tray of food. Celestia gave him a suspicious stare for a moment before smiling slyly.

She began walking towards him with the smile growing wider as she approached. "You know your sister smiles the same way when she lies through her teeth. Must be a family thing."

Shining swallowed again and felt sweat begin to form on his forehead. "L-lie? To you? Princess Celestia I'm the captain of the Royal Guard. I would never lie to you like this."

Celestia smile grew wicked. "On duty, yes but at the moment you're not on duty. So tell me what I'm really interrupting up there."

Shining gave a small cough. "Nothing. We were just going to have dinner..."

He stopped talking the moment the smile on Celestia's face began to fade. "Shining Armor I would like to have the truth now before I'm forced to order you to talk. You may not be on duty but your still my captain. If it's something embarrassing then just say so but if it's not then tell me. What are you trying to hide?"

Shining felt like he had been backed into a corner. He knew that no matter what he did he was going to have a princess mad at him and to make matters worse he knew which one it was going to be.

He lowered his head and his ears fell to the side of his head. "We're hiding a creature we found that was hiding in our suite. If you knew what kind you would probably fire me instantly."

Celestia stood there for a moment looking at the stallion before gently lifting his head up. "I will not fire you. You have saved my kingdom when I couldn't. I think I owe you a little leeway on something like this. What creature could be so bad that you were worried about losing your job?"

Shining's ears remained pinned. He looked around to make sure they were alone in the hallway. "It's a... changeling."

The hallway became much colder in an instant as Celestia spoke. "A WHAT!"

In an instant everything became bright and Shining felt his body get flooded with energy. The same moment his mind registered this it also all faded and he found himself standing in the suite he had left barely half an hour ago. A gasp came from behind him and a small squeal of fright.

"Celestia what are you doing here?"

The alicorn approached her niece with a look of cold fury. "What is this I hear about you hiding a changeling!"

Cadance looked from the angry princess to the shocked and scared stallion then to the small huddled form of Rose in the kitchen, that was out of sight of Celestia and Shining.

"Before you scream and yell at me I want you to at least look at her and meet her. Please."

Celestia was taken aback by the calm tone her niece was using with her. She had never seen her this determined and commanding with her. She found a new respect for her niece.

Celestia took in a slow breath and let it out slowly to calm herself. "Very well. Where is this changeling?"

Cadance motioned to the kitchen and led the princess and Shining into the kitchen to see Rose sitting on a chair behind the table and crouching low so only her eyes and ears were visible. The moment Celestia came into view Rose moved up from her lower position to look at her in wonder.

"Aunt Celestia this is Rose."

Celestia stood there for a moment then walked over to the filly with a look of even wonder. Cadance walked next to Shining and lifted the tray of food off of his back and hissed at him.

"How did she find out? I thought you went for food."

Shining hissed back. "I did but I ran into her and she forced me to tell her. She was heading up here anyways and I have a feeling that this was going to happen but she would have forced both of us to spill the truth instead of just me."

Cadance sighed and looked back at at Celestia and Rose. Rose was now standing on the table and was playing with Celestia's mane with a small smile on her face. The princess was smiling and giggling at the changeling’s curiosity. Rose stood up on her hind legs and tried to get closer to the alicorns mane but stopped after placing her hooves on Celestia's chest and became fascinated with her coat instead.

Celestia looked over at the married couple while Rose looked from her hooves to the white coat while making a chittering noise. "I wasn't expecting her to be so young... or this, well, cute. This doesn't make up for the fact that you intended to keep this from me. Explain yourselves now."

Cadance stepped forward and placed the tray of food down. "I found her in the bathroom earlier today and gave her a bath and fed her. Later Shining came up and I had to tell him of her. To be honest he wasn't thrilled about it either but I convinced him to keep quiet until I had time to take care of her for a week before I brought her to you. I'm sorry for intending to keep her a secret from you but I didn't want her to come to harm before she could stand a chance."

Cadance gently patted the changeling and pointed her to the food on the tray. Rose smiled up at her and moved over to the tray to eat.

"If you need to punish anypony for this, then punish me. This would have been my secret if it had stayed silent for the week."

Celestia watched the filly for a moment before she looked back to her niece and her nephew. "I see... you have put me into a very difficult position. The back lash of this news could be very large, especially from the same nobles that have been complaining about the fact that the invasion happened in the first place."

Shining and Cadance looked at each other for a moment with worried looks. Cadance walked up to the older Alicorn. "Then what about Rose. She can't survive out on her own."

Celestia nodded. "I know but with the current mood there is no way she can stay in the kingdom."

Cadance's ears perked at that. "Wait, what if we come up with a reason to keep her here? So then she could stay here until she’s old enough to take care of herself.”

Celestia shook her head and looked at the changeling that was eating happily. "That could work but what reason could possibly work?

A small cough came from the stallion behind the mares. They turned and noticed that he was looking between the two of them at Rose. "I think I have the solution. We tell everypony that were keeping her here in the castle for study."

The pair looked at him as if he had sprouted an extra head. Shining took their silence to explain himself. "We tell them that we've taken this one to study the changeling physiology and how they grow and adapt to new environments. We pretend that this is a study rather than us taking care of her. It’s the perfect cover."

Celestia stood there silently as Cadance threw herself at her husband. She kissed him hard on the lips and hugged him tightly.

She looked up at him with a loving yet playful grin. "I thought you didn't like her? Look at you getting all attached."

Shining hugged her back. "I can see that Rose makes you happy and if you’re happy then I'm happy. Also I figured that if she stayed here for a week she would grow on me."

Rose stopped eating the small salad she had dove into and looked up at the pair hugging. She could feel something like heat radiating from them. She moved to the edge of the paper to absorb as much of the heat as she could. Celestia noticed Rose's movement and followed her gaze.

Celestia cleared her throat to get the attention of the couple. "I think that this idea of yours may work. However, we will have to make it as convincing as possible. You will need to write reports to me on a monthly basis on how she is developing and growing. I'll make the announcement tomorrow to the council and talk to Luna tonight for her opinion on this matter and if she can think of something to help us keep the nobles and the royal council under control."

Celestia looked back at the changeling and gently patted it on the head. "Hopefully we can learn something about your kind and move past this fear and paranoia."

Celestia gathered her magic about her and in a flash of light was gone. Cadance and Shining shared a look for a moment then moved to the table. Minutes passed in silence before either of them spoke. Shining was the first to break the silence.

"I'm sorry I forced you into this. I know that writing reports on her wasn't the idea of keeping her secret but that was the only idea I could think of that could seem legitimate."

The princess sighed and moved a small plate of food in front of her as she watched Rose. "If it's the only way to keep her safe then I'll do it. Let’s just eat dinner and enjoy this night before things get really crazy."

Rose glanced between the older ponies and moved next to Cadance. She placed her head on the pink mare’s leg and nuzzled her as she ate; unaware that Cadance was worried about her.

Rose was under a warm blanket on the large soft thing in the larger room late in the night. Shining and Cadance had placed her here after the sun had gone down. The pair had gone back into the room with the different soft thing that she had slept on earlier in the day.

Rose slowly opened her eyes as a small pitter patter of sound reached her ears from the large see through thing across the room from her. Rose moved as close to the back of the soft thing as she could and pulled the blanket over herself to drown the sound out. This worked for only a minute when an loud *Kaboom* ripped through the room.

Rose let out a small screech and jumped off of the large soft thing as the room turned a blinding white. She scrambled on the hard wood floor for a moment and ran towards the door of the room where the white and pink creatures were. She failed to stop herself in time as another *Kaboom* reached her ears and she impacted with the door.

She sat there dazed for a moment then began to scratch and hit the large wooden thing frantically but it wouldn't budge for her. Growing more and more terrified of the loud noises Rose began to make a shrill cry in the hopes that one of the creatures beyond the large wooden thing would help her.

She was about to hit the door again when it suddenly opened. Rose fell on her face then quickly scrambled back to her hooves to see which one had saved her. She felt her chest tighten a little as she looked upon the white one that the pink one kept calling 'Shining'.

"What's gotten into you?"

Another large *Boom* rent the air and Rose let out another cry. She dove between Shining's legs and cowered.

Shining let out a slightly annoyed sigh. "You're scared of thunder and rain. Of course you are." Shining picked her up from the ground and walked towards the sofa. "Alright I'll tuck you in again."

Shining placed her on the sofa and placed the blanket over her. He spoke in a soft but tired voice. "It's nothing to worry about. Just some thunder. It can't hurt you in here."

Shining gently patted her on the head and started heading back towards his bedroom when a small whine came from behind him. Shining turned and saw Rose standing on the edge of the couch looking at him. He couldn't see her expression but he could the dim reflections off of her eyes.

Shining walked back to the sofa and sat down on it. "I'll be here until you fall asleep. After that I'm going back to my bed and my wife."

Rose ignored his speech and cuddled as close to him as was possible. Shining adjusted them both so the blanket covered them and he settled down on the sofa. The pair lay on the soft surface for a while in silence as the rain pattered on the window.


Rose let out a small squeal of fright and tightly hugged Shining. Shining used his magic to close the curtains as he gently brushed her head. The fin like crest on her head folded down to his touch and spring back up like a mane would.

"It's okay. I'm not going to let some big mean lightning hurt you."

Rose settled down in Shining's legs and slowly fell asleep. Shining shifted a little on the sofa and was about to get up when the filly he was holding made a small chittering nose and nuzzled his chest. He felt a warm pang in his chest as she settled on his chest and started breathing deeply.

"I guess I could stay right here on the sofa." Shining placed his head on the pillow and fell asleep feeling proud of himself for being here to help Rose through the night.